    "accessibility": {
        "copyMetadataJson": "Copy metadata JSON",
        "exitViewer": "Exit Viewer",
        "flipHorizontally": "Flip Horizontally",
        "flipVertically": "Flip Vertically",
        "invokeProgressBar": "Invoke progress bar",
        "menu": "Menu",
        "modelSelect": "Model Select",
        "modifyConfig": "Modify Config",
        "nextImage": "Next Image",
        "previousImage": "Previous Image",
        "reset": "Reset",
        "rotateClockwise": "Rotate Clockwise",
        "rotateCounterClockwise": "Rotate Counter-Clockwise",
        "showGallery": "Show Gallery",
        "showOptionsPanel": "Show Side Panel",
        "toggleAutoscroll": "Toggle autoscroll",
        "toggleLogViewer": "Toggle Log Viewer",
        "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
        "useThisParameter": "Use this parameter",
        "zoomIn": "Zoom In",
        "zoomOut": "Zoom Out"
    "boards": {
        "addBoard": "Add Board",
        "autoAddBoard": "Auto-Add Board",
        "bottomMessage": "Deleting this board and its images will reset any features currently using them.",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "changeBoard": "Change Board",
        "clearSearch": "Clear Search",
        "loading": "Loading...",
        "menuItemAutoAdd": "Auto-add to this Board",
        "move": "Move",
        "myBoard": "My Board",
        "noMatching": "No matching Boards",
        "searchBoard": "Search Boards...",
        "selectBoard": "Select a Board",
        "topMessage": "This board contains images used in the following features:",
        "uncategorized": "Uncategorized"
    "common": {
        "accept": "Accept",
        "advanced": "Advanced",
        "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
        "back": "Back",
        "batch": "Batch Manager",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "close": "Close",
        "communityLabel": "Community",
        "controlNet": "Controlnet",
        "ipAdapter": "IP Adapter",
        "darkMode": "Dark Mode",
        "discordLabel": "Discord",
        "dontAskMeAgain": "Don't ask me again",
        "generate": "Generate",
        "githubLabel": "Github",
        "hotkeysLabel": "Hotkeys",
        "imagePrompt": "Image Prompt",
        "img2img": "Image To Image",
        "langArabic": "العربية",
        "langBrPortuguese": "Português do Brasil",
        "langDutch": "Nederlands",
        "langEnglish": "English",
        "langFrench": "Français",
        "langGerman": "Deutsch",
        "langHebrew": "עברית",
        "langItalian": "Italiano",
        "langJapanese": "日本語",
        "langKorean": "한국어",
        "langPolish": "Polski",
        "langPortuguese": "Português",
        "langRussian": "Русский",
        "langSimplifiedChinese": "简体中文",
        "langSpanish": "Español",
        "languagePickerLabel": "Language",
        "langUkranian": "Украї́нська",
        "lightMode": "Light Mode",
        "linear": "Linear",
        "load": "Load",
        "loading": "Loading",
        "loadingInvokeAI": "Loading Invoke AI",
        "modelManager": "Model Manager",
        "nodeEditor": "Node Editor",
        "nodes": "Workflow Editor",
        "nodesDesc": "A node based system for the generation of images is under development currently. Stay tuned for updates about this amazing feature.",
        "openInNewTab": "Open in New Tab",
        "postProcessDesc1": "Invoke AI offers a wide variety of post processing features. Image Upscaling and Face Restoration are already available in the WebUI. You can access them from the Advanced Options menu of the Text To Image and Image To Image tabs. You can also process images directly, using the image action buttons above the current image display or in the viewer.",
        "postProcessDesc2": "A dedicated UI will be released soon to facilitate more advanced post processing workflows.",
        "postProcessDesc3": "The Invoke AI Command Line Interface offers various other features including Embiggen.",
        "postprocessing": "Post Processing",
        "postProcessing": "Post Processing",
        "random": "Random",
        "reportBugLabel": "Report Bug",
        "settingsLabel": "Settings",
        "statusConnected": "Connected",
        "statusConvertingModel": "Converting Model",
        "statusDisconnected": "Disconnected",
        "statusError": "Error",
        "statusGenerating": "Generating",
        "statusGeneratingImageToImage": "Generating Image To Image",
        "statusGeneratingInpainting": "Generating Inpainting",
        "statusGeneratingOutpainting": "Generating Outpainting",
        "statusGeneratingTextToImage": "Generating Text To Image",
        "statusGenerationComplete": "Generation Complete",
        "statusIterationComplete": "Iteration Complete",
        "statusLoadingModel": "Loading Model",
        "statusMergedModels": "Models Merged",
        "statusMergingModels": "Merging Models",
        "statusModelChanged": "Model Changed",
        "statusModelConverted": "Model Converted",
        "statusPreparing": "Preparing",
        "statusProcessingCanceled": "Processing Canceled",
        "statusProcessingComplete": "Processing Complete",
        "statusRestoringFaces": "Restoring Faces",
        "statusRestoringFacesCodeFormer": "Restoring Faces (CodeFormer)",
        "statusRestoringFacesGFPGAN": "Restoring Faces (GFPGAN)",
        "statusSavingImage": "Saving Image",
        "statusUpscaling": "Upscaling",
        "statusUpscalingESRGAN": "Upscaling (ESRGAN)",
        "training": "Training",
        "trainingDesc1": "A dedicated workflow for training your own embeddings and checkpoints using Textual Inversion and Dreambooth from the web interface.",
        "trainingDesc2": "InvokeAI already supports training custom embeddourings using Textual Inversion using the main script.",
        "txt2img": "Text To Image",
        "unifiedCanvas": "Unified Canvas",
        "upload": "Upload"
    "controlnet": {
        "amult": "a_mult",
        "autoConfigure": "Auto configure processor",
        "balanced": "Balanced",
        "beginEndStepPercent": "Begin / End Step Percentage",
        "bgth": "bg_th",
        "canny": "Canny",
        "cannyDescription": "Canny edge detection",
        "coarse": "Coarse",
        "contentShuffle": "Content Shuffle",
        "contentShuffleDescription": "Shuffles the content in an image",
        "control": "Control",
        "controlMode": "Control Mode",
        "crop": "Crop",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "depthMidas": "Depth (Midas)",
        "depthMidasDescription": "Depth map generation using Midas",
        "depthZoe": "Depth (Zoe)",
        "depthZoeDescription": "Depth map generation using Zoe",
        "detectResolution": "Detect Resolution",
        "duplicate": "Duplicate",
        "enableControlnet": "Enable ControlNet",
        "f": "F",
        "fill": "Fill",
        "h": "H",
        "handAndFace": "Hand and Face",
        "hed": "HED",
        "hedDescription": "Holistically-Nested Edge Detection",
        "hideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced",
        "highThreshold": "High Threshold",
        "imageResolution": "Image Resolution",
        "importImageFromCanvas": "Import Image From Canvas",
        "importMaskFromCanvas": "Import Mask From Canvas",
        "incompatibleBaseModel": "Incompatible base model:",
        "lineart": "Lineart",
        "lineartAnime": "Lineart Anime",
        "lineartAnimeDescription": "Anime-style lineart processing",
        "lineartDescription": "Converts image to lineart",
        "lowThreshold": "Low Threshold",
        "maxFaces": "Max Faces",
        "mediapipeFace": "Mediapipe Face",
        "mediapipeFaceDescription": "Face detection using Mediapipe",
        "megaControl": "Mega Control",
        "minConfidence": "Min Confidence",
        "mlsd": "M-LSD",
        "mlsdDescription": "Minimalist Line Segment Detector",
        "none": "None",
        "noneDescription": "No processing applied",
        "normalBae": "Normal BAE",
        "normalBaeDescription": "Normal BAE processing",
        "openPose": "Openpose",
        "openPoseDescription": "Human pose estimation using Openpose",
        "pidi": "PIDI",
        "pidiDescription": "PIDI image processing",
        "processor": "Processor",
        "prompt": "Prompt",
        "resetControlImage": "Reset Control Image",
        "resize": "Resize",
        "resizeMode": "Resize Mode",
        "safe": "Safe",
        "saveControlImage": "Save Control Image",
        "scribble": "scribble",
        "selectModel": "Select a model",
        "setControlImageDimensions": "Set Control Image Dimensions To W/H",
        "showAdvanced": "Show Advanced",
        "toggleControlNet": "Toggle this ControlNet",
        "w": "W",
        "weight": "Weight",
        "enableIPAdapter": "Enable IP Adapter",
        "ipAdapterModel": "Adapter Model",
        "resetIPAdapterImage": "Reset IP Adapter Image",
        "ipAdapterImageFallback": "No IP Adapter Image Selected"
    "embedding": {
        "addEmbedding": "Add Embedding",
        "incompatibleModel": "Incompatible base model:",
        "noMatchingEmbedding": "No matching Embeddings"
    "gallery": {
        "allImagesLoaded": "All Images Loaded",
        "assets": "Assets",
        "autoAssignBoardOnClick": "Auto-Assign Board on Click",
        "autoSwitchNewImages": "Auto-Switch to New Images",
        "copy": "Copy",
        "currentlyInUse": "This image is currently in use in the following features:",
        "deleteImage": "Delete Image",
        "deleteImageBin": "Deleted images will be sent to your operating system's Bin.",
        "deleteImagePermanent": "Deleted images cannot be restored.",
        "download": "Download",
        "featuresWillReset": "If you delete this image, those features will immediately be reset.",
        "galleryImageResetSize": "Reset Size",
        "galleryImageSize": "Image Size",
        "gallerySettings": "Gallery Settings",
        "generations": "Generations",
        "images": "Images",
        "loading": "Loading",
        "loadMore": "Load More",
        "maintainAspectRatio": "Maintain Aspect Ratio",
        "noImagesInGallery": "No Images to Display",
        "setCurrentImage": "Set as Current Image",
        "showGenerations": "Show Generations",
        "showUploads": "Show Uploads",
        "singleColumnLayout": "Single Column Layout",
        "unableToLoad": "Unable to load Gallery",
        "uploads": "Uploads"
    "hotkeys": {
        "acceptStagingImage": {
            "desc": "Accept Current Staging Area Image",
            "title": "Accept Staging Image"
        "addNodes": {
            "desc": "Opens the add node menu",
            "title": "Add Nodes"
        "appHotkeys": "App Hotkeys",
        "cancel": {
            "desc": "Cancel image generation",
            "title": "Cancel"
        "changeTabs": {
            "desc": "Switch to another workspace",
            "title": "Change Tabs"
        "clearMask": {
            "desc": "Clear the entire mask",
            "title": "Clear Mask"
        "closePanels": {
            "desc": "Closes open panels",
            "title": "Close Panels"
        "colorPicker": {
            "desc": "Selects the canvas color picker",
            "title": "Select Color Picker"
        "consoleToggle": {
            "desc": "Open and close console",
            "title": "Console Toggle"
        "copyToClipboard": {
            "desc": "Copy current canvas to clipboard",
            "title": "Copy to Clipboard"
        "decreaseBrushOpacity": {
            "desc": "Decreases the opacity of the canvas brush",
            "title": "Decrease Brush Opacity"
        "decreaseBrushSize": {
            "desc": "Decreases the size of the canvas brush/eraser",
            "title": "Decrease Brush Size"
        "decreaseGalleryThumbSize": {
            "desc": "Decreases gallery thumbnails size",
            "title": "Decrease Gallery Image Size"
        "deleteImage": {
            "desc": "Delete the current image",
            "title": "Delete Image"
        "downloadImage": {
            "desc": "Download current canvas",
            "title": "Download Image"
        "eraseBoundingBox": {
            "desc": "Erases the bounding box area",
            "title": "Erase Bounding Box"
        "fillBoundingBox": {
            "desc": "Fills the bounding box with brush color",
            "title": "Fill Bounding Box"
        "focusPrompt": {
            "desc": "Focus the prompt input area",
            "title": "Focus Prompt"
        "galleryHotkeys": "Gallery Hotkeys",
        "generalHotkeys": "General Hotkeys",
        "hideMask": {
            "desc": "Hide and unhide mask",
            "title": "Hide Mask"
        "increaseBrushOpacity": {
            "desc": "Increases the opacity of the canvas brush",
            "title": "Increase Brush Opacity"
        "increaseBrushSize": {
            "desc": "Increases the size of the canvas brush/eraser",
            "title": "Increase Brush Size"
        "increaseGalleryThumbSize": {
            "desc": "Increases gallery thumbnails size",
            "title": "Increase Gallery Image Size"
        "invoke": {
            "desc": "Generate an image",
            "title": "Invoke"
        "keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
        "maximizeWorkSpace": {
            "desc": "Close panels and maximize work area",
            "title": "Maximize Workspace"
        "mergeVisible": {
            "desc": "Merge all visible layers of canvas",
            "title": "Merge Visible"
        "moveTool": {
            "desc": "Allows canvas navigation",
            "title": "Move Tool"
        "nextImage": {
            "desc": "Display the next image in gallery",
            "title": "Next Image"
        "nextStagingImage": {
            "desc": "Next Staging Area Image",
            "title": "Next Staging Image"
        "nodesHotkeys": "Nodes Hotkeys",
        "pinOptions": {
            "desc": "Pin the options panel",
            "title": "Pin Options"
        "previousImage": {
            "desc": "Display the previous image in gallery",
            "title": "Previous Image"
        "previousStagingImage": {
            "desc": "Previous Staging Area Image",
            "title": "Previous Staging Image"
        "quickToggleMove": {
            "desc": "Temporarily toggles Move mode",
            "title": "Quick Toggle Move"
        "redoStroke": {
            "desc": "Redo a brush stroke",
            "title": "Redo Stroke"
        "resetView": {
            "desc": "Reset Canvas View",
            "title": "Reset View"
        "restoreFaces": {
            "desc": "Restore the current image",
            "title": "Restore Faces"
        "saveToGallery": {
            "desc": "Save current canvas to gallery",
            "title": "Save To Gallery"
        "selectBrush": {
            "desc": "Selects the canvas brush",
            "title": "Select Brush"
        "selectEraser": {
            "desc": "Selects the canvas eraser",
            "title": "Select Eraser"
        "sendToImageToImage": {
            "desc": "Send current image to Image to Image",
            "title": "Send To Image To Image"
        "setParameters": {
            "desc": "Use all parameters of the current image",
            "title": "Set Parameters"
        "setPrompt": {
            "desc": "Use the prompt of the current image",
            "title": "Set Prompt"
        "setSeed": {
            "desc": "Use the seed of the current image",
            "title": "Set Seed"
        "showHideBoundingBox": {
            "desc": "Toggle visibility of bounding box",
            "title": "Show/Hide Bounding Box"
        "showInfo": {
            "desc": "Show metadata info of the current image",
            "title": "Show Info"
        "toggleGallery": {
            "desc": "Open and close the gallery drawer",
            "title": "Toggle Gallery"
        "toggleGalleryPin": {
            "desc": "Pins and unpins the gallery to the UI",
            "title": "Toggle Gallery Pin"
        "toggleLayer": {
            "desc": "Toggles mask/base layer selection",
            "title": "Toggle Layer"
        "toggleOptions": {
            "desc": "Open and close the options panel",
            "title": "Toggle Options"
        "toggleSnap": {
            "desc": "Toggles Snap to Grid",
            "title": "Toggle Snap"
        "toggleViewer": {
            "desc": "Open and close Image Viewer",
            "title": "Toggle Viewer"
        "undoStroke": {
            "desc": "Undo a brush stroke",
            "title": "Undo Stroke"
        "unifiedCanvasHotkeys": "Unified Canvas Hotkeys",
        "upscale": {
            "desc": "Upscale the current image",
            "title": "Upscale"
    "metadata": {
        "cfgScale": "CFG scale",
        "createdBy": "Created By",
        "fit": "Image to image fit",
        "generationMode": "Generation Mode",
        "height": "Height",
        "hiresFix": "High Resolution Optimization",
        "imageDetails": "Image Details",
        "initImage": "Initial image",
        "metadata": "Metadata",
        "model": "Model",
        "negativePrompt": "Negative Prompt",
        "noImageDetails": "No image details found",
        "noMetaData": "No metadata found",
        "perlin": "Perlin Noise",
        "positivePrompt": "Positive Prompt",
        "scheduler": "Scheduler",
        "seamless": "Seamless",
        "seed": "Seed",
        "steps": "Steps",
        "strength": "Image to image strength",
        "Threshold": "Noise Threshold",
        "variations": "Seed-weight pairs",
        "width": "Width",
        "workflow": "Workflow"
    "modelManager": {
        "active": "active",
        "addCheckpointModel": "Add Checkpoint / Safetensor Model",
        "addDifference": "Add Difference",
        "addDiffuserModel": "Add Diffusers",
        "addManually": "Add Manually",
        "addModel": "Add Model",
        "addNew": "Add New",
        "addNewModel": "Add New Model",
        "addSelected": "Add Selected",
        "advanced": "Advanced",
        "allModels": "All Models",
        "alpha": "Alpha",
        "availableModels": "Available Models",
        "baseModel": "Base Model",
        "cached": "cached",
        "cannotUseSpaces": "Cannot Use Spaces",
        "checkpointFolder": "Checkpoint Folder",
        "checkpointModels": "Checkpoints",
        "clearCheckpointFolder": "Clear Checkpoint Folder",
        "closeAdvanced": "Close Advanced",
        "config": "Config",
        "configValidationMsg": "Path to the config file of your model.",
        "convert": "Convert",
        "convertingModelBegin": "Converting Model. Please wait.",
        "convertToDiffusers": "Convert To Diffusers",
        "convertToDiffusersHelpText1": "This model will be converted to the 🧨 Diffusers format.",
        "convertToDiffusersHelpText2": "This process will replace your Model Manager entry with the Diffusers version of the same model.",
