{ "keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shorcuts", "appHotkeys": "App Hotkeys", "generalHotkeys": "General Hotkeys", "galleryHotkeys": "Gallery Hotkeys", "unifiedCanvasHotkeys": "Unified Canvas Hotkeys", "invoke": { "title": "Invoke", "desc": "Generate an image" }, "cancel": { "title": "Cancel", "desc": "Cancel image generation" }, "focusPrompt": { "title": "Focus Prompt", "desc": "Focus the prompt input area" }, "toggleOptions": { "title": "Toggle Options", "desc": "Open and close the options panel" }, "pinOptions": { "title": "Pin Options", "desc": "Pin the options panel" }, "toggleViewer": { "title": "Toggle Viewer", "desc": "Open and close Image Viewer" }, "toggleGallery": { "title": "Toggle Gallery", "desc": "Open and close the gallery drawer" }, "maximizeWorkSpace": { "title": "Maximize Workspace", "desc": "Close panels and maximize work area" }, "changeTabs": { "title": "Change Tabs", "desc": "Switch to another workspace" }, "consoleToggle": { "title": "Console Toggle", "desc": "Open and close console" }, "setPrompt": { "title": "Set Prompt", "desc": "Use the prompt of the current image" }, "setSeed": { "title": "Set Seed", "desc": "Use the seed of the current image" }, "setParameters": { "title": "Set Parameters", "desc": "Use all parameters of the current image" }, "restoreFaces": { "title": "Restore Faces", "desc": "Restore the current image" }, "upscale": { "title": "Upscale", "desc": "Upscale the current image" }, "showInfo": { "title": "Show Info", "desc": "Show metadata info of the current image" }, "sendToImageToImage": { "title": "Send To Image To Image", "desc": "Send current image to Image to Image" }, "deleteImage": { "title": "Delete Image", "desc": "Delete the current image" }, "closePanels": { "title": "Close Panels", "desc": "Closes open panels" }, "previousImage": { "title": "Previous Image", "desc": "Display the previous image in gallery" }, "nextImage": { "title": "Next Image", "desc": "Display the next image in gallery" }, "toggleGalleryPin": { "title": "Toggle Gallery Pin", "desc": "Pins and unpins the gallery to the UI" }, "increaseGalleryThumbSize": { "title": "Increase Gallery Image Size", "desc": "Increases gallery thumbnails size" }, "decreaseGalleryThumbSize": { "title": "Decrease Gallery Image Size", "desc": "Decreases gallery thumbnails size" }, "selectBrush": { "title": "Select Brush", "desc": "Selects the canvas brush" }, "selectEraser": { "title": "Select Eraser", "desc": "Selects the canvas eraser" }, "decreaseBrushSize": { "title": "Decrease Brush Size", "desc": "Decreases the size of the canvas brush/eraser" }, "increaseBrushSize": { "title": "Increase Brush Size", "desc": "Increases the size of the canvas brush/eraser" }, "decreaseBrushOpacity": { "title": "Decrease Brush Opacity", "desc": "Decreases the opacity of the canvas brush" }, "increaseBrushOpacity": { "title": "Increase Brush Opacity", "desc": "Increases the opacity of the canvas brush" }, "moveTool": { "title": "Move Tool", "desc": "Allows canvas navigation" }, "fillBoundingBox": { "title": "Fill Bounding Box", "desc": "Fills the bounding box with brush color" }, "eraseBoundingBox": { "title": "Erase Bounding Box", "desc": "Erases the bounding box area" }, "colorPicker": { "title": "Select Color Picker", "desc": "Selects the canvas color picker" }, "toggleSnap": { "title": "Toggle Snap", "desc": "Toggles Snap to Grid" }, "quickToggleMove": { "title": "Quick Toggle Move", "desc": "Temporarily toggles Move mode" }, "toggleLayer": { "title": "Toggle Layer", "desc": "Toggles mask/base layer selection" }, "clearMask": { "title": "Clear Mask", "desc": "Clear the entire mask" }, "hideMask": { "title": "Hide Mask", "desc": "Hide and unhide mask" }, "showHideBoundingBox": { "title": "Show/Hide Bounding Box", "desc": "Toggle visibility of bounding box" }, "mergeVisible": { "title": "Merge Visible", "desc": "Merge all visible layers of canvas" }, "saveToGallery": { "title": "Save To Gallery", "desc": "Save current canvas to gallery" }, "copyToClipboard": { "title": "Copy to Clipboard", "desc": "Copy current canvas to clipboard" }, "downloadImage": { "title": "Download Image", "desc": "Download current canvas" }, "undoStroke": { "title": "Undo Stroke", "desc": "Undo a brush stroke" }, "redoStroke": { "title": "Redo Stroke", "desc": "Redo a brush stroke" }, "resetView": { "title": "Reset View", "desc": "Reset Canvas View" }, "previousStagingImage": { "title": "Previous Staging Image", "desc": "Previous Staging Area Image" }, "nextStagingImage": { "title": "Next Staging Image", "desc": "Next Staging Area Image" }, "acceptStagingImage": { "title": "Accept Staging Image", "desc": "Accept Current Staging Area Image" } }