import os import re import shlex import sys import traceback from argparse import Namespace from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import click from compel import PromptParser if sys.platform == "darwin": os.environ["PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK"] = "1" import pyparsing # type: ignore import ldm.invoke from ..generate import Generate from .args import (Args, dream_cmd_from_png, metadata_dumps, metadata_from_png) from .generator.diffusers_pipeline import PipelineIntermediateState from .globals import Globals, global_config_dir from .image_util import make_grid from .log import write_log from .model_manager import ModelManager from .pngwriter import PngWriter, retrieve_metadata, write_metadata from .readline import Completer, get_completer from ..util import url_attachment_name # global used in multiple functions (fix) infile = None def main(): """Initialize command-line parsers and the diffusion model""" global infile opt = Args() args = opt.parse_args() if not args: sys.exit(-1) if args.laion400m: print( "--laion400m flag has been deprecated. Please use --model laion400m instead." ) sys.exit(-1) if args.weights: print( "--weights argument has been deprecated. Please edit ./configs/models.yaml, and select the weights using --model instead." ) sys.exit(-1) if args.max_loaded_models is not None: if args.max_loaded_models <= 0: print("--max_loaded_models must be >= 1; using 1") args.max_loaded_models = 1 # alert - setting a few globals here Globals.try_patchmatch = args.patchmatch Globals.always_use_cpu = args.always_use_cpu Globals.internet_available = args.internet_available and check_internet() Globals.disable_xformers = not args.xformers Globals.sequential_guidance = args.sequential_guidance Globals.ckpt_convert = args.ckpt_convert # run any post-install patches needed run_patches() print(f">> Internet connectivity is {Globals.internet_available}") if not args.conf: config_file = os.path.join(Globals.root, "configs", "models.yaml") if not os.path.exists(config_file): report_model_error( opt, FileNotFoundError(f"The file {config_file} could not be found.") ) print(f">> {ldm.invoke.__app_name__}, version {ldm.invoke.__version__}") print(f'>> InvokeAI runtime directory is "{Globals.root}"') # loading here to avoid long delays on startup # these two lines prevent a horrible warning message from appearing # when the frozen CLIP tokenizer is imported import transformers # type: ignore from ldm.generate import Generate transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() import diffusers diffusers.logging.set_verbosity_error() # Loading Face Restoration and ESRGAN Modules gfpgan, codeformer, esrgan = load_face_restoration(opt) # normalize the config directory relative to root if not os.path.isabs(opt.conf): opt.conf = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Globals.root, opt.conf)) if opt.embeddings: if not os.path.isabs(opt.embedding_path): embedding_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(Globals.root, opt.embedding_path) ) else: embedding_path = opt.embedding_path else: embedding_path = None # migrate legacy models ModelManager.migrate_models() # load the infile as a list of lines if opt.infile: try: if os.path.isfile(opt.infile): infile = open(opt.infile, "r", encoding="utf-8") elif opt.infile == "-": # stdin infile = sys.stdin else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"{opt.infile} not found.") except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as e: print(f"{e}. Aborting.") sys.exit(-1) # creating a Generate object: try: gen = Generate( conf=opt.conf, model=opt.model, sampler_name=opt.sampler_name, embedding_path=embedding_path, full_precision=opt.full_precision, precision=opt.precision, gfpgan=gfpgan, codeformer=codeformer, esrgan=esrgan, free_gpu_mem=opt.free_gpu_mem, safety_checker=opt.safety_checker, max_loaded_models=opt.max_loaded_models, ) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError, AssertionError) as e: report_model_error(opt, e) except (IOError, KeyError) as e: print(f"{e}. Aborting.") sys.exit(-1) if opt.seamless: print(">> changed to seamless tiling mode") # preload the model try: gen.load_model() except KeyError: pass except Exception as e: report_model_error(opt, e) # completer is the readline object completer = get_completer(opt, models=gen.model_manager.list_models()) # try to autoconvert new models if path := opt.autoimport: gen.model_manager.heuristic_import( str(path), convert=False, commit_to_conf=opt.conf, config_file_callback=lambda x: _pick_configuration_file(completer,x), ) if path := opt.autoconvert: gen.model_manager.heuristic_import( str(path), convert=True, commit_to_conf=opt.conf ) # web server loops forever if opt.web or opt.gui: invoke_ai_web_server_loop(gen, gfpgan, codeformer, esrgan) sys.exit(0) if not infile: print( "\n* Initialization done! Awaiting your command (-h for help, 'q' to quit)" ) try: main_loop(gen, opt, completer) except KeyboardInterrupt: print( f'\nGoodbye!