        "convertToDiffusersHelpText3": "Your checkpoint file on disk WILL be deleted if it is in InvokeAI root folder. If it is in a custom location, then it WILL NOT be deleted.",
        "convertToDiffusersHelpText4": "This is a one time process only. It might take around 30s-60s depending on the specifications of your computer.",
        "convertToDiffusersHelpText5": "Please make sure you have enough disk space. Models generally vary between 2GB-7GB in size.",
        "convertToDiffusersHelpText6": "Do you wish to convert this model?",
        "convertToDiffusersSaveLocation": "Save Location",
        "custom": "Custom",
        "customConfig": "Custom Config",
        "customConfigFileLocation": "Custom Config File Location",
        "customSaveLocation": "Custom Save Location",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "deleteConfig": "Delete Config",
        "deleteModel": "Delete Model",
        "deleteMsg1": "Are you sure you want to delete this model from InvokeAI?",
        "deleteMsg2": "This WILL delete the model from disk if it is in the InvokeAI root folder. If you are using a custom location, then the model WILL NOT be deleted from disk.",
        "description": "Description",
        "descriptionValidationMsg": "Add a description for your model",
        "deselectAll": "Deselect All",
        "diffusersModels": "Diffusers",
        "findModels": "Find Models",
        "formMessageDiffusersModelLocation": "Diffusers Model Location",
        "formMessageDiffusersModelLocationDesc": "Please enter at least one.",
        "formMessageDiffusersVAELocation": "VAE Location",
        "formMessageDiffusersVAELocationDesc": "If not provided, InvokeAI will look for the VAE file inside the model location given above.",
        "height": "Height",
        "heightValidationMsg": "Default height of your model.",
        "ignoreMismatch": "Ignore Mismatches Between Selected Models",
        "importModels": "Import Models",
        "inpainting": "v1 Inpainting",
        "interpolationType": "Interpolation Type",
        "inverseSigmoid": "Inverse Sigmoid",
        "invokeAIFolder": "Invoke AI Folder",
        "invokeRoot": "InvokeAI folder",
        "load": "Load",
        "loraModels": "LoRAs",
        "manual": "Manual",
        "merge": "Merge",
        "mergedModelCustomSaveLocation": "Custom Path",
        "mergedModelName": "Merged Model Name",
        "mergedModelSaveLocation": "Save Location",
        "mergeModels": "Merge Models",
        "model": "Model",
        "modelAdded": "Model Added",
        "modelConversionFailed": "Model Conversion Failed",
        "modelConverted": "Model Converted",
        "modelDeleted": "Model Deleted",
        "modelDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete model",
        "modelEntryDeleted": "Model Entry Deleted",
        "modelExists": "Model Exists",
        "modelLocation": "Model Location",
        "modelLocationValidationMsg": "Provide the path to a local folder where your Diffusers Model is stored",
        "modelManager": "Model Manager",
        "modelMergeAlphaHelp": "Alpha controls blend strength for the models. Lower alpha values lead to lower influence of the second model.",
        "modelMergeHeaderHelp1": "You can merge up to three different models to create a blend that suits your needs.",
        "modelMergeHeaderHelp2": "Only Diffusers are available for merging. If you want to merge a checkpoint model, please convert it to Diffusers first.",
        "modelMergeInterpAddDifferenceHelp": "In this mode, Model 3 is first subtracted from Model 2. The resulting version is blended with Model 1 with the alpha rate set above.",
        "modelOne": "Model 1",
        "modelsFound": "Models Found",
        "modelsMerged": "Models Merged",
        "modelsMergeFailed": "Model Merge Failed",
        "modelsSynced": "Models Synced",
        "modelSyncFailed": "Model Sync Failed",
        "modelThree": "Model 3",
        "modelTwo": "Model 2",
        "modelType": "Model Type",
        "modelUpdated": "Model Updated",
        "modelUpdateFailed": "Model Update Failed",
        "name": "Name",
        "nameValidationMsg": "Enter a name for your model",
        "noCustomLocationProvided": "No Custom Location Provided",
        "noModels": "No Models Found",
        "noModelsFound": "No Models Found",
        "none": "none",
        "notLoaded": "not loaded",
        "oliveModels": "Olives",
        "onnxModels": "Onnx",
        "pathToCustomConfig": "Path To Custom Config",
        "pickModelType": "Pick Model Type",
        "predictionType": "Prediction Type (for Stable Diffusion 2.x Models only)",
        "quickAdd": "Quick Add",
        "repo_id": "Repo ID",
        "repoIDValidationMsg": "Online repository of your model",
        "safetensorModels": "SafeTensors",
        "sameFolder": "Same folder",
        "scanAgain": "Scan Again",
        "scanForModels": "Scan For Models",
        "search": "Search",
        "selectAll": "Select All",
        "selectAndAdd": "Select and Add Models Listed Below",
        "selected": "Selected",
        "selectFolder": "Select Folder",
        "selectModel": "Select Model",
        "settings": "Settings",
        "showExisting": "Show Existing",
        "sigmoid": "Sigmoid",
        "simpleModelDesc": "Provide a path to a local Diffusers model, local checkpoint / safetensors model a HuggingFace Repo ID, or a checkpoint/diffusers model URL.",
        "statusConverting": "Converting",
        "syncModels": "Sync Models",
        "syncModelsDesc": "If your models are out of sync with the backend, you can refresh them up using this option. This is generally handy in cases where you manually update your models.yaml file or add models to the InvokeAI root folder after the application has booted.",
        "updateModel": "Update Model",
        "useCustomConfig": "Use Custom Config",
        "v1": "v1",
        "v2_768": "v2 (768px)",
        "v2_base": "v2 (512px)",
        "vae": "VAE",
        "vaeLocation": "VAE Location",
        "vaeLocationValidationMsg": "Path to where your VAE is located.",
        "vaeRepoID": "VAE Repo ID",
        "vaeRepoIDValidationMsg": "Online repository of your VAE",
        "variant": "Variant",
        "weightedSum": "Weighted Sum",
        "width": "Width",
        "widthValidationMsg": "Default width of your model."
