import { TagDescription, createApi, fetchBaseQuery, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'; import { BoardDTO } from './api/models/BoardDTO'; import { OffsetPaginatedResults_BoardDTO_ } from './api/models/OffsetPaginatedResults_BoardDTO_'; import { BoardChanges } from './api/models/BoardChanges'; import { OffsetPaginatedResults_ImageDTO_ } from './api/models/OffsetPaginatedResults_ImageDTO_'; import { ImageDTO } from './api/models/ImageDTO'; import { FullTagDescription, TagTypesFrom, TagTypesFromApi, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/query/endpointDefinitions'; type ListBoardsArg = { offset: number; limit: number }; type UpdateBoardArg = { board_id: string; changes: BoardChanges }; type AddImageToBoardArg = { board_id: string; image_name: string }; type RemoveImageFromBoardArg = { board_id: string; image_name: string }; type ListBoardImagesArg = { board_id: string; