#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2022 Lincoln D. Stein (https://github.com/lstein) # Before running stable-diffusion on an internet-isolated machine, # run this script from one with internet connectivity. The # two machines must share a common .cache directory. # # Coauthor: Kevin Turner http://github.com/keturn # import sys print("Loading Python libraries...\n",file=sys.stderr) import argparse import io import os import re import shutil import traceback import warnings from argparse import Namespace from pathlib import Path from shutil import get_terminal_size from urllib import request import npyscreen import torch import transformers from diffusers import AutoencoderKL from huggingface_hub import HfFolder from huggingface_hub import login as hf_hub_login from omegaconf import OmegaConf from tqdm import tqdm from transformers import ( AutoProcessor, CLIPSegForImageSegmentation, CLIPTextModel, CLIPTokenizer, ) import invokeai.configs as configs from ...frontend.install.model_install import addModelsForm, process_and_execute from ...frontend.install.widgets import ( CenteredButtonPress, IntTitleSlider, set_min_terminal_size, ) from ..args import PRECISION_CHOICES, Args from ..globals import Globals, global_cache_dir, global_config_dir, global_config_file from .model_install_backend import ( default_dataset, download_from_hf, hf_download_with_resume, recommended_datasets, ) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() # --------------------------globals----------------------- Model_dir = "models" Weights_dir = "ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/" # the initial "configs" dir is now bundled in the `invokeai.configs` package Dataset_path = Path(configs.__path__[0]) / "INITIAL_MODELS.yaml" Default_config_file = Path(global_config_dir()) / "models.yaml" SD_Configs = Path(global_config_dir()) / "stable-diffusion" Datasets = OmegaConf.load(Dataset_path) # minimum size for the UI MIN_COLS = 135 MIN_LINES = 45 INIT_FILE_PREAMBLE = """# InvokeAI initialization file # This is the InvokeAI initialization file, which contains command-line default values. # Feel free to edit. If anything goes wrong, you can re-initialize this file by deleting # or renaming it and then running invokeai-configure again. # Place frequently-used startup commands here, one or more per line. # Examples: # --outdir=D:\data\images # --no-nsfw_checker # --web --host= # --steps=20 # -Ak_euler_a -C10.0 """ # -------------------------------------------- def postscript(errors: None): if not any(errors): message = f""" ** INVOKEAI INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL ** If you installed manually from source or with 'pip install': activate the virtual environment then run one of the following commands to start InvokeAI. Web UI: invokeai --web # (connect to http://localhost:9090) invokeai --web --host # (connect to http://your-lan-ip:9090 from another computer on the local network) Command-line interface: invokeai If you installed using an installation script, run: {Globals.root}/invoke.{"bat" if sys.platform == "win32" else "sh"} Add the '--help' argument to see all of the command-line switches available for use. """ else: message = "\n** There were errors during installation. It is possible some of the models were not fully downloaded.\n" for err in errors: message += f"\t - {err}\n" message += "Please check the logs above and correct any issues." print(message) # --------------------------------------------- def yes_or_no(prompt: str, default_yes=True): default = "y" if default_yes else "n" response = input(f"{prompt} [{default}] ") or default if default_yes: return response[0] not in ("n", "N") else: return response[0] in ("y", "Y") # --------------------------------------------- def HfLogin(access_token) -> str: """ Helper for logging in to Huggingface The stdout capture is needed to hide the irrelevant "git credential helper" warning """ capture = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = capture try: hf_hub_login(token=access_token, add_to_git_credential=False) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ except Exception as exc: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print(exc) raise exc # ------------------------------------- class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, model_name="file"): self.pbar = None self.name = model_name def __call__(self, block_num, block_size, total_size): if not self.pbar: self.pbar = tqdm( desc=self.name, initial=0, unit="iB", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1000, total=total_size, ) self.pbar.update(block_size) # --------------------------------------------- def download_with_progress_bar(model_url: str, model_dest: str, label: str = "the"): try: print(f"Installing {label} model file {model_url}...", end="", file=sys.stderr) if not