\nYou can start InvokeAI again by running the "invoke.bat" (or "") script from {Globals.root}' ) except Exception: print(">> An error occurred:") traceback.print_exc() # TODO: main_loop() has gotten busy. Needs to be refactored. def main_loop(gen, opt, completer): """prompt/read/execute loop""" global infile done = False doneAfterInFile = infile is not None path_filter = re.compile(r'[<>:"/\\|?*]') last_results = list() # The readline completer reads history from the .dream_history file located in the # output directory specified at the time of script launch. We do not currently support # changing the history file midstream when the output directory is changed. set_default_output_dir(opt, completer) if gen.model: add_embedding_terms(gen, completer) output_cntr = completer.get_current_history_length() + 1 # os.pathconf is not available on Windows if hasattr(os, "pathconf"): path_max = os.pathconf(opt.outdir, "PC_PATH_MAX") name_max = os.pathconf(opt.outdir, "PC_NAME_MAX") else: path_max = 260 name_max = 255 while not done: operation = "generate" try: command = get_next_command(infile, gen.model_name) except EOFError: done = infile is None or doneAfterInFile infile = None continue # skip empty lines if not command.strip(): continue if command.startswith(("#", "//")): continue if len(command.strip()) == 1 and command.startswith("q"): done = True break if not command.startswith("!history"): completer.add_history(command) if command.startswith("!"): command, operation = do_command(command, gen, opt, completer) if operation is None: continue if opt.parse_cmd(command) is None: continue if opt.init_img: try: if not opt.prompt: oldargs = metadata_from_png(opt.init_img) opt.prompt = oldargs.prompt print(f'>> Retrieved old prompt "{opt.prompt}" from {opt.init_img}') except (OSError, AttributeError, KeyError): pass if len(opt.prompt) == 0: opt.prompt = "" # width and height are set by model if not specified if not opt.width: opt.width = gen.width if not opt.height: opt.height = gen.height # retrieve previous value of init image if requested if opt.init_img is not None and re.match("^-\\d+$", opt.init_img): try: opt.init_img = last_results[int(opt.init_img)][0] print(f">> Reusing previous image {opt.init_img}") except IndexError: print(f">> No previous initial image at position {opt.init_img} found") opt.init_img = None continue # the outdir can change with each command, so we adjust it here set_default_output_dir(opt, completer) # try to relativize pathnames for attr in ("init_img", "init_mask", "init_color"): if getattr(opt, attr) and not os.path.exists(getattr(opt, attr)): basename = getattr(opt, attr) path = os.path.join(opt.outdir, basename) setattr(opt, attr, path) # retrieve previous value of seed if requested # Exception: for postprocess operations negative seed values # mean "discard the original seed and generate a new one" # (this is a non-obvious hack and needs to be reworked) if opt.seed is not None and opt.seed < 0 and operation != "postprocess": try: opt.seed = last_results[opt.seed][1] print(f">> Reusing previous seed {opt.seed}") except IndexError: print(f">> No previous seed at position {opt.seed} found") opt.seed = None continue if opt.strength is None: opt.strength = 0.75 if opt.out_direction is None else 0.83 if opt.with_variations is not None: opt.with_variations = split_variations(opt.with_variations) if opt.prompt_as_dir and operation == "generate": # sanitize the prompt to a valid folder name subdir = path_filter.sub("_", opt.prompt)[:name_max].rstrip(" .") # truncate path to maximum allowed length # 39 is the length of '######.##########.