name: ldm channels: - pytorch - conda-forge dependencies: - python==3.9.13 - pip==22.2.2 # pytorch left unpinned - pytorch==1.12.1 - torchvision==0.13.1 # I suggest to keep the other deps sorted for convenience. # To determine what the latest versions should be, run: # # ```shell # sed -E 's/ldm/ldm-updated/;20,99s/- ([^=]+)==.+/- \1/' environment-mac.yml > environment-mac-updated.yml # CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-arm64 conda env create -f environment-mac-updated.yml && conda list -n ldm-updated | awk ' {print " - " $1 "==" $2;} ' # ``` - albumentations==1.2.1 - coloredlogs==15.0.1 - einops==0.4.1 - grpcio==1.46.4 - humanfriendly==10.0 - imageio==2.21.2 - imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.7 - imgaug==0.4.0 - kornia==0.6.7 - mpmath==1.2.1 - nomkl=1.0 - numpy==1.23.2 - omegaconf==2.1.1 - openh264==2.3.0 - onnx==1.12.0 - onnxruntime==1.12.1 - pudb==2022.1 - pytorch-lightning==1.7.5 - scipy==1.9.1 - streamlit==1.12.2 - sympy==1.10.1 - tensorboard==2.10.0 - torchmetrics==0.9.3 - pip: - flask==2.1.3 - flask_socketio==5.3.0 - flask_cors==3.0.10 - dependency_injector==4.40.0 - eventlet==0.33.1 - opencv-python==4.6.0 - protobuf==3.19.5 - realesrgan== - send2trash==1.8.0 - test-tube==0.7.5 - transformers==4.21.2 - torch-fidelity==0.3.0 - -e git+ - -e git+ - -e git+ - -e git+ - -e . variables: PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK: 1