"""Test the queued download facility""" import re import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List import pytest import requests from pydantic import BaseModel from pydantic.networks import AnyHttpUrl from requests.sessions import Session from requests_testadapter import TestAdapter from invokeai.app.services.download import DownloadJob, DownloadJobStatus, DownloadQueueService from invokeai.app.services.events.events_base import EventServiceBase # Prevent pytest deprecation warnings TestAdapter.__test__ = False @pytest.fixture def session() -> requests.sessions.Session: sess = requests.Session() for i in ["12345", "9999", "54321"]: content = ( b"I am a safetensors file " + bytearray(i, "utf-8") + bytearray(32_000) ) # for pause tests, must make content large sess.mount( f"http://www.civitai.com/models/{i}", TestAdapter( content, headers={ "Content-Length": len(content), "Content-Disposition": f'filename="mock{i}.safetensors"', }, ), ) # here are some malformed URLs to test # missing the content length sess.mount( "http://www.civitai.com/models/missing", TestAdapter( b"Missing content length", headers={ "Content-Disposition": 'filename="missing.txt"', }, ), ) # not found test sess.mount("http://www.civitai.com/models/broken", TestAdapter(b"Not found", status=404)) return sess class DummyEvent(BaseModel): """Dummy Event to use with Dummy Event service.""" event_name: str payload: Dict[str, Any] # A dummy event service for testing event issuing class DummyEventService(EventServiceBase): """Dummy event service for testing.""" events: List[DummyEvent] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.events = [] def dispatch(self, event_name: str, payload: Any) -> None: """Dispatch an event by appending it to self.events.""" self.events.append(DummyEvent(event_name=payload["event"], payload=payload["data"])) def test_basic_queue_download(tmp_path: Path, session: Session) -> None: events = set() def event_handler(job: DownloadJob) -> None: events.add(job.status) queue = DownloadQueueService( requests_session=session, ) queue.start() job = queue.download( source=AnyHttpUrl("http://www.civitai.com/models/12345"), dest=tmp_path, on_start=event_handler, on_progress=event_handler, on_complete=event_handler, on_error=event_handler, ) assert isinstance(job, DownloadJob), "expected the job to be of type DownloadJobBase" assert isinstance(job.id, int), "expected the job id to be numeric" queue.join() assert job.status == DownloadJobStatus("completed"), "expected job status to be completed" assert Path(tmp_path, "mock12345.safetensors").exists(), f"expected {tmp_path}/mock12345.safetensors to exist" assert events == {DownloadJobStatus.RUNNING, DownloadJobStatus.COMPLETED} queue.stop() def test_errors(tmp_path: Path, session: Session) -> None: queue = DownloadQueueService( requests_session=session, ) queue.start() for bad_url in ["http://www.civitai.com/models/broken", "http://www.civitai.com/models/missing"]: queue.download(AnyHttpUrl(bad_url), dest=tmp_path) queue.join() jobs = queue.list_jobs() print(jobs) assert len(jobs) == 2 jobs_dict = {str(x.source): x for x in jobs} assert jobs_dict["http://www.civitai.com/models/broken"].status == DownloadJobStatus.ERROR assert jobs_dict["http://www.civitai.com/models/broken"].error_type == "HTTPError(NOT FOUND)" assert jobs_dict["http://www.civitai.com/models/missing"].status == DownloadJobStatus.COMPLETED assert jobs_dict["http://www.civitai.com/models/missing"].total_bytes == 0 queue.stop() def test_event_bus(tmp_path: Path, session: Session) -> None: event_bus = DummyEventService() queue = DownloadQueueService(requests_session=session, event_bus=event_bus) queue.start() queue.download( source=AnyHttpUrl("http://www.civitai.com/models/12345"), dest=tmp_path, ) queue.join() events = event_bus.events assert len(events) == 3 assert events[0].payload["timestamp"] <= events[1].payload["timestamp"] assert events[1].payload["timestamp"] <= events[2].payload["timestamp"] assert events[0].event_name == "download_started" assert events[1].event_name == "download_progress" assert events[1].payload["total_bytes"] > 0 assert events[1].payload["current_bytes"] <= events[1].payload["total_bytes"] assert events[2].event_name == "download_complete" assert events[2].payload["total_bytes"] == 32029 # test a failure event_bus.events = [] # reset our accumulator queue.download(source=AnyHttpUrl("http://www.civitai.com/models/broken"), dest=tmp_path) queue.join() events = event_bus.events print("\n".join([x.model_dump_json() for x in events])) assert len(events) == 1 assert events[0].event_name == "download_error" assert events[0].payload["error_type"] == "HTTPError(NOT FOUND)" assert events[0].payload["error"] is not None assert re.search(r"requests.exceptions.HTTPError: NOT FOUND", events[0].payload["error"]) queue.stop() def test_broken_callbacks(tmp_path: Path, session: requests.sessions.Session, capsys) -> None: queue = DownloadQueueService( requests_session=session, ) queue.start() callback_ran = False def broken_callback(job: DownloadJob) -> None: nonlocal callback_ran callback_ran = True print(1 / 0) # deliberate error here job = queue.download( source=AnyHttpUrl("http://www.civitai.com/models/12345"), dest=tmp_path, on_progress=broken_callback, ) queue.join() assert job.status == DownloadJobStatus.COMPLETED # should complete even though the callback is borked assert Path(tmp_path, "mock12345.safetensors").exists() assert callback_ran # LS: The pytest capsys fixture does not seem to be working. I can see the # correct stderr message in the pytest log, but it is not appearing in # capsys.readouterr(). # captured = capsys.readouterr() # assert re.search("division by zero", captured.err) queue.stop() def test_cancel(tmp_path: Path, session: requests.sessions.Session) -> None: event_bus = DummyEventService() queue = DownloadQueueService(requests_session=session, event_bus=event_bus) queue.start() cancelled = False def slow_callback(job: DownloadJob) -> None: time.sleep(2) def cancelled_callback(job: DownloadJob) -> None: nonlocal cancelled cancelled = True job = queue.download( source=AnyHttpUrl("http://www.civitai.com/models/12345"), dest=tmp_path, on_start=slow_callback, on_cancelled=cancelled_callback, ) queue.cancel_job(job) queue.join() assert job.status == DownloadJobStatus.CANCELLED assert cancelled events = event_bus.events assert events[-1].event_name == "download_cancelled" assert events[-1].payload["source"] == "http://www.civitai.com/models/12345" queue.stop()