##########-##.png', plus two separators and a NUL subdir = subdir[: (path_max - 39 - len(os.path.abspath(opt.outdir)))] current_outdir = os.path.join(opt.outdir, subdir) print('Writing files to directory: "' + current_outdir + '"') # make sure the output directory exists if not os.path.exists(current_outdir): os.makedirs(current_outdir) else: if not os.path.exists(opt.outdir): os.makedirs(opt.outdir) current_outdir = opt.outdir # Here is where the images are actually generated! last_results = [] try: file_writer = PngWriter(current_outdir) results = [] # list of filename, prompt pairs grid_images = dict() # seed -> Image, only used if `opt.grid` prior_variations = opt.with_variations or [] prefix = file_writer.unique_prefix() step_callback = ( make_step_callback(gen, opt, prefix) if opt.save_intermediates > 0 else None ) def image_writer( image, seed, upscaled=False, first_seed=None, use_prefix=None, prompt_in=None, attention_maps_image=None, ): # note the seed is the seed of the current image # the first_seed is the original seed that noise is added to # when the -v switch is used to generate variations nonlocal prior_variations nonlocal prefix path = None if opt.grid: grid_images[seed] = image elif operation == "mask": filename = f"{prefix}.{use_prefix}.{seed}.png" tm = opt.text_mask[0] th = opt.text_mask[1] if len(opt.text_mask) > 1 else 0.5 formatted_dream_prompt = ( f"!mask {opt.input_file_path} -tm {tm} {th}" ) path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png( image=image, dream_prompt=formatted_dream_prompt, metadata={}, name=filename, compress_level=opt.png_compression, ) results.append([path, formatted_dream_prompt]) else: if use_prefix is not None: prefix = use_prefix postprocessed = upscaled if upscaled else operation == "postprocess" opt.prompt = ( gen.huggingface_concepts_library.replace_triggers_with_concepts( opt.prompt or prompt_in ) ) # to avoid the problem of non-unique concept triggers filename, formatted_dream_prompt = prepare_image_metadata( opt, prefix, seed, operation, prior_variations, postprocessed, first_seed, gen.model_name, ) path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png( image=image, dream_prompt=formatted_dream_prompt, metadata=metadata_dumps( opt, seeds=[ seed if opt.variation_amount == 0 and len(prior_variations) == 0 else first_seed ], model_hash=gen.model_hash, model_id=gen.model_name, ), name=filename, compress_level=opt.png_compression, ) # update rfc metadata if operation == "postprocess": tool = re.match( "postprocess:(\w+)", opt.last_operation ).groups()[0] add_postprocessing_to_metadata( opt, opt.input_file_path, filename, tool, formatted_dream_prompt, ) if (not postprocessed) or opt.save_original: # only append to results if we didn't overwrite an earlier output results.append([path, formatted_dream_prompt]) # so that the seed autocompletes (on linux|mac when -S or --seed specified if completer and operation == "generate": completer.add_seed(seed) completer.add_seed(first_seed) last_results.append([path, seed]) if operation == "generate": catch_ctrl_c = ( infile is None ) # if running interactively, we catch keyboard interrupts opt.last_operation = "generate" try: gen.prompt2image( image_callback=image_writer, step_callback=step_callback, catch_interrupts=catch_ctrl_c, **vars(opt), ) except (PromptParser.ParsingException, pyparsing.ParseException) as e: print("** An error occurred while processing your prompt **") print(f"** {str(e)} **") elif operation == "postprocess": print(f">> fixing {opt.prompt}") opt.last_operation = do_postprocess(gen, opt, image_writer) elif operation == "mask": print(f">> generating masks from {opt.prompt}") do_textmask(gen, opt, image_writer) if opt.grid and len(grid_images) > 0: grid_img = make_grid(list(grid_images.values())) grid_seeds = list(grid_images.keys()) first_seed = last_results[0][1] filename = f"{prefix}.{first_seed}.png" formatted_dream_prompt = opt.dream_prompt_str( seed=first_seed, grid=True, iterations=len(grid_images) ) formatted_dream_prompt += f" # {grid_seeds}" metadata = metadata_dumps( opt, seeds=grid_seeds, model_hash=gen.model_hash ) path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png( image=grid_img, dream_prompt=formatted_dream_prompt, metadata=metadata, name=filename, ) results = [[path, formatted_dream_prompt]] except AssertionError as e: print(e) continue except OSError as e: print(e) continue print("Outputs:") log_path = os.path.join(current_outdir, "invoke_log") output_cntr = write_log(results, log_path, ("txt", "md"), output_cntr) print() print( f'\nGoodbye!