    "models": {
        "loading": "loading",
        "noLoRAsAvailable": "No LoRAs available",
        "noMatchingLoRAs": "No matching LoRAs",
        "noMatchingModels": "No matching Models",
        "noModelsAvailable": "No Modelss available",
        "selectLoRA": "Select a LoRA",
        "selectModel": "Select a Model"
    "nodes": {
        "addNode": "Add Node",
        "addNodeToolTip": "Add Node (Shift+A, Space)",
        "animatedEdges": "Animated Edges",
        "animatedEdgesHelp": "Animate selected edges and edges connected to selected nodes",
        "boolean": "Booleans",
        "booleanCollection": "Boolean Collection",
        "booleanCollectionDescription": "A collection of booleans.",
        "booleanDescription": "Booleans are true or false.",
        "booleanPolymorphic": "Boolean Polymorphic",
        "booleanPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of booleans.",
        "cannotConnectInputToInput": "Cannot connect input to input",
        "cannotConnectOutputToOutput": "Cannot connect output to output",
        "cannotConnectToSelf": "Cannot connect to self",
        "clipField": "Clip",
        "clipFieldDescription": "Tokenizer and text_encoder submodels.",
        "collection": "Collection",
        "collectionDescription": "TODO",
        "collectionItem": "Collection Item",
        "collectionItemDescription": "TODO",
        "colorCodeEdges": "Color-Code Edges",
        "colorCodeEdgesHelp": "Color-code edges according to their connected fields",
        "colorCollectionDescription": "A collection of colors.",
        "colorField": "Color",
        "colorFieldDescription": "A RGBA color.",
        "colorPolymorphic": "Color Polymorphic",
        "colorPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of colors.",
        "conditioningCollection": "Conditioning Collection",
        "conditioningCollectionDescription": "Conditioning may be passed between nodes.",
        "conditioningField": "Conditioning",
        "conditioningFieldDescription": "Conditioning may be passed between nodes.",
        "conditioningPolymorphic": "Conditioning Polymorphic",
        "conditioningPolymorphicDescription": "Conditioning may be passed between nodes.",
        "connectionWouldCreateCycle": "Connection would create a cycle",
        "controlCollection": "Control Collection",
        "controlCollectionDescription": "Control info passed between nodes.",
        "controlField": "Control",
        "controlFieldDescription": "Control info passed between nodes.",
        "currentImage": "Current Image",
        "currentImageDescription": "Displays the current image in the Node Editor",
        "denoiseMaskField": "Denoise Mask",
        "denoiseMaskFieldDescription": "Denoise Mask may be passed between nodes",
        "doesNotExist": "does not exist",
        "downloadWorkflow": "Download Workflow JSON",
        "edge": "Edge",
        "enum": "Enum",
        "enumDescription": "Enums are values that may be one of a number of options.",
        "executionStateCompleted": "Completed",
        "executionStateError": "Error",
        "executionStateInProgress": "In Progress",
        "fieldTypesMustMatch": "Field types must match",
        "fitViewportNodes": "Fit View",
        "float": "Float",
        "floatCollection": "Float Collection",
        "floatCollectionDescription": "A collection of floats.",
        "floatDescription": "Floats are numbers with a decimal point.",
        "floatPolymorphic": "Float Polymorphic",
        "floatPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of floats.",
        "fullyContainNodes": "Fully Contain Nodes to Select",
        "fullyContainNodesHelp": "Nodes must be fully inside the selection box to be selected",
        "hideGraphNodes": "Hide Graph Overlay",
        "hideLegendNodes": "Hide Field Type Legend",
        "hideMinimapnodes": "Hide MiniMap",
        "imageCollection": "Image Collection",
        "imageCollectionDescription": "A collection of images.",
        "imageField": "Image",
        "imageFieldDescription": "Images may be passed between nodes.",
        "imagePolymorphic": "Image Polymorphic",
        "imagePolymorphicDescription": "A collection of images.",
        "inputFields": "Input Feilds",
        "inputMayOnlyHaveOneConnection": "Input may only have one connection",
        "inputNode": "Input Node",
        "integer": "Integer",
        "integerCollection": "Integer Collection",
        "integerCollectionDescription": "A collection of integers.",
        "integerDescription": "Integers are whole numbers, without a decimal point.",
        "integerPolymorphic": "Integer Polymorphic",
        "integerPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of integers.",
        "invalidOutputSchema": "Invalid output schema",
        "latentsCollection": "Latents Collection",
        "latentsCollectionDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
        "latentsField": "Latents",
        "latentsFieldDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
        "latentsPolymorphic": "Latents Polymorphic",
        "latentsPolymorphicDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
        "loadingNodes": "Loading Nodes...",
        "loadWorkflow": "Load Workflow",
        "loRAModelField": "LoRA",
        "loRAModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
        "mainModelField": "Model",
        "mainModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
        "maybeIncompatible": "May be Incompatible With Installed",
        "mismatchedVersion": "Has Mismatched Version",
        "missingCanvaInitImage": "Missing canvas init image",
        "missingCanvaInitMaskImages": "Missing canvas init and mask images",
        "missingTemplate": "Missing Template",
        "noConnectionData": "No connection data",
        "noConnectionInProgress": "No connection in progress",
        "node": "Node",
        "nodeOutputs": "Node Outputs",
        "nodeSearch": "Search for nodes",
        "nodeTemplate": "Node Template",
        "nodeType": "Node Type",
        "noFieldsLinearview": "No fields added to Linear View",
        "noFieldType": "No field type",
        "noImageFoundState": "No initial image found in state",
        "noMatchingNodes": "No matching nodes",
        "noNodeSelected": "No node selected",
        "noOpacity": "Node Opacity",
        "noOutputRecorded": "No outputs recorded",
        "noOutputSchemaName": "No output schema name found in ref object",
        "notes": "Notes",
        "notesDescription": "Add notes about your workflow",
        "oNNXModelField": "ONNX Model",
        "oNNXModelFieldDescription": "ONNX model field.",
        "outputFields": "Output Feilds",
        "outputNode": "Output node",
        "outputSchemaNotFound": "Output schema not found",
