from enum import Enum import torch # adapted from bloc97's CrossAttentionControl colab # class CrossAttentionControl: class Arguments: def __init__(self, edited_conditioning: torch.Tensor, edit_opcodes: list[tuple], edit_options: dict): """ :param edited_conditioning: if doing cross-attention control, the edited conditioning [1 x 77 x 768] :param edit_opcodes: if doing cross-attention control, a list of difflib.SequenceMatcher-like opcodes describing how to map original conditioning tokens to edited conditioning tokens (only the 'equal' opcode is required) :param edit_options: if doing cross-attention control, per-edit options. there should be 1 item in edit_options for each item in edit_opcodes. """ # todo: rewrite this to take embedding fragments rather than a single edited_conditioning vector self.edited_conditioning = edited_conditioning self.edit_opcodes = edit_opcodes if edited_conditioning is not None: assert len(edit_opcodes) == len(edit_options), \ "there must be 1 edit_options dict for each edit_opcodes tuple" non_none_edit_options = [x for x in edit_options if x is not None] assert len(non_none_edit_options)>0, "missing edit_options" if len(non_none_edit_options)>1: print('warning: cross-attention control options are not working properly for >1 edit') self.edit_options = non_none_edit_options[0] class Context: def __init__(self, arguments: 'CrossAttentionControl.Arguments', step_count: int): """ :param arguments: Arguments for the cross-attention control process :param step_count: The absolute total number of steps of diffusion (for img2img this is likely larger than the number of steps that will actually run) """ self.arguments = arguments self.step_count = step_count @classmethod def remove_cross_attention_control(cls, model): cls.remove_attention_function(model) @classmethod def setup_cross_attention_control(cls, model, cross_attention_control_args: Arguments ): """ Inject attention parameters and functions into the passed in model to enable cross attention editing. :param model: The unet model to inject into. :param cross_attention_control_args: Arugments passeed to the CrossAttentionControl implementations :return: None """ # adapted from init_attention_edit device = cross_attention_control_args.edited_conditioning.device # urgh. should this be hardcoded? max_length = 77 # mask=1 means use base prompt attention, mask=0 means use edited prompt attention mask = torch.zeros(max_length) indices_target = torch.arange(max_length, dtype=torch.long) indices = torch.zeros(max_length, dtype=torch.long) for name, a0, a1, b0, b1 in cross_attention_control_args.edit_opcodes: if b0 < max_length: if name == "equal":# or (name == "replace" and a1 - a0 == b1 - b0): # these tokens have not been edited indices[b0:b1] = indices_target[a0:a1] mask[b0:b1] = 1 for m in cls.get_attention_modules(model, cls.CrossAttentionType.SELF): m.last_attn_slice_mask = None m.last_attn_slice_indices = None for m in cls.get_attention_modules(model, cls.CrossAttentionType.TOKENS): m.last_attn_slice_mask = m.last_attn_slice_indices = cls.inject_attention_function(model) class CrossAttentionType(Enum): SELF = 1 TOKENS = 2 @classmethod def get_active_cross_attention_control_types_for_step(cls, context: 'CrossAttentionControl.Context', percent_through:float=None)\ -> list['CrossAttentionControl.CrossAttentionType']: """ Should cross-attention control be applied on the given step? :param percent_through: How far through the step sequence are we (0.0=pure noise, 1.0=completely denoised image). Expected range 0.0..<1.0. :return: A list of attention types that cross-attention control should be performed for on the given step. May be []. """ if percent_through is None: return [cls.CrossAttentionType.SELF, cls.CrossAttentionType.TOKENS] opts = context.arguments.edit_options to_control = [] if opts['s_start'] <= percent_through and percent_through < opts['s_end']: to_control.append(cls.CrossAttentionType.SELF) if opts['t_start'] <= percent_through and percent_through < opts['t_end']: to_control.append(cls.CrossAttentionType.TOKENS) return to_control @classmethod def get_attention_modules(cls, model, which: CrossAttentionType): which_attn = "attn1" if which is cls.CrossAttentionType.SELF else "attn2" return [module for name, module in model.named_modules() if type(module).__name__ == "CrossAttention" and which_attn in name] @classmethod def clear_requests(cls, model, clear_attn_slice=True): self_attention_modules = cls.get_attention_modules(model, cls.CrossAttentionType.SELF) tokens_attention_modules = cls.get_attention_modules(model, cls.CrossAttentionType.TOKENS) for m in self_attention_modules+tokens_attention_modules: m.save_last_attn_slice = False m.use_last_attn_slice = False if clear_attn_slice: m.last_attn_slice = None @classmethod def request_save_attention_maps(cls, model, cross_attention_type: CrossAttentionType): modules = cls.get_attention_modules(model, cross_attention_type) for m in modules: # clear out the saved slice in case the outermost dim changes m.last_attn_slice = None m.save_last_attn_slice = True @classmethod def request_apply_saved_attention_maps(cls, model, cross_attention_type: CrossAttentionType): modules = cls.get_attention_modules(model, cross_attention_type) for m in modules: m.use_last_attn_slice = True @classmethod def inject_attention_function(cls, unet): # ORIGINAL SOURCE CODE: def attention_slice_wrangler(self, attention_scores, suggested_attention_slice, dim, offset, slice_size): #print("in wrangler with suggested_attention_slice shape", suggested_attention_slice.shape, "dim", dim) attn_slice = suggested_attention_slice if dim is not None: start = offset end = start+slice_size #print(f"in wrangler, sliced dim {dim} {start}-{end}, use_last_attn_slice is {self.use_last_attn_slice}, save_last_attn_slice is {self.save_last_attn_slice}") #else: # print(f"in wrangler, whole, use_last_attn_slice is {self.use_last_attn_slice}, save_last_attn_slice is {self.save_last_attn_slice}") if self.use_last_attn_slice: this_attn_slice = attn_slice if self.last_attn_slice_mask is not None: # indices and mask operate on dim=2, no need to slice base_attn_slice_full = torch.index_select(self.last_attn_slice, -1, self.last_attn_slice_indices) base_attn_slice_mask = self.last_attn_slice_mask if dim is None: base_attn_slice = base_attn_slice_full #print("using whole base slice of shape", base_attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", base_attn_slice_full.shape) elif dim == 0: base_attn_slice = base_attn_slice_full[start:end] #print("using base dim 0 slice of shape", base_attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", base_attn_slice_full.shape) elif dim == 1: base_attn_slice = base_attn_slice_full[:, start:end] #print("using base dim 1 slice of shape", base_attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", base_attn_slice_full.shape) attn_slice = this_attn_slice * (1 - base_attn_slice_mask) + \ base_attn_slice * base_attn_slice_mask else: if dim is None: attn_slice = self.last_attn_slice #print("took whole slice of shape", attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", self.last_attn_slice.shape) elif dim == 0: attn_slice = self.last_attn_slice[start:end] #print("took dim 0 slice of shape", attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", self.last_attn_slice.shape) elif dim == 1: attn_slice = self.last_attn_slice[:, start:end] #print("took dim 1 slice of shape", attn_slice.shape, "from complete shape", self.last_attn_slice.shape) if self.save_last_attn_slice: if dim is None: self.last_attn_slice = attn_slice elif dim == 0: # dynamically grow last_attn_slice if needed if self.last_attn_slice is None: self.last_attn_slice = attn_slice #print("no last_attn_slice: shape now", self.last_attn_slice.shape) elif self.last_attn_slice.shape[0] == start: self.last_attn_slice =[self.last_attn_slice, attn_slice], dim=0) assert(self.last_attn_slice.shape[0] == end) #print("last_attn_slice too small, appended dim 0 shape", attn_slice.shape, ", shape now", self.last_attn_slice.shape) else: # no need to grow self.last_attn_slice[start:end] = attn_slice #print("last_attn_slice shape is fine, setting dim 0 shape", attn_slice.shape, ", shape now", self.last_attn_slice.shape) elif dim == 1: # dynamically grow last_attn_slice if needed if self.last_attn_slice is None: self.last_attn_slice = attn_slice elif self.last_attn_slice.shape[1] == start: self.last_attn_slice =[self.last_attn_slice, attn_slice], dim=1) assert(self.last_attn_slice.shape[1] == end) else: # no need to grow self.last_attn_slice[:, start:end] = attn_slice if self.use_last_attn_weights and self.last_attn_slice_weights is not None: if dim is None: weights = self.last_attn_slice_weights elif dim == 0: weights = self.last_attn_slice_weights[start:end] elif dim == 1: weights = self.last_attn_slice_weights[:, start:end] attn_slice = attn_slice * weights return attn_slice for name, module in unet.named_modules(): module_name = type(module).__name__ if module_name == "CrossAttention": module.last_attn_slice = None module.last_attn_slice_indices = None module.last_attn_slice_mask = None module.use_last_attn_weights = False module.use_last_attn_slice = False module.save_last_attn_slice = False module.set_attention_slice_wrangler(attention_slice_wrangler) @classmethod def remove_attention_function(cls, unet): for name, module in unet.named_modules(): module_name = type(module).__name__ if module_name == "CrossAttention": module.set_attention_slice_wrangler(None)