\nYou can start InvokeAI again by running the "invoke.bat" (or "") script from {Globals.root}' ) # TO DO: remove repetitive code and the awkward command.replace() trope # Just do a simple parse of the command! def do_command(command: str, gen, opt: Args, completer) -> tuple: global infile operation = "generate" # default operation, alternative is 'postprocess' command = command.replace('\\','/') # windows if command.startswith( "!dream" ): # in case a stored prompt still contains the !dream command command = command.replace("!dream ", "", 1) elif command.startswith("!fix"): command = command.replace("!fix ", "", 1) operation = "postprocess" elif command.startswith("!mask"): command = command.replace("!mask ", "", 1) operation = "mask" elif command.startswith("!switch"): model_name = command.replace("!switch ", "", 1) try: gen.set_model(model_name) add_embedding_terms(gen, completer) except KeyError as e: print(str(e)) except Exception as e: report_model_error(opt, e) completer.add_history(command) operation = None elif command.startswith("!models"): gen.model_manager.print_models() completer.add_history(command) operation = None elif command.startswith("!import"): path = shlex.split(command) if len(path) < 2: print( "** please provide (1) a URL to a .ckpt file to import; (2) a local path to a .ckpt file; or (3) a diffusers repository id in the form stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1" ) else: try: import_model(path[1], gen, opt, completer) completer.add_history(command) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') operation = None elif command.startswith(("!convert","!optimize")): path = shlex.split(command) if len(path) < 2: print("** please provide the path to a .ckpt or .safetensors model") else: try: convert_model(path[1], gen, opt, completer) completer.add_history(command) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') operation = None elif command.startswith("!edit"): path = shlex.split(command) if len(path) < 2: print("** please provide the name of a model") else: edit_model(path[1], gen, opt, completer) completer.add_history(command) operation = None elif command.startswith("!del"): path = shlex.split(command) if len(path) < 2: print("** please provide the name of a model") else: del_config(path[1], gen, opt, completer) completer.add_history(command) operation = None elif command.startswith("!fetch"): file_path = command.replace("!fetch", "", 1).strip() retrieve_dream_command(opt, file_path, completer) completer.add_history(command) operation = None elif command.startswith("!replay"): file_path = command.replace("!replay", "", 1).strip() if infile is None and os.path.isfile(file_path): infile = open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") completer.add_history(command) operation = None elif command.startswith("!trigger"): print("Embedding trigger strings: ", ", ".join(gen.embedding_trigger_strings)) operation = None elif command.startswith("!history"): completer.show_history() operation = None elif command.startswith("!search"): search_str = command.replace("!search", "", 1).strip() completer.show_history(search_str) operation = None elif command.startswith("!clear"): completer.clear_history() operation = None elif re.match("^!(\d+)", command): command_no = re.match("^!(\d+)", command).groups()[0] command = completer.get_line(int(command_no)) completer.set_line(command) operation = None else: # not a recognized command, so give the --help text command = "-h" return command, operation def set_default_output_dir(opt: Args, completer: Completer): """ If opt.outdir is relative, we add the root directory to it normalize the outdir relative to root and make sure it exists. """ if not os.path.isabs(opt.outdir): opt.outdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Globals.root, opt.outdir)) if not os.path.exists(opt.outdir): os.makedirs(opt.outdir) completer.set_default_dir(opt.outdir) def import_model(model_path: str, gen, opt, completer, convert=False): """ model_path can be (1) a URL to a .ckpt file; (2) a local .ckpt file path; (3) a huggingface repository id; or (4) a local directory containing a diffusers model. """ default_name = Path(model_path).stem model_name = None model_desc = None if ( Path(model_path).is_dir() and not (Path(model_path) / "model_index.json").exists() ): pass else: if model_path.startswith(('http:','https:')): try: default_name = url_attachment_name(model_path) default_name = Path(default_name).stem except Exception as e: print(f'** URL: {str(e)}') model_name, model_desc = _get_model_name_and_desc( gen.model_manager, completer, model_name=default_name, ) imported_name = gen.model_manager.heuristic_import( model_path, model_name=model_name, description=model_desc, convert=convert, config_file_callback=lambda x: _pick_configuration_file(completer,x), ) if not