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InvokeAI is an implementation of Stable Diffusion, the open source text-to-image and image-to-image generator. It provides a streamlined process with various new features and options to aid the image generation process. It runs on Windows, Mac and Linux machines, and runs on GPU cards with as little as 4 GB or RAM. **Quick links**: [Discord Server] [Code and Downloads] [Bug Reports] [Discussion, Ideas & Q&A]
!!! note This fork is rapidly evolving. Please use the [Issues tab](https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/issues) to report bugs and make feature requests. Be sure to use the provided templates. They will help aid diagnose issues faster. ## :octicons-package-dependencies-24: Installation This fork is supported across Linux, Windows and Macintosh. Linux users can use either an Nvidia-based card (with CUDA support) or an AMD card (using the ROCm driver). First time users, please see [Automated Installer](installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED.md) for a walkthrough of getting InvokeAI up and running on your system. For alternative installation and upgrade instructions, please see: [InvokeAI Installation Overview](installation/) Users who wish to make use of the **PyPatchMatch** inpainting functions will need to perform a bit of extra work to enable this module. Instructions can be found at [Installing PyPatchMatch](installation/060_INSTALL_PATCHMATCH.md). If you have an NVIDIA card, you can benefit from the significant memory savings and performance benefits provided by Facebook Lab's **xFormers** module. Instructions for Linux and Windows users can be found at [Installing xFormers](installation/070_INSTALL_XFORMERS.md). ## :fontawesome-solid-computer: Hardware Requirements ### :octicons-cpu-24: System You wil need one of the following: - :simple-nvidia: An NVIDIA-based graphics card with 4 GB or more VRAM memory. - :simple-amd: An AMD-based graphics card with 4 GB or more VRAM memory (Linux only) - :fontawesome-brands-apple: An Apple computer with an M1 chip. We do **not recommend** the following video cards due to issues with their running in half-precision mode and having insufficient VRAM to render 512x512 images in full-precision mode: - NVIDIA 10xx series cards such as the 1080ti - GTX 1650 series cards - GTX 1660 series cards ### :fontawesome-solid-memory: Memory - At least 12 GB Main Memory RAM. ### :fontawesome-regular-hard-drive: Disk - At least 18 GB of free disk space for the machine learning model, Python, and all its dependencies. !!! info Precision is auto configured based on the device. If however you encounter errors like `expected type Float but found Half` or `not implemented for Half` you can try starting `invoke.py` with the `--precision=float32` flag: ```bash (invokeai) ~/InvokeAI$ python scripts/invoke.py --full_precision ``` ## :octicons-gift-24: InvokeAI Features - [The InvokeAI Web Interface](features/WEB.md) - [WebGUI hotkey reference guide](features/WEBUIHOTKEYS.md) - [WebGUI Unified Canvas for Img2Img, inpainting and outpainting](features/UNIFIED_CANVAS.md) - [The Command Line Interace](features/CLI.md) - [Image2Image](features/IMG2IMG.md) - [Inpainting](features/INPAINTING.md) - [Outpainting](features/OUTPAINTING.md) - [Adding custom styles and subjects](features/CONCEPTS.md) - [Upscaling and Face Reconstruction](features/POSTPROCESS.md) - [Generating Variations](features/VARIATIONS.md) - [Prompt Engineering](features/PROMPTS.md) - [Model Merging](features/MODEL_MERGING.md) - Miscellaneous - [NSFW Checker](features/NSFW.md) - [Embiggen upscaling](features/EMBIGGEN.md) - [Other](features/OTHER.md) ## :octicons-log-16: Latest Changes ### v2.2.4 (11 December 2022) #### the `invokeai` directory Previously there were two directories to worry about, the directory that contained the InvokeAI source code and the launcher scripts, and the `invokeai` directory that contained the models files, embeddings, configuration and outputs. With the 2.2.4 release, this dual system is done away with, and everything, including the `invoke.bat` and `invoke.sh` launcher scripts, now live in a directory named `invokeai`. By default this directory is located in your home directory (e.g. `\Users\yourname` on Windows), but you can select where it goes at install time. After installation, you can delete the install directory (the one that the zip file creates when it unpacks). Do **not** delete or move the `invokeai` directory! ##### Initialization file `invokeai/invokeai.init` You can place frequently-used startup options in this file, such as the default number of steps or your preferred sampler. To keep everything in one place, this file has now been moved into the `invokeai` directory and is named `invokeai.init`. #### To update from Version 2.2.3 The easiest route is to download and unpack one of the 2.2.4 installer files. When it asks you for the location of the `invokeai` runtime directory, respond with the path to the directory that contains your 2.2.3 `invokeai`. That is, if `invokeai` lives at `C:\Users\fred\invokeai`, then answer with `C:\Users\fred` and answer "Y" when asked if you want to reuse the directory. The `update.sh` (`update.bat`) script that came with the 2.2.3 source installer does not know about the new directory layout and won't be fully functional. #### To update to 2.2.5 (and beyond) there's now an update path. As they become available, you can update to more recent versions of InvokeAI using an `update.sh` (`update.bat`) script located in the `invokeai` directory. Running it without any arguments will install the most recent version of InvokeAI. Alternatively, you can get set releases by running the `update.sh` script with an argument in the command shell. This syntax accepts the path to the desired release's zip file, which you can find by clicking on the green "Code" button on this repository's home page. #### Other 2.2.4 Improvements - Fix InvokeAI GUI initialization by @addianto in #1687 - fix link in documentation by @lstein in #1728 - Fix broken link by @ShawnZhong in #1736 - Remove reference to binary installer by @lstein in #1731 - documentation fixes for 2.2.3 by @lstein in #1740 - Modify installer links to point closer to the source installer by @ebr in #1745 - add documentation warning about 1650/60 cards by @lstein in #1753 - Fix Linux source URL in installation docs by @andybearman in #1756 - Make install instructions discoverable in readme by @damian0815 in #1752 - typo fix by @ofirkris in #1755 - Non-interactive model download (support HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN) by @ebr in #1578 - fix(srcinstall): shell installer - cp scripts instead of linking by @tildebyte in #1765 - stability and usage improvements to binary & source installers by @lstein in #1760 - fix off-by-one bug in cross-attention-control by @damian0815 in #1774 - Eventually update APP_VERSION to 2.2.3 by @spezialspezial in #1768 - invoke script cds to its location before running by @lstein in #1805 - Make PaperCut and VoxelArt models load again by @lstein in #1730 - Fix --embedding_directory / --embedding_path not working by @blessedcoolant in #1817 - Clean up readme by @hipsterusername in #1820 - Optimized Docker build with support for external working directory by @ebr in #1544 - disable pushing the cloud container by @mauwii in #1831 - Fix docker push github action and expand with additional metadata by @ebr in #1837 - Fix Broken Link To Notebook by @VedantMadane in #1821 - Account for flat models by @spezialspezial in #1766 - Update invoke.bat.in isolate environment variables by @lynnewu in #1833 - Arch Linux Specific PatchMatch Instructions & fixing conda install on linux by @SammCheese in #1848 - Make force free GPU memory work in img2img by @addianto in #1844 - New installer by @lstein For older changelogs, please visit the **[CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG/#v223-2-december-2022)**. ## :material-target: Troubleshooting Please check out our **[:material-frequently-asked-questions: Q&A](help/TROUBLESHOOT.md)** to get solutions for common installation problems and other issues. ## :octicons-repo-push-24: Contributing Anyone who wishes to contribute to this project, whether documentation, features, bug fixes, code cleanup, testing, or code reviews, is very much encouraged to do so. If you are unfamiliar with how to contribute to GitHub projects, here is a [Getting Started Guide](https://opensource.com/article/19/7/create-pull-request-github). A full set of contribution guidelines, along with templates, are in progress, but for now the most important thing is to **make your pull request against the "development" branch**, and not against "main". This will help keep public breakage to a minimum and will allow you to propose more radical changes. ## :octicons-person-24: Contributors This fork is a combined effort of various people from across the world. [Check out the list of all these amazing people](other/CONTRIBUTORS.md). We thank them for their time, hard work and effort. ## :octicons-question-24: Support For support, please use this repository's GitHub Issues tracking service. Feel free to send me an email if you use and like the script. Original portions of the software are Copyright (c) 2020 [Lincoln D. Stein](https://github.com/lstein) ## :octicons-book-24: Further Reading Please see the original README for more information on this software and underlying algorithm, located in the file [README-CompViz.md](other/README-CompViz.md).