import { useAppToaster } from 'app/components/Toaster'; import { createMemoizedSelector } from 'app/store/createMemoizedSelector'; import { useAppSelector } from 'app/store/storeHooks'; import { activeTabNameSelector } from 'features/ui/store/uiSelectors'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import type { Accept, FileRejection } from 'react-dropzone'; import { useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useUploadImageMutation } from 'services/api/endpoints/images'; import type { PostUploadAction } from 'services/api/types'; const accept: Accept = { 'image/png': ['.png'], 'image/jpeg': ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'], }; const selectPostUploadAction = createMemoizedSelector(activeTabNameSelector, (activeTabName) => { let postUploadAction: PostUploadAction = { type: 'TOAST' }; if (activeTabName === 'unifiedCanvas') { postUploadAction = { type: 'SET_CANVAS_INITIAL_IMAGE' }; } if (activeTabName === 'img2img') { postUploadAction = { type: 'SET_INITIAL_IMAGE' }; } return postUploadAction; }); export const useFullscreenDropzone = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const toaster = useAppToaster(); const postUploadAction = useAppSelector(selectPostUploadAction); const autoAddBoardId = useAppSelector((s) =>; const [isHandlingUpload, setIsHandlingUpload] = useState(false); const [uploadImage] = useUploadImageMutation(); const fileRejectionCallback = useCallback( (rejection: FileRejection) => { setIsHandlingUpload(true); toaster({ title: t('toast.uploadFailed'), description: => error.message).join('\n'), status: 'error', }); }, [t, toaster] ); const fileAcceptedCallback = useCallback( async (file: File) => { uploadImage({ file, image_category: 'user', is_intermediate: false, postUploadAction, board_id: autoAddBoardId === 'none' ? undefined : autoAddBoardId, }); }, [autoAddBoardId, postUploadAction, uploadImage] ); const onDrop = useCallback( (acceptedFiles: Array, fileRejections: Array) => { if (fileRejections.length > 1) { toaster({ title: t('toast.uploadFailed'), description: t('toast.uploadFailedInvalidUploadDesc'), status: 'error', }); return; } fileRejections.forEach((rejection: FileRejection) => { fileRejectionCallback(rejection); }); acceptedFiles.forEach((file: File) => { fileAcceptedCallback(file); }); }, [t, toaster, fileAcceptedCallback, fileRejectionCallback] ); const onDragOver = useCallback(() => { setIsHandlingUpload(true); }, []); const dropzone = useDropzone({ accept, noClick: true, onDrop, onDragOver, multiple: false, noKeyboard: true, }); useEffect(() => { // This is a hack to allow pasting images into the uploader const handlePaste = async (e: ClipboardEvent) => { if (!dropzone.inputRef.current) { return; } if (e.clipboardData?.files) { // Set the files on the dropzone.inputRef dropzone.inputRef.current.files = e.clipboardData.files; // Dispatch the change event, dropzone catches this and we get to use its own validation dropzone.inputRef.current?.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); } }; // Add the paste event listener document.addEventListener('paste', handlePaste); return () => { document.removeEventListener('paste', handlePaste); }; }, [dropzone.inputRef]); return { dropzone, isHandlingUpload, setIsHandlingUpload }; };