        "pickOne": "Pick One",
        "problemReadingMetadata": "Problem reading metadata from image",
        "problemReadingWorkflow": "Problem reading workflow from image",
        "problemSettingTitle": "Problem Setting Title",
        "reloadNodeTemplates": "Reload Node Templates",
        "removeLinearView": "Remove from Linear View",
        "resetWorkflow": "Reset Workflow",
        "resetWorkflowDesc": "Are you sure you want to reset this workflow?",
        "resetWorkflowDesc2": "Resetting the workflow will clear all nodes, edges and workflow details.",
        "scheduler": "Scheduler",
        "schedulerDescription": "TODO",
        "sDXLMainModelField": "SDXL Model",
        "sDXLMainModelFieldDescription": "SDXL model field.",
        "sDXLRefinerModelField": "Refiner Model",
        "sDXLRefinerModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
        "showGraphNodes": "Show Graph Overlay",
        "showLegendNodes": "Show Field Type Legend",
        "showMinimapnodes": "Show MiniMap",
        "skipped": "Skipped",
        "skippedReservedInput": "Skipped reserved input field",
        "skippedReservedOutput": "Skipped reserved output field",
        "skippingInputNoTemplate": "Skipping input field with no template",
        "skippingReservedFieldType": "Skipping reserved field type",
        "skippingUnknownInputType": "Skipping unknown input field type",
        "skippingUnknownOutputType": "Skipping unknown output field type",
        "snapToGrid": "Snap to Grid",
        "snapToGridHelp": "Snap nodes to grid when moved",
        "sourceNode": "Source node",
        "string": "String",
        "stringCollection": "String Collection",
        "stringCollectionDescription": "A collection of strings.",
        "stringDescription": "Strings are text.",
        "stringPolymorphic": "String Polymorphic",
        "stringPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of strings.",
        "unableToLoadWorkflow": "Unable to Validate Workflow",
        "unableToParseEdge": "Unable to parse edge",
        "unableToParseNode": "Unable to parse node",
        "unableToValidateWorkflow": "Unable to Validate Workflow",
        "uNetField": "UNet",
        "uNetFieldDescription": "UNet submodel.",
        "unhandledInputProperty": "Unhandled input property",
        "unhandledOutputProperty": "Unhandled output property",
        "unknownField": "Unknown Field",
        "unknownNode": "Unknown Node",
        "unknownTemplate": "Unknown Template",
        "unkownInvocation": "Unknown Invocation type",
        "updateApp": "Update App",
        "vaeField": "Vae",
        "vaeFieldDescription": "Vae submodel.",
        "vaeModelField": "VAE",
        "vaeModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
        "validateConnections": "Validate Connections and Graph",
        "validateConnectionsHelp": "Prevent invalid connections from being made, and invalid graphs from being invoked",
        "version": "Version",
        "versionUnknown": " Version Unknown",
        "workflow": "Workflow",
        "workflowAuthor": "Author",
        "workflowContact": "Contact",
        "workflowDescription": "Short Description",
        "workflowName": "Name",
        "workflowNotes": "Notes",
        "workflowSettings": "Workflow Editor Settings",
        "workflowTags": "Tags",
        "workflowValidation": "Workflow Validation Error",
        "workflowVersion": "Version",
        "zoomInNodes": "Zoom In",
        "zoomOutNodes": "Zoom Out"
    "parameters": {
        "aspectRatio": "Ratio",
        "boundingBoxHeader": "Bounding Box",
        "boundingBoxHeight": "Bounding Box Height",
        "boundingBoxWidth": "Bounding Box Width",
        "cancel": {
            "cancel": "Cancel",
            "immediate": "Cancel immediately",
            "isScheduled": "Canceling",
            "schedule": "Cancel after current iteration",
            "setType": "Set cancel type"
        "cfgScale": "CFG Scale",
        "clipSkip": "CLIP Skip",
        "closeViewer": "Close Viewer",
        "codeformerFidelity": "Fidelity",
        "coherenceMode": "Mode",
        "coherencePassHeader": "Coherence Pass",
        "coherenceSteps": "Steps",
        "coherenceStrength": "Strength",
        "compositingSettingsHeader": "Compositing Settings",
        "controlNetControlMode": "Control Mode",
        "copyImage": "Copy Image",
        "copyImageToLink": "Copy Image To Link",
        "denoisingStrength": "Denoising Strength",
        "downloadImage": "Download Image",
        "enableNoiseSettings": "Enable Noise Settings",
        "faceRestoration": "Face Restoration",
        "general": "General",
        "height": "Height",
        "hidePreview": "Hide Preview",
        "hiresOptim": "High Res Optimization",
        "hiresStrength": "High Res Strength",
        "hSymmetryStep": "H Symmetry Step",
        "imageFit": "Fit Initial Image To Output Size",
        "images": "Images",
        "imageToImage": "Image to Image",
        "img2imgStrength": "Image To Image Strength",
        "infillMethod": "Infill Method",
        "infillScalingHeader": "Infill and Scaling",
        "info": "Info",
        "initialImage": "Initial Image",
        "invoke": {
            "addingImagesTo": "Adding images to",
            "invoke": "Invoke",
            "missingFieldTemplate": "Missing field template",
            "missingInputForField": "{{nodeLabel}} -> {{fieldLabel}} missing input",
            "missingNodeTemplate": "Missing node template",
            "noControlImageForControlNet": "ControlNet {{index}} has no control image",
            "noInitialImageSelected": "No initial image selected",
            "noModelForControlNet": "ControlNet {{index}} has no model selected.",
            "noModelSelected": "No model selected",
            "noNodesInGraph": "No nodes in graph",
            "readyToInvoke": "Ready to Invoke",
            "systemBusy": "System busy",
            "systemDisconnected": "System disconnected",
            "unableToInvoke": "Unable to Invoke"
        "maskAdjustmentsHeader": "Mask Adjustments",
        "maskBlur": "Blur",
        "maskBlurMethod": "Blur Method",
        "negativePromptPlaceholder": "Negative Prompt",
        "noiseSettings": "Noise",
        "noiseThreshold": "Noise Threshold",
        "openInViewer": "Open In Viewer",
        "otherOptions": "Other Options",
        "patchmatchDownScaleSize": "Downscale",
        "perlinNoise": "Perlin Noise",
        "positivePromptPlaceholder": "Positive Prompt",
        "randomizeSeed": "Randomize Seed",
        "restoreFaces": "Restore Faces",
        "scale": "Scale",
        "scaleBeforeProcessing": "Scale Before Processing",
        "scaledHeight": "Scaled H",
        "scaledWidth": "Scaled W",