os.path.exists(model_dest): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(model_dest), exist_ok=True) request.urlretrieve( model_url, model_dest, ProgressBar(os.path.basename(model_dest)) ) print("...downloaded successfully", file=sys.stderr) else: print("...exists", file=sys.stderr) except Exception: print("...download failed", file=sys.stderr) print(f"Error downloading {label} model", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) # --------------------------------------------- # this will preload the Bert tokenizer fles def download_bert(): print("Installing bert tokenizer...", file=sys.stderr) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) from transformers import BertTokenizerFast download_from_hf(BertTokenizerFast, "bert-base-uncased") # --------------------------------------------- def download_sd1_clip(): print("Installing SD1 clip model...", file=sys.stderr) version = "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14" download_from_hf(CLIPTokenizer, version) download_from_hf(CLIPTextModel, version) # --------------------------------------------- def download_sd2_clip(): version = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2" print("Installing SD2 clip model...", file=sys.stderr) download_from_hf(CLIPTokenizer, version, subfolder="tokenizer") download_from_hf(CLIPTextModel, version, subfolder="text_encoder") # --------------------------------------------- def download_realesrgan(): print("Installing models from RealESRGAN...", file=sys.stderr) model_url = "https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN/releases/download/v0.2.5.0/realesr-general-x4v3.pth" wdn_model_url = "https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN/releases/download/v0.2.5.0/realesr-general-wdn-x4v3.pth" model_dest = os.path.join( Globals.root, "models/realesrgan/realesr-general-x4v3.pth" ) wdn_model_dest = os.path.join( Globals.root, "models/realesrgan/realesr-general-wdn-x4v3.pth" ) download_with_progress_bar(model_url, model_dest, "RealESRGAN") download_with_progress_bar(wdn_model_url, wdn_model_dest, "RealESRGANwdn") def download_gfpgan(): print("Installing GFPGAN models...", file=sys.stderr) for model in ( [ "https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN/releases/download/v1.3.0/GFPGANv1.4.pth", "./models/gfpgan/GFPGANv1.4.pth", ], [ "https://github.com/xinntao/facexlib/releases/download/v0.1.0/detection_Resnet50_Final.pth", "./models/gfpgan/weights/detection_Resnet50_Final.pth", ], [ "https://github.com/xinntao/facexlib/releases/download/v0.2.2/parsing_parsenet.pth", "./models/gfpgan/weights/parsing_parsenet.pth", ], ): model_url, model_dest = model[0], os.path.join(Globals.root, model[1]) download_with_progress_bar(model_url, model_dest, "GFPGAN weights") # --------------------------------------------- def download_codeformer(): print("Installing CodeFormer model file...", file=sys.stderr) model_url = ( "https://github.com/sczhou/CodeFormer/releases/download/v0.1.0/codeformer.pth" ) model_dest = os.path.join(Globals.root, "models/codeformer/codeformer.pth") download_with_progress_bar(model_url, model_dest, "CodeFormer") # --------------------------------------------- def download_clipseg(): print("Installing clipseg model for text-based masking...", file=sys.stderr) CLIPSEG_MODEL = "CIDAS/clipseg-rd64-refined" try: download_from_hf(AutoProcessor, CLIPSEG_MODEL) download_from_hf(CLIPSegForImageSegmentation, CLIPSEG_MODEL) except Exception: print("Error installing clipseg model:") print(traceback.format_exc()) # ------------------------------------- def download_safety_checker(): print("Installing model for NSFW content detection...", file=sys.stderr) try: from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion.safety_checker import ( StableDiffusionSafetyChecker, ) from transformers import AutoFeatureExtractor except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Error installing NSFW checker model:") print(traceback.format_exc()) return safety_model_id = "CompVis/stable-diffusion-safety-checker" print("AutoFeatureExtractor...", file=sys.stderr) download_from_hf(AutoFeatureExtractor, safety_model_id) print("StableDiffusionSafetyChecker...", file=sys.stderr) download_from_hf(StableDiffusionSafetyChecker, safety_model_id) # ------------------------------------- def download_vaes(): print("Installing stabilityai VAE...", file=sys.stderr) try: # first the diffusers version repo_id = "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse" args = dict( cache_dir=global_cache_dir("hub"), ) if not AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(repo_id, **args): raise Exception(f"download of {repo_id} failed") repo_id = "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse-original" model_name = "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" # next the legacy checkpoint version if not hf_download_with_resume( repo_id=repo_id, model_name=model_name, model_dir=str(Globals.root / Model_dir / Weights_dir), ): raise Exception(f"download of {model_name} failed") except Exception as e: print(f"Error downloading StabilityAI standard VAE: {str(e)}", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) # ------------------------------------- def get_root(root: str = None) -> str: if root: return root elif os.environ.get("INVOKEAI_ROOT"): return os.environ.get("INVOKEAI_ROOT") else: return Globals.root # ------------------------------------- class editOptsForm(npyscreen.FormMultiPage): # for responsive resizing - disabled # FIX_MINIMUM_SIZE_WHEN_CREATED = False def create(self): program_opts = self.parentApp.program_opts old_opts = self.parentApp.invokeai_opts first_time = not (Globals.root / Globals.initfile).exists() access_token = HfFolder.get_token() window_width, window_height = get_terminal_size() for i in [ "Configure startup settings. You can come back and change these later.", "Use ctrl-N and ctrl-P to move to the <N>ext and <P>revious fields.", "Use cursor arrows to make a checkbox selection, and space to toggle.", ]: self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.FixedText, value=i, editable=False, color="CONTROL", ) self.nextrely += 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFixedText, name="== BASIC OPTIONS ==", begin_entry_at=0, editable=False, color="CONTROL", scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely -= 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.FixedText, value="Select an output directory for images:", editable=False, color="CONTROL", ) self.outdir = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name="(<tab> autocompletes, ctrl-N advances):", value=old_opts.outdir or str(default_output_dir()), select_dir=True, must_exist=False, use_two_lines=False, labelColor="GOOD", begin_entry_at=40, scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.FixedText, value="Activate the NSFW checker to blur images showing potential sexual imagery:", editable=False, color="CONTROL", ) self.safety_checker = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="NSFW checker", value=old_opts.safety_checker, relx=5, scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely += 1 for i in [ "If you have an account at HuggingFace you may paste your access token here", 'to allow InvokeAI to download styles & subjects from the "Concept Library".', "See https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens", ]: self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.FixedText, value=i, editable=False, color="CONTROL", ) self.hf_token = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitlePassword, name="Access Token (ctrl-shift-V pastes):", value=access_token, begin_entry_at=42, use_two_lines=False, scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFixedText, name="== ADVANCED OPTIONS ==", begin_entry_at=0, editable=False, color="CONTROL", scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely -= 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFixedText, name="GPU Management", begin_entry_at=0, editable=False, color="CONTROL", scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely -= 1 self.free_gpu_mem = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Free GPU memory after each generation", value=old_opts.free_gpu_mem, relx=5, scroll_exit=True, ) self.xformers = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Enable xformers support if available", value=old_opts.xformers, relx=5, scroll_exit=True, ) self.ckpt_convert = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Load legacy checkpoint models into memory as diffusers models", value=old_opts.ckpt_convert, relx=5, scroll_exit=True, ) self.always_use_cpu = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="Force CPU to be used on GPU systems", value=old_opts.always_use_cpu, relx=5, scroll_exit=True, ) precision = old_opts.precision or ( "float32" if program_opts.full_precision else "auto" ) self.precision = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleSelectOne, name="Precision", values=PRECISION_CHOICES, value=PRECISION_CHOICES.index(precision), begin_entry_at=3, max_height=len(PRECISION_CHOICES) + 1, scroll_exit=True, ) self.max_loaded_models = self.add_widget_intelligent( IntTitleSlider, name="Number of models to cache in CPU memory (each will use 2-4 GB!)", value=old_opts.max_loaded_models, out_of=10, lowest=1, begin_entry_at=4, scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.FixedText, value="Directory containing embedding/textual inversion files:", editable=False, color="CONTROL", ) self.embedding_path = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name="(<tab> autocompletes, ctrl-N advances):", value=str(default_embedding_dir()), select_dir=True, must_exist=False, use_two_lines=False, labelColor="GOOD", begin_entry_at=40, scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely += 1 self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFixedText, name="== LICENSE ==", begin_entry_at=0, editable=False, color="CONTROL", scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely -= 1 for i in [ "BY DOWNLOADING THE STABLE DIFFUSION WEIGHT FILES, YOU AGREE TO HAVE READ", "AND ACCEPTED THE CREATIVEML RESPONSIBLE AI LICENSE LOCATED AT", "https://huggingface.co/spaces/CompVis/stable-diffusion-license", ]: self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.FixedText, value=i, editable=False, color="CONTROL", ) self.license_acceptance = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.Checkbox, name="I accept the CreativeML Responsible AI License", value=not first_time, relx=2, scroll_exit=True, ) self.nextrely += 1 label = ( "DONE" if program_opts.skip_sd_weights or program_opts.default_only else "NEXT" ) self.ok_button = self.add_widget_intelligent( CenteredButtonPress, name=label, relx=(window_width - len(label)) // 2, rely=-3, when_pressed_function=self.on_ok, ) def on_ok(self): options = self.marshall_arguments() if self.validate_field_values(options): self.parentApp.new_opts = options if hasattr(self.parentApp, "model_select"): self.parentApp.setNextForm("MODELS") else: self.parentApp.setNextForm(None) self.editing = False else: self.editing = True def validate_field_values(self, opt: Namespace) -> bool: bad_fields = [] if not opt.license_acceptance: bad_fields.append( "Please accept the license terms before proceeding to model downloads" ) if not Path(opt.outdir).parent.exists(): bad_fields.append( f"The output directory does not seem to be valid. Please check that {str(Path(opt.outdir).parent)} is an existing directory." ) if not Path(opt.embedding_path).parent.exists(): bad_fields.append( f"The embedding directory does not seem to be valid. Please check that {str(Path(opt.embedding_path).parent)} is an existing directory." ) if len(bad_fields) > 0: message = "The following problems were detected and must be corrected:\n" for problem in bad_fields: message += f"* {problem}\n" npyscreen.notify_confirm(message) return False else: return True def marshall_arguments(self): new_opts = Namespace() for attr in [ "outdir", "safety_checker", "free_gpu_mem", "max_loaded_models", "xformers", "always_use_cpu", "embedding_path", "ckpt_convert", ]: setattr(new_opts, attr, getattr(self, attr).value) new_opts.hf_token = self.hf_token.value new_opts.license_acceptance = self.license_acceptance.value new_opts.precision = PRECISION_CHOICES[self.precision.value[0]] return new_opts class EditOptApplication(npyscreen.NPSAppManaged): def __init__(self, program_opts: Namespace, invokeai_opts: Namespace): super().__init__() self.program_opts = program_opts self.invokeai_opts = invokeai_opts self.user_cancelled = False self.user_selections = default_user_selections(program_opts) def onStart(self): npyscreen.setTheme(npyscreen.Themes.DefaultTheme) self.options = self.addForm( "MAIN", editOptsForm, name="InvokeAI Startup Options", ) if not (self.program_opts.skip_sd_weights or self.program_opts.default_only): self.model_select = self.addForm( "MODELS", addModelsForm, name="Install Stable Diffusion Models", multipage=True, ) def new_opts(self): return self.options.marshall_arguments() def edit_opts(program_opts: Namespace, invokeai_opts: Namespace) -> argparse.Namespace: editApp = EditOptApplication(program_opts, invokeai_opts) editApp.run() return editApp.new_opts() def default_startup_options(init_file: Path) -> Namespace: opts = Args().parse_args([]) outdir = Path(opts.outdir) if not outdir.is_absolute(): opts.outdir = str(Globals.root / opts.outdir) if not init_file.exists(): opts.safety_checker = True return opts def default_user_selections(program_opts: Namespace) -> Namespace: return Namespace( starter_models=default_dataset() if program_opts.default_only else recommended_datasets() if program_opts.yes_to_all else dict(), purge_deleted_models=False, scan_directory=None, autoscan_on_startup=None, import_model_paths=None, convert_to_diffusers=None, ) # ------------------------------------- def initialize_rootdir(root: str, yes_to_all: bool = False): print("** INITIALIZING INVOKEAI RUNTIME DIRECTORY **") for name in ( "models", "configs", "embeddings", "text-inversion-output", "text-inversion-training-data", ): os.makedirs(os.path.join(root, name), exist_ok=True) configs_src = Path(configs.