#!/usr/bin/env bash # ensure we're in the correct folder in case user's CWD is somewhere else scriptdir=$(dirname "$0") cd "$scriptdir" # This version number will be replaced by the one supplied to create_installers.sh. # Do not change it here - change it in create_installers.sh. INVOKEAI_VERSION="latest" # make sure we are not already in a venv # (don't need to check status) deactivate >/dev/null 2>&1 INVOKE_AI_SRC=https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/tags/${INVOKEAI_VERSION}.zip INSTRUCTIONS=https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED/ TROUBLESHOOTING=https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED/#troubleshooting MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.9.0 set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' function _err_exit { if test "$1" -ne 0 then echo -e "Error code $1; Error caught was '$2'" if [ "$OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then echo "Something went wrong while installing InvokeAI and/or its requirements." echo "You may need to use the Xcode command line tools to proceed. See step number 3 of" echo "https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/INSTALL_SOURCE#walk_through for" echo "installation instructions and then run this script again." else echo "Something went wrong while installing InvokeAI and/or its requirements." echo "See https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/INSTALL_SOURCE#troubleshooting for troubleshooting" echo "tips, or visit https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/#installation for alternative" echo "installation methods" fi read -p "Press any key to exit..." exit fi } function readinput() { local CLEAN_ARGS="" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do local i="$1" case "$i" in "-i") if read -i "default" 2>/dev/null <<< "test"; then CLEAN_ARGS="$CLEAN_ARGS -i \"$2\"" fi shift shift ;; "-p") CLEAN_ARGS="$CLEAN_ARGS -p \"$2\"" shift shift ;; *) CLEAN_ARGS="$CLEAN_ARGS $1" shift ;; esac done eval read $CLEAN_ARGS } function version { echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }'; } echo "InvokeAI simple installer..." echo "" echo "Some of the installation steps take a long time to run. Please be patient." echo "If the script appears to hang for more than 10 minutes, please interrupt with control-C and retry." read -n 1 -s -r -p "<Press any key to start the install>" echo "" OS_NAME=$(uname -s) case "${OS_NAME}" in Linux*) OS_NAME="linux";; Darwin*) OS_NAME="osx";; *) echo "Unknown OS: $OS_NAME! This script runs only on Linux or Mac" && exit esac OS_ARCH=$(uname -m) case "${OS_ARCH}" in x86_64*) OS_ARCH="64";; arm64*) OS_ARCH="arm64";; *) echo "Unknown system architecture: $OS_ARCH! This script runs only on x86_64 or arm64" && exit esac echo "Installing for $OS_NAME-$OS_ARCH" # confirm that python is installed and is up to date PYTHON="" for candidate in python3.10 python3.9 python3 python python3.11 ; do if ppath=`which $candidate`; then python_version=$($ppath -V | awk '{ print $2 }') if [ $(version $python_version) -ge $(version "$MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION") ]; then PYTHON=$ppath echo Python $python_version found at $PYTHON break fi fi done if [ -z "$PYTHON" ]; then echo "A suitable Python interpreter could not be found" echo "Please install Python 3.9 or higher before running this script. See instructions at $INSTRUCTIONS for help." read -p "Press any key to exit" exit -1 fi ROOTDIR="" while [ "$ROOTDIR" == "" ] do echo readinput -e -p "Select your preferred location for the 'invokeai' directory [$HOME]: " -i $HOME input ROOTDIR=${input:=$HOME}/invokeai # This is surprisingly hard to do in plain Bash; easier in ZSH. Just running python in subshell is easiest. ROOTDIR=$($PYTHON -c "from pathlib import Path; print(Path('${ROOTDIR}').expanduser().resolve())") read -e -p "InvokeAI will be installed into $ROOTDIR. OK? [y]: " input RESPONSE=${input:='y'} if [ "$RESPONSE" == 'y' ]; then if [ -e "$ROOTDIR" ]; then echo read -e -p "Directory "$ROOTDIR" already exists. Do you want to resume an interrupted install? [y]: " input RESPONSE=${input:='y'} if [ "$RESPONSE" != 'y' ]; then ROOTDIR="" fi else mkdir -p "$ROOTDIR" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not create "$ROOTDIR". Try again with a different install location." ROOTDIR="" fi fi else ROOTDIR="" fi done #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo "** Creating Virtual Environment for InvokeAI **" $PYTHON -mvenv "$ROOTDIR"/.venv _err_exit $? "Python failed to create virtual environment "$ROOTDIR"/.venv. Please see $TROUBLESHOOTING for help." #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo "** Activating Virtual Environment for InvokeAI **" source "$ROOTDIR"/.venv/bin/activate _err_exit $? "Failed to activate virtual evironment "$ROOTDIR"/.venv. Please see $TROUBLESHOOTING for help." PYTHON="$ROOTDIR"/.venv/bin/python $PYTHON -mensurepip --upgrade $PYTHON -mpip install --upgrade pip #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo "*** Installing InvokeAI Dependencies ***" if [ "$OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then echo "macOS detected. Installing MPS and CPU support." egrep -v '^-e .' environments-and-requirements/requirements-mac-mps-cpu.txt >requirements.txt else if (lsmod | grep amdgpu) &>/dev/null ; then readinput -e -p "Linux system with AMD GPU driver detected. Install ROCm AMD accelerated support? (Otherwise, CUDA support will be installed) [n]: " input RESPONSE=${input:='n'} if [ "$RESPONSE" != "n" ]; then echo "Installing ROCm (AMD) support" egrep -v '^-e .' environments-and-requirements/requirements-lin-amd.txt >requirements.txt else echo "Installing CUDA support" egrep -v '^-e .' environments-and-requirements/requirements-lin-cuda.txt >requirements.txt fi else echo "Linux system detected. Installing CUDA and CPU support." egrep -v '^-e .' environments-and-requirements/requirements-lin-cuda.txt >requirements.txt fi fi $PYTHON -mpip install --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt _err_exit $? "Failed to install InvokeAI's dependencies." #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo "*** Installing InvokeAI Modules and Executables ***" $PYTHON -mpip install $INVOKE_AI_SRC _err_exit $? "Installation of InvokeAI failed." #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo " *** Setting Up Root Directory "$ROOTDIR" *** " cp -pr templates/rootdir/* "$ROOTDIR"/ cp templates/invoke.sh.in "$ROOTDIR"/invoke.sh chmod a+rx "$ROOTDIR"/invoke.sh cp templates/update.sh.in "$ROOTDIR"/update.sh chmod a+rx "$ROOTDIR"/update.sh # This allows the updater to work! cp -pr environments-and-requirements requirements.txt "$ROOTDIR/" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo "*** Confguring InvokeAI ***" pushd "$ROOTDIR" >/dev/null $PYTHON ./.venv/bin/configure_invokeai.py --root="$ROOTDIR" _err_exit $? "Initial configuration failed. Please see above error messages and $TROUBLESHOOTING for help." #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- popd cp templates/invoke.sh.in "$ROOTDIR"/invoke.sh chmod a+rx "$ROOTDIR"/invoke.sh cp templates/update.sh.in "$ROOTDIR"/update.sh chmod a+rx "$ROOTDIR"/update.sh echo "You may now run InvokeAI by entering the directory $ROOTDIR and running invoke.sh:" echo echo " ${ROOTDIR}/invoke.sh" echo read -e -p "Run InvokeAI now? [y]:" input RESPONSE=${input:='y'} if [ "$RESPONSE" == 'y' ]; then exec ${ROOTDIR}/invoke.sh fi