imported_name: print("** Aborting import.") return if not _verify_load(imported_name, gen): print("** model failed to load. Discarding configuration entry") gen.model_manager.del_model(imported_name) return if click.confirm("Make this the default model?", default=False): gen.model_manager.set_default_model(imported_name) gen.model_manager.commit(opt.conf) completer.update_models(gen.model_manager.list_models()) print(f">> {imported_name} successfully installed") def _pick_configuration_file(completer, checkpoint_path: Path)->Path: print( f""" Please select the type of the model at checkpoint {checkpoint_path}: [1] A Stable Diffusion v1.x ckpt/safetensors model [2] A Stable Diffusion v1.x inpainting ckpt/safetensors model [3] A Stable Diffusion v2.x base model (512 pixels; there should be no 'parameterization:' line in its yaml file) [4] A Stable Diffusion v2.x v-predictive model (768 pixels; look for a 'parameterization: "v"' line in its yaml file) [5] Other (you will be prompted to enter the config file path) [Q] I have no idea! Skip the import. """) choices = [ global_config_dir() / 'stable-diffusion' / x for x in [ 'v1-inference.yaml', 'v1-inpainting-inference.yaml', 'v2-inference.yaml', 'v2-inference-v.yaml', ] ] ok = False while not ok: try: choice = input('select 0-5, Q > ').strip() if choice.startswith(('q','Q')): return if choice == '5': completer.complete_extensions(('.yaml')) choice = Path(input('Select config file for this model> ').strip()).absolute() completer.complete_extensions(None) ok = choice.exists() else: choice = choices[int(choice)-1] ok = True except (ValueError, IndexError): print(f'{choice} is not a valid choice') except EOFError: return return choice def _verify_load(model_name: str, gen) -> bool: print(">> Verifying that new model loads...") current_model = gen.model_name try: if not gen.set_model(model_name): return except Exception as e: print(f"** model failed to load: {str(e)}") print( "** note that importing 2.X checkpoints is not supported. Please use !convert_model instead." ) return False if click.confirm("Keep model loaded?", default=True): gen.set_model(model_name) else: print(">> Restoring previous model") gen.set_model(current_model) return True def _get_model_name_and_desc( model_manager, completer, model_name: str = "", model_description: str = "" ): model_name = _get_model_name(model_manager.list_models(), completer, model_name) model_description = model_description or f"Imported model {model_name}" completer.set_line(model_description) model_description = ( input(f"Description for this model [{model_description}]: ").strip() or model_description ) return model_name, model_description def convert_model(model_name_or_path: Union[Path, str], gen, opt, completer): model_name_or_path = model_name_or_path.replace("\\", "/") # windows manager = gen.model_manager ckpt_path = None original_config_file = None if model_name_or_path == gen.model_name: print("** Can't convert the active model. !switch to another model first. **") return elif model_info := manager.model_info(model_name_or_path): if "weights" in model_info: ckpt_path = Path(model_info["weights"]) original_config_file = Path(model_info["config"]) model_name = model_name_or_path model_description = model_info["description"] vae = model_info["vae"] else: print(f"** {model_name_or_path} is not a legacy .ckpt weights file") return if vae_repo := ldm.invoke.model_manager.VAE_TO_REPO_ID.get(Path(vae).stem): vae_repo = dict(repo_id=vae_repo) else: vae_repo = None model_name = manager.convert_and_import( ckpt_path, diffusers_path=Path( Globals.root, "models", Globals.converted_ckpts_dir, model_name_or_path ), model_name=model_name, model_description=model_description, original_config_file=original_config_file, vae=vae_repo, ) else: try: import_model(model_name_or_path, gen, opt, completer, convert=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: return manager.commit(opt.conf) if ckpt_path and click.confirm(f"Delete the original .ckpt file at {ckpt_path}?", default=False): ckpt_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) print(f"{ckpt_path} deleted") def del_config(model_name: str, gen, opt, completer): current_model = gen.model_name if model_name == current_model: print("** Can't delete active model. !switch to another model first. **") return if model_name not in gen.model_manager.config: print(f"** Unknown model {model_name}") return if not click.confirm( f"Remove {model_name} from the list of models known to InvokeAI?", default=True ): return delete_completely = click.confirm( "Completely remove the model file or directory from disk?", default=False ) gen.model_manager.del_model(model_name, delete_files=delete_completely) gen.model_manager.commit(opt.conf) print(f"** {model_name} deleted") completer.update_models(gen.model_manager.list_models()) def edit_model(model_name: str, gen, opt, completer): manager = gen.model_manager if not (info := manager.model_info(model_name)): print(f"** Unknown model {model_name}") return print(f"\n>> Editing model {model_name} from configuration file {opt.conf}") new_name = _get_model_name(manager.list_models(), completer, model_name) for attribute in info.keys(): if type(info[attribute]) != str: continue if attribute == "format": continue completer.set_line(info[attribute]) info[attribute] = input(f"{attribute}: ") or info[attribute] if info["format"] == "diffusers": vae = info.get("vae", dict(repo_id=None, path=None, subfolder=None)) completer.set_line(vae.get("repo_id") or "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse") vae["repo_id"] = input("External VAE repo_id: ").strip() or None if not vae["repo_id"]: completer.set_line(vae.get("path") or "") vae["path"] = ( input("Path to a local diffusers VAE model (usually none): ").strip() or None ) completer.set_line(vae.get("subfolder") or "") vae["subfolder"] = ( input("Name of subfolder containing the VAE model (usually none): ").strip() or None ) info["vae"] = vae if new_name != model_name: manager.del_model(model_name) # this does the update manager.add_model(new_name, info, True) if click.confirm("Make this the default model?", default=False): manager.set_default_model(new_name) manager.commit(opt.conf) completer.update_models(manager.list_models()) print(">> Model successfully updated") def _get_model_name(existing_names, completer, default_name: str = "") -> str: done = False completer.set_line(default_name) while not done: model_name = input(f"Short name for this model [{default_name}]: ").strip() if len(model_name) == 0: model_name = default_name if not re.match("^[\w._+:/-]+$", model_name): print( '** model name must contain only words, digits and the characters "._+:/-" **' ) elif model_name != default_name and model_name in existing_names: print(f"** the name {model_name} is already in use. Pick another.") else: done = True return model_name def do_textmask(gen, opt, callback): image_path = opt.prompt if not os.path.exists(image_path): image_path = os.path.join(opt.outdir, image_path) assert os.path.exists( image_path ), '** "{opt.prompt}" not found. Please enter the name of an existing image file to mask **' assert ( opt.text_mask is not None and len(opt.text_mask) >= 1 ), "** Please provide a text mask with -tm **" opt.input_file_path = image_path tm = opt.text_mask[0] threshold = float(opt.text_mask[1]) if len(opt.text_mask) > 1 else 0.5 gen.apply_textmask( image_path=image_path, prompt=tm, threshold=threshold, callback=callback, ) def do_postprocess(gen, opt, callback): file_path = opt.prompt # treat the prompt as the file pathname if opt.new_prompt is not None: opt.prompt = opt.new_prompt else: opt.prompt = None if os.path.dirname(file_path) == "": # basename given file_path = os.path.join(opt.outdir, file_path) opt.input_file_path = file_path tool = None if opt.facetool_strength > 0: tool = opt.facetool elif opt.embiggen: tool = "embiggen" elif opt.upscale: tool = "upscale" elif opt.out_direction: tool = "outpaint" elif opt.outcrop: tool = "outcrop" opt.save_original = True # do not overwrite old image! opt.last_operation = f"postprocess:{tool}" try: gen.apply_postprocessor( image_path=file_path, tool=tool, facetool_strength=opt.facetool_strength, codeformer_fidelity=opt.codeformer_fidelity, save_original=opt.save_original, upscale=opt.upscale, upscale_denoise_str=opt.esrgan_denoise_str, out_direction=opt.out_direction, outcrop=opt.outcrop, callback=callback, opt=opt, ) except OSError: print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) print(f"** {file_path}: file could not be read") return except (KeyError, AttributeError): print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) return return opt.last_operation def add_postprocessing_to_metadata(opt, original_file, new_file, tool, command): original_file = ( original_file if os.path.exists(original_file) else os.path.join(opt.outdir, original_file) ) new_file = ( new_file if os.path.exists(new_file) else os.path.join(opt.outdir, new_file) ) try: meta = retrieve_metadata(original_file)["sd-metadata"] except AttributeError: try: meta = retrieve_metadata(new_file)["sd-metadata"] except AttributeError: meta = {} if "image" not in meta: meta = metadata_dumps(opt, seeds=[opt.seed])["image"] meta["image"] = {} img_data = meta.get("image") pp = img_data.get("postprocessing", []) or [] pp.append( { "tool": tool, "dream_command": command, } ) meta["image"]["postprocessing"] = pp write_metadata(new_file, meta) def prepare_image_metadata( opt, prefix, seed, operation="generate", prior_variations=[], postprocessed=False, first_seed=None, model_id='unknown', ): if postprocessed and opt.save_original: filename = choose_postprocess_name(opt, prefix, seed) else: wildcards = dict(opt.__dict__) wildcards["prefix"] = prefix wildcards["seed"] = seed wildcards["model_id"] = model_id try: filename = opt.fnformat.format(**wildcards) except KeyError as e: print( f"** The filename format contains an unknown key '{e.args[0]}'. Will use {{prefix}}.{{seed}}.png' instead" ) filename = f"{prefix}.{seed}.png" except IndexError: print( "** The filename format is broken or complete. Will use '{prefix}.{seed}.png' instead" ) filename = f"{prefix}.{seed}.png" if opt.variation_amount > 0: first_seed = first_seed or seed this_variation = [[seed, opt.variation_amount]] opt.with_variations = prior_variations + this_variation formatted_dream_prompt = opt.dream_prompt_str(seed=first_seed,model_id=model_id) elif len(prior_variations) > 0: formatted_dream_prompt = opt.dream_prompt_str(seed=first_seed,model_id=model_id) elif operation == "postprocess": formatted_dream_prompt = "!fix " + opt.dream_prompt_str( seed=seed, prompt=opt.input_file_path, model_id=model_id, ) else: formatted_dream_prompt = opt.dream_prompt_str(seed=seed,model_id=model_id) return filename, formatted_dream_prompt def choose_postprocess_name(opt, prefix, seed) -> str: match ="postprocess:(\w+)", opt.last_operation) if match: modifier = 1 ) # will look like "gfpgan", "upscale", "outpaint" or "embiggen" else: modifier = "postprocessed" counter = 0 filename = None available = False while not available: if counter == 0: filename = f"{prefix}.{seed}.{modifier}.png" else: filename = f"{prefix}.{seed}.{modifier}-{counter:02d}.png" available = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(opt.outdir, filename)) counter += 1 return filename def get_next_command(infile=None, model_name="no model") -> str: # command string if infile is None: command = input(f"({model_name}) invoke> ").strip() else: command = infile.readline() if not command: raise EOFError else: command = command.strip() if len(command) > 0: print(f"#{command}") return command def invoke_ai_web_server_loop(gen: Generate, gfpgan, codeformer, esrgan): print("\n* --web was specified, starting web server...") from invokeai.backend import InvokeAIWebServer # Change working directory to the stable-diffusion directory os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))) invoke_ai_web_server = InvokeAIWebServer( generate=gen, gfpgan=gfpgan, codeformer=codeformer, esrgan=esrgan ) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def add_embedding_terms(gen, completer): """ Called after setting the model, updates the autocompleter with any terms loaded by the embedding manager. """ trigger_strings = gen.model.textual_inversion_manager.get_all_trigger_strings() completer.add_embedding_terms(trigger_strings) def split_variations(variations_string) -> list: # shotgun parsing, woo parts = [] broken = False # python doesn't have labeled loops... for part in variations_string.split(","): seed_and_weight = part.split(":") if len(seed_and_weight) != 2: print(f'** Could not parse with_variation part "{part}"') broken = True break try: seed = int(seed_and_weight[0]) weight = float(seed_and_weight[1]) except ValueError: print(f'** Could not parse with_variation part "{part}"') broken = True break parts.append([seed, weight]) if broken: return None elif len(parts) == 0: return None else: return parts def load_face_restoration(opt): try: gfpgan, codeformer, esrgan = None, None, None if opt.restore or opt.esrgan: from ldm.invoke.restoration import Restoration restoration = Restoration() if opt.restore: gfpgan, codeformer = restoration.load_face_restore_models( opt.gfpgan_model_path ) else: print(">> Face restoration disabled") if opt.esrgan: esrgan = restoration.load_esrgan(opt.esrgan_bg_tile) else: print(">> Upscaling disabled") else: print(">> Face restoration and upscaling disabled") except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) print(">> You