__path__[0]) configs_dest = Path(root) / "configs" if not os.path.samefile(configs_src, configs_dest): shutil.copytree(configs_src, configs_dest, dirs_exist_ok=True) # ------------------------------------- def run_console_ui( program_opts: Namespace, initfile: Path = None ) -> (Namespace, Namespace): # parse_args() will read from init file if present invokeai_opts = default_startup_options(initfile) set_min_terminal_size(MIN_COLS, MIN_LINES) editApp = EditOptApplication(program_opts, invokeai_opts) editApp.run() if editApp.user_cancelled: return (None, None) else: return (editApp.new_opts, editApp.user_selections) # ------------------------------------- def write_opts(opts: Namespace, init_file: Path): """ Update the invokeai.init file with values from opts Namespace """ # touch file if it doesn't exist if not init_file.exists(): with open(init_file, "w") as f: f.write(INIT_FILE_PREAMBLE) # We want to write in the changed arguments without clobbering # any other initialization values the user has entered. There is # no good way to do this because of the one-way nature of # argparse: i.e. --outdir could be --outdir, --out, or -o # initfile needs to be replaced with a fully structured format # such as yaml; this is a hack that will work much of the time args_to_skip = re.compile( "^--?(o|out|no-xformer|xformer|no-ckpt|ckpt|free|no-nsfw|nsfw|prec|max_load|embed|always|ckpt|free_gpu)" ) # fix windows paths opts.outdir = opts.outdir.replace("\\", "/") opts.embedding_path = opts.embedding_path.replace("\\", "/") new_file = f"{init_file}.new" try: lines = [x.strip() for x in open(init_file, "r").readlines()] with open(new_file, "w") as out_file: for line in lines: if len(line) > 0 and not args_to_skip.match(line): out_file.write(line + "\n") out_file.write( f""" --outdir={opts.outdir} --embedding_path={opts.embedding_path} --precision={opts.precision} --max_loaded_models={int(opts.max_loaded_models)} --{'no-' if not opts.safety_checker else ''}nsfw_checker --{'no-' if not opts.xformers else ''}xformers --{'no-' if not opts.ckpt_convert else ''}ckpt_convert {'--free_gpu_mem' if opts.free_gpu_mem else ''} {'--always_use_cpu' if opts.always_use_cpu else ''} """ ) except OSError as e: print(f"** An error occurred while writing the init file: {str(e)}") os.replace(new_file, init_file) if opts.hf_token: HfLogin(opts.hf_token) # ------------------------------------- def default_output_dir() -> Path: return Globals.root / "outputs" # ------------------------------------- def default_embedding_dir() -> Path: return Globals.root / "embeddings" # ------------------------------------- def write_default_options(program_opts: Namespace, initfile: Path): opt = default_startup_options(initfile) opt.hf_token = HfFolder.get_token() write_opts(opt, initfile) # ------------------------------------- def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="InvokeAI model downloader") parser.add_argument( "--skip-sd-weights", dest="skip_sd_weights", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=False, help="skip downloading the large Stable Diffusion weight files", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-support-models", dest="skip_support_models", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=False, help="skip downloading the support models", ) parser.add_argument( "--full-precision", dest="full_precision", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, type=bool, default=False, help="use 32-bit weights instead of faster 16-bit weights", ) parser.add_argument( "--yes", "-y", dest="yes_to_all", action="store_true", help='answer "yes" to all prompts', ) parser.add_argument( "--default_only", action="store_true", help="when --yes specified, only install the default model", ) parser.add_argument( "--config_file", "-c", dest="config_file", type=str, default=None, help="path to configuration file to create", ) parser.add_argument( "--root_dir", dest="root", type=str, default=None, help="path to root of install directory", ) opt = parser.parse_args() # setting a global here Globals.root = Path(os.path.expanduser(get_root(opt.root) or "")) errors = set() try: models_to_download = default_user_selections(opt) # We check for to see if the runtime directory is correctly initialized. init_file = Path(Globals.root, Globals.initfile) if not init_file.exists() or not global_config_file().exists(): initialize_rootdir(Globals.root, opt.yes_to_all) if opt.yes_to_all: write_default_options(opt, init_file) init_options = Namespace( precision="float32" if opt.full_precision else "float16" ) else: init_options, models_to_download = run_console_ui(opt, init_file) if init_options: write_opts(init_options, init_file) else: print( '\n** CANCELLED AT USER\'S REQUEST. USE THE "invoke.sh" LAUNCHER TO RUN LATER **\n' ) sys.exit(0) if opt.skip_support_models: print("\n** SKIPPING SUPPORT MODEL DOWNLOADS PER USER REQUEST **") else: print("\n** DOWNLOADING SUPPORT MODELS **") download_bert() download_sd1_clip() download_sd2_clip() download_realesrgan() download_gfpgan() download_codeformer() download_clipseg() download_safety_checker() download_vaes() if opt.skip_sd_weights: print("\n** SKIPPING DIFFUSION WEIGHTS DOWNLOAD PER USER REQUEST **") elif models_to_download: print("\n** DOWNLOADING DIFFUSION WEIGHTS **") process_and_execute(opt, models_to_download) postscript(errors=errors) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nGoodbye! Come back soon.") # ------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()