import sqlite3 from threading import Lock from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Union, get_args from pydantic import BaseModel, parse_raw_as from .item_storage import ItemStorageABC, PaginatedResults T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseModel) sqlite_memory = ":memory:" class SqliteItemStorage(ItemStorageABC, Generic[T]): _filename: str _table_name: str _conn: sqlite3.Connection _cursor: sqlite3.Cursor _id_field: str _lock: Lock def __init__(self, filename: str, table_name: str, id_field: str = "id"): super().__init__() self._filename = filename self._table_name = table_name self._id_field = id_field # TODO: validate that T has this field self._lock = Lock() self._conn = sqlite3.connect( self._filename, check_same_thread=False ) # TODO: figure out a better threading solution self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() self._create_table() def _create_table(self): with self._lock: self._cursor.execute( f"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self._table_name} ( item TEXT, id TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(item, '$.{self._id_field}')) VIRTUAL NOT NULL);""" ) self._cursor.execute( f"""CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {self._table_name}_id ON {self._table_name}(id);""" ) self._conn.commit() def _parse_item(self, item: str) -> T: item_type = get_args(self.__orig_class__)[0] return parse_raw_as(item_type, item) def set(self, item: T): with self._lock: self._cursor.execute( f"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {self._table_name} (item) VALUES (?);""", (item.json(),), ) self._conn.commit() self._on_changed(item) def get(self, id: str) -> Union[T, None]: with self._lock: self._cursor.execute( f"""SELECT item FROM {self._table_name} WHERE id = ?;""", (str(id),) ) result = self._cursor.fetchone() if not result: return None return self._parse_item(result[0]) def delete(self, id: str): with self._lock: self._cursor.execute( f"""DELETE FROM {self._table_name} WHERE id = ?;""", (str(id),) ) self._conn.commit() self._on_deleted(id) def list(self, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10) -> PaginatedResults[T]: with self._lock: self._cursor.execute( f"""SELECT item FROM {self._table_name} LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;""", (per_page, page * per_page), ) result = self._cursor.fetchall() items = list(map(lambda r: self._parse_item(r[0]), result)) self._cursor.execute(f"""SELECT count(*) FROM {self._table_name};""") count = self._cursor.fetchone()[0] pageCount = int(count / per_page) + 1 return PaginatedResults[T]( items=items, page=page, pages=pageCount, per_page=per_page, total=count ) def search( self, query: str, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10 ) -> PaginatedResults[T]: with self._lock: self._cursor.execute( f"""SELECT item FROM {self._table_name} WHERE item LIKE ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;""", (f"%{query}%", per_page, page * per_page), ) result = self._cursor.fetchall() items = list(map(lambda r: self._parse_item(r[0]), result)) self._cursor.execute( f"""SELECT count(*) FROM {self._table_name} WHERE item LIKE ?;""", (f"%{query}%",), ) count = self._cursor.fetchone()[0] pageCount = int(count / per_page) + 1 return PaginatedResults[T]( items=items, page=page, pages=pageCount, per_page=per_page, total=count )