        "scheduler": "Scheduler",
        "seamCorrectionHeader": "Seam Correction",
        "seamHighThreshold": "High",
        "seamlessTiling": "Seamless Tiling",
        "seamlessXAxis": "X Axis",
        "seamlessYAxis": "Y Axis",
        "seamLowThreshold": "Low",
        "seed": "Seed",
        "seedWeights": "Seed Weights",
        "sendTo": "Send to",
        "sendToImg2Img": "Send to Image to Image",
        "sendToUnifiedCanvas": "Send To Unified Canvas",
        "showOptionsPanel": "Show Options Panel",
        "showPreview": "Show Preview",
        "shuffle": "Shuffle Seed",
        "steps": "Steps",
        "strength": "Strength",
        "symmetry": "Symmetry",
        "tileSize": "Tile Size",
        "toggleLoopback": "Toggle Loopback",
        "type": "Type",
        "upscale": "Upscale",
        "upscaleImage": "Upscale Image",
        "upscaling": "Upscaling",
        "useAll": "Use All",
        "useCpuNoise": "Use CPU Noise",
        "useInitImg": "Use Initial Image",
        "usePrompt": "Use Prompt",
        "useSeed": "Use Seed",
        "variationAmount": "Variation Amount",
        "variations": "Variations",
        "vSymmetryStep": "V Symmetry Step",
        "width": "Width"
    "prompt": {
        "combinatorial": "Combinatorial Generation",
        "dynamicPrompts": "Dynamic Prompts",
        "enableDynamicPrompts": "Enable Dynamic Prompts",
        "maxPrompts": "Max Prompts"
    "sdxl": {
        "cfgScale": "CFG Scale",
        "concatPromptStyle": "Concatenate Prompt & Style",
        "denoisingStrength": "Denoising Strength",
        "loading": "Loading...",
        "negAestheticScore": "Negative Aesthetic Score",
        "negStylePrompt": "Negative Style Prompt",
        "noModelsAvailable": "No models available",
        "posAestheticScore": "Positive Aesthetic Score",
        "posStylePrompt": "Positive Style Prompt",
        "refiner": "Refiner",
        "refinermodel": "Refiner Model",
        "refinerStart": "Refiner Start",
        "scheduler": "Scheduler",
        "selectAModel": "Select a model",
        "steps": "Steps",
        "useRefiner": "Use Refiner"
    "settings": {
        "alternateCanvasLayout": "Alternate Canvas Layout",
        "antialiasProgressImages": "Antialias Progress Images",
        "autoChangeDimensions": "Update W/H To Model Defaults On Change",
        "beta": "Beta",
        "confirmOnDelete": "Confirm On Delete",
        "consoleLogLevel": "Log Level",
        "developer": "Developer",
        "displayHelpIcons": "Display Help Icons",
        "displayInProgress": "Display Progress Images",
        "enableImageDebugging": "Enable Image Debugging",
        "enableNodesEditor": "Enable Nodes Editor",
        "experimental": "Experimental",
        "favoriteSchedulers": "Favorite Schedulers",
        "favoriteSchedulersPlaceholder": "No schedulers favorited",
        "general": "General",
        "generation": "Generation",
        "models": "Models",
        "resetComplete": "Web UI has been reset.",
        "resetWebUI": "Reset Web UI",
        "resetWebUIDesc1": "Resetting the web UI only resets the browser's local cache of your images and remembered settings. It does not delete any images from disk.",
        "resetWebUIDesc2": "If images aren't showing up in the gallery or something else isn't working, please try resetting before submitting an issue on GitHub.",
        "saveSteps": "Save images every n steps",
        "shouldLogToConsole": "Console Logging",
        "showAdvancedOptions": "Show Advanced Options",
        "showProgressInViewer": "Show Progress Images in Viewer",
        "ui": "User Interface",
        "useSlidersForAll": "Use Sliders For All Options"
    "toast": {
        "addedToBoard": "Added to board",
        "baseModelChangedCleared": "Base model changed, cleared",
        "canceled": "Processing Canceled",
        "canvasCopiedClipboard": "Canvas Copied to Clipboard",
        "canvasDownloaded": "Canvas Downloaded",
        "canvasMerged": "Canvas Merged",
        "canvasSavedGallery": "Canvas Saved to Gallery",
        "canvasSentControlnetAssets": "Canvas Sent to ControlNet & Assets",
        "connected": "Connected to Server",
        "disconnected": "Disconnected from Server",
        "downloadImageStarted": "Image Download Started",
        "faceRestoreFailed": "Face Restoration Failed",
        "imageCopied": "Image Copied",
        "imageLinkCopied": "Image Link Copied",
        "imageNotLoaded": "No Image Loaded",
        "imageNotLoadedDesc": "Could not find image",
        "imageSaved": "Image Saved",
        "imageSavedToGallery": "Image Saved to Gallery",
        "imageSavingFailed": "Image Saving Failed",
        "imageUploaded": "Image Uploaded",
        "imageUploadFailed": "Image Upload Failed",
        "incompatibleSubmodel": "incompatible submodel",
        "initialImageNotSet": "Initial Image Not Set",
        "initialImageNotSetDesc": "Could not load initial image",
        "initialImageSet": "Initial Image Set",
        "loadedWithWarnings": "Workflow Loaded with Warnings",
        "maskSavedAssets": "Mask Saved to Assets",
        "maskSentControlnetAssets": "Mask Sent to ControlNet & Assets",
        "metadataLoadFailed": "Failed to load metadata",
        "modelAdded": "Model Added: {{modelName}}",
        "modelAddedSimple": "Model Added",
        "modelAddFailed": "Model Add Failed",
        "nodesBrokenConnections": "Cannot load. Some connections are broken.",
        "nodesCleared": "Nodes Cleared",
        "nodesCorruptedGraph": "Cannot load. Graph seems to be corrupted.",
        "nodesLoaded": "Nodes Loaded",
        "nodesLoadedFailed": "Failed To Load Nodes",
        "nodesNotValidGraph": "Not a valid InvokeAI Node Graph",
        "nodesNotValidJSON": "Not a valid JSON",
        "nodesSaved": "Nodes Saved",
        "nodesUnrecognizedTypes": "Cannot load. Graph has unrecognized types",
        "parameterNotSet": "Parameter not set",
        "parameterSet": "Parameter set",
        "parametersFailed": "Problem loading parameters",
        "parametersFailedDesc": "Unable to load init image.",
        "parametersNotSet": "Parameters Not Set",
        "parametersNotSetDesc": "No metadata found for this image.",
        "parametersSet": "Parameters Set",
        "problemCopyingCanvas": "Problem Copying Canvas",
        "problemCopyingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
        "problemCopyingImage": "Unable to Copy Image",
        "problemCopyingImageLink": "Unable to Copy Image Link",
        "problemDownloadingCanvas": "Problem Downloading Canvas",
        "problemDownloadingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
        "problemImportingMask": "Problem Importing Mask",
        "problemImportingMaskDesc": "Unable to export mask",
