from typing import Optional from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, HTTPException, Path, Query from import ApiDependencies from import PaginatedResults from import SQLiteDirection from import ( Workflow, WorkflowCategory, WorkflowNotFoundError, WorkflowRecordDTO, WorkflowRecordListItemDTO, WorkflowRecordOrderBy, WorkflowWithoutID, ) workflows_router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1/workflows", tags=["workflows"]) @workflows_router.get( "/i/{workflow_id}", operation_id="get_workflow", responses={ 200: {"model": WorkflowRecordDTO}, }, ) async def get_workflow( workflow_id: str = Path(description="The workflow to get"), ) -> WorkflowRecordDTO: """Gets a workflow""" try: return except WorkflowNotFoundError: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Workflow not found") @workflows_router.patch( "/i/{workflow_id}", operation_id="update_workflow", responses={ 200: {"model": WorkflowRecordDTO}, }, ) async def update_workflow( workflow: Workflow = Body(description="The updated workflow", embed=True), ) -> WorkflowRecordDTO: """Updates a workflow""" return @workflows_router.delete( "/i/{workflow_id}", operation_id="delete_workflow", ) async def delete_workflow( workflow_id: str = Path(description="The workflow to delete"), ) -> None: """Deletes a workflow""" "/", operation_id="create_workflow", responses={ 200: {"model": WorkflowRecordDTO}, }, ) async def create_workflow( workflow: WorkflowWithoutID = Body(description="The workflow to create", embed=True), ) -> WorkflowRecordDTO: """Creates a workflow""" return @workflows_router.get( "/", operation_id="list_workflows", responses={ 200: {"model": PaginatedResults[WorkflowRecordListItemDTO]}, }, ) async def list_workflows( page: int = Query(default=0, description="The page to get"), per_page: int = Query(default=10, description="The number of workflows per page"), order_by: WorkflowRecordOrderBy = Query( default=WorkflowRecordOrderBy.Name, description="The attribute to order by" ), direction: SQLiteDirection = Query(default=SQLiteDirection.Ascending, description="The direction to order by"), category: WorkflowCategory = Query(default=WorkflowCategory.User, description="The category of workflow to get"), query: Optional[str] = Query(default=None, description="The text to query by (matches name and description)"), ) -> PaginatedResults[WorkflowRecordListItemDTO]: """Gets a page of workflows""" return page=page, per_page=per_page, order_by=order_by, direction=direction, query=query, category=category )