may need to install the ESRGAN and/or GFPGAN modules") return gfpgan, codeformer, esrgan def make_step_callback(gen, opt, prefix): destination = os.path.join(opt.outdir, "intermediates", prefix) os.makedirs(destination, exist_ok=True) print(f">> Intermediate images will be written into {destination}") def callback(state: PipelineIntermediateState): latents = state.latents step = state.step if step % opt.save_intermediates == 0 or step == opt.steps - 1: filename = os.path.join(destination, f"{step:04}.png") image = gen.sample_to_lowres_estimated_image(latents) image = image.resize((image.size[0]*8,image.size[1]*8)), "PNG") return callback def retrieve_dream_command(opt, command, completer): """ Given a full or partial path to a previously-generated image file, will retrieve and format the dream command used to generate the image, and pop it into the readline buffer (linux, Mac), or print out a comment for cut-and-paste (windows) Given a wildcard path to a folder with image png files, will retrieve and format the dream command used to generate the images, and save them to a file commands.txt for further processing """ if len(command) == 0: return tokens = command.split() dir, basename = os.path.split(tokens[0]) if len(dir) == 0: path = os.path.join(opt.outdir, basename) else: path = tokens[0] if len(tokens) > 1: return write_commands(opt, path, tokens[1]) cmd = "" try: cmd = dream_cmd_from_png(path) except OSError: print(f"## {tokens[0]}: file could not be read") except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): print(f"## {tokens[0]}: file has no metadata") except: print(f"## {tokens[0]}: file could not be processed") if len(cmd) > 0: completer.set_line(cmd) def write_commands(opt, file_path: str, outfilepath: str): dir, basename = os.path.split(file_path) try: paths = sorted(list(Path(dir).glob(basename))) except ValueError: print(f'## "{basename}": unacceptable pattern') return commands = [] cmd = None for path in paths: try: cmd = dream_cmd_from_png(path) except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): print(f"## {path}: file has no metadata") except: print(f"## {path}: file could not be processed") if cmd: commands.append(f"# {path}") commands.append(cmd) if len(commands) > 0: dir, basename = os.path.split(outfilepath) if len(dir) == 0: outfilepath = os.path.join(opt.outdir, basename) with open(outfilepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(commands)) print(f">> File {outfilepath} with commands created") def report_model_error(opt: Namespace, e: Exception): print(f'** An error occurred while attempting to initialize the model: "{str(e)}"') print( "** This can be caused by a missing or corrupted models file, and can sometimes be fixed by (re)installing the models." ) yes_to_all = os.environ.get("INVOKE_MODEL_RECONFIGURE") if yes_to_all: print( "** Reconfiguration is being forced by environment variable INVOKE_MODEL_RECONFIGURE" ) else: if not click.confirm( 'Do you want to run invokeai-configure script to select and/or reinstall models?', default=False ): return print("invokeai-configure is launching....\n") # Match arguments that were set on the CLI # only the arguments accepted by the configuration script are parsed root_dir = ["--root", opt.root_dir] if opt.root_dir is not None else [] config = ["--config", opt.conf] if opt.conf is not None else [] previous_args = sys.argv sys.argv = ["invokeai-configure"] sys.argv.extend(root_dir) sys.argv.extend(config) if yes_to_all is not None: for arg in yes_to_all.split(): sys.argv.append(arg) from ldm.invoke.config import invokeai_configure invokeai_configure.main() print("** InvokeAI will now restart") sys.argv = previous_args main() # would rather do a os.exec(), but doesn't exist? sys.exit(0) def check_internet() -> bool: """ Return true if the internet is reachable. It does this by pinging """ import urllib.request host = "" try: urllib.request.urlopen(host, timeout=1) return True except: return False # This routine performs any patch-ups needed after installation def run_patches(): # install ckpt configuration files that may have been added to the # distro after original root directory configuration import invokeai.configs as conf from shutil import copyfile root_configs = Path(global_config_dir(), 'stable-diffusion') repo_configs = Path(conf.__path__[0], 'stable-diffusion') for src in repo_configs.iterdir(): dest = root_configs / if not dest.exists(): copyfile(src,dest) if __name__ == '__main__': main()