        "problemMergingCanvas": "Problem Merging Canvas",
        "problemMergingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
        "problemSavingCanvas": "Problem Saving Canvas",
        "problemSavingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
        "problemSavingMask": "Problem Saving Mask",
        "problemSavingMaskDesc": "Unable to export mask",
        "promptNotSet": "Prompt Not Set",
        "promptNotSetDesc": "Could not find prompt for this image.",
        "promptSet": "Prompt Set",
        "seedNotSet": "Seed Not Set",
        "seedNotSetDesc": "Could not find seed for this image.",
        "seedSet": "Seed Set",
        "sentToImageToImage": "Sent To Image To Image",
        "sentToUnifiedCanvas": "Sent to Unified Canvas",
        "serverError": "Server Error",
        "setCanvasInitialImage": "Set as canvas initial image",
        "setControlImage": "Set as control image",
        "setIPAdapterImage": "Set as IP Adapter Image",
        "setInitialImage": "Set as initial image",
        "setNodeField": "Set as node field",
        "tempFoldersEmptied": "Temp Folder Emptied",
        "uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
        "uploadFailedInvalidUploadDesc": "Must be single PNG or JPEG image",
        "uploadFailedUnableToLoadDesc": "Unable to load file",
        "upscalingFailed": "Upscaling Failed",
        "workflowLoaded": "Workflow Loaded"
    "tooltip": {
        "feature": {
            "boundingBox": "The bounding box is the same as the Width and Height settings for Text to Image or Image to Image. Only the area in the box will be processed.",
            "faceCorrection": "Face correction with GFPGAN or Codeformer: the algorithm detects faces in the image and corrects any defects. High value will change the image more, resulting in more attractive faces. Codeformer with a higher fidelity preserves the original image at the expense of stronger face correction.",
            "gallery": "Gallery displays generations from the outputs folder as they're created. Settings are stored within files and accesed by context menu.",
            "imageToImage": "Image to Image loads any image as initial, which is then used to generate a new one along with the prompt. The higher the value, the more the result image will change. Values from 0.0 to 1.0 are possible, the recommended range is .25-.75",
            "infillAndScaling": "Manage infill methods (used on masked or erased areas of the canvas) and scaling (useful for small bounding box sizes).",
            "other": "These options will enable alternative processing modes for Invoke. 'Seamless tiling' will create repeating patterns in the output. 'High resolution' is generation in two steps with img2img: use this setting when you want a larger and more coherent image without artifacts. It will take longer than usual txt2img.",
            "prompt": "This is the prompt field. Prompt includes generation objects and stylistic terms. You can add weight (token importance) in the prompt as well, but CLI commands and parameters will not work.",
            "seamCorrection": "Controls the handling of visible seams that occur between generated images on the canvas.",
            "seed": "Seed value affects the initial noise from which the image is formed. You can use the already existing seeds from previous images. 'Noise Threshold' is used to mitigate artifacts at high CFG values (try the 0-10 range), and Perlin to add Perlin noise during generation: both serve to add variation to your outputs.",
            "upscale": "Use ESRGAN to enlarge the image immediately after generation.",
            "variations": "Try a variation with a value between 0.1 and 1.0 to change the result for a given seed. Interesting variations of the seed are between 0.1 and 0.3."
    "ui": {
        "hideProgressImages": "Hide Progress Images",
        "lockRatio": "Lock Ratio",
        "showProgressImages": "Show Progress Images",
        "swapSizes": "Swap Sizes"
    "unifiedCanvas": {
        "accept": "Accept",
        "activeLayer": "Active Layer",
        "antialiasing": "Antialiasing",
        "autoSaveToGallery": "Auto Save to Gallery",
        "base": "Base",
        "betaClear": "Clear",
        "betaDarkenOutside": "Darken Outside",
        "betaLimitToBox": "Limit To Box",
        "betaPreserveMasked": "Preserve Masked",
        "boundingBox": "Bounding Box",
        "boundingBoxPosition": "Bounding Box Position",
        "brush": "Brush",
        "brushOptions": "Brush Options",
        "brushSize": "Size",
        "canvasDimensions": "Canvas Dimensions",
        "canvasPosition": "Canvas Position",
        "canvasScale": "Canvas Scale",
        "canvasSettings": "Canvas Settings",
        "clearCanvas": "Clear Canvas",
        "clearCanvasHistory": "Clear Canvas History",
        "clearCanvasHistoryConfirm": "Are you sure you want to clear the canvas history?",
        "clearCanvasHistoryMessage": "Clearing the canvas history leaves your current canvas intact, but irreversibly clears the undo and redo history.",
        "clearHistory": "Clear History",
        "clearMask": "Clear Mask",
        "colorPicker": "Color Picker",
        "copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
        "cursorPosition": "Cursor Position",
        "darkenOutsideSelection": "Darken Outside Selection",
        "discardAll": "Discard All",
        "downloadAsImage": "Download As Image",
        "emptyFolder": "Empty Folder",
        "emptyTempImageFolder": "Empty Temp Image Folder",
        "emptyTempImagesFolderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to empty the temp folder?",
        "emptyTempImagesFolderMessage": "Emptying the temp image folder also fully resets the Unified Canvas. This includes all undo/redo history, images in the staging area, and the canvas base layer.",
        "enableMask": "Enable Mask",
        "eraseBoundingBox": "Erase Bounding Box",
        "eraser": "Eraser",
        "fillBoundingBox": "Fill Bounding Box",
        "layer": "Layer",
        "limitStrokesToBox": "Limit Strokes to Box",
        "mask": "Mask",
        "maskingOptions": "Masking Options",
        "mergeVisible": "Merge Visible",
        "move": "Move",
        "next": "Next",
        "preserveMaskedArea": "Preserve Masked Area",
        "previous": "Previous",
        "redo": "Redo",
        "resetView": "Reset View",
        "saveBoxRegionOnly": "Save Box Region Only",
        "saveToGallery": "Save To Gallery",
        "scaledBoundingBox": "Scaled Bounding Box",
        "showCanvasDebugInfo": "Show Additional Canvas Info",
        "showGrid": "Show Grid",
        "showHide": "Show/Hide",
        "showIntermediates": "Show Intermediates",
        "snapToGrid": "Snap to Grid",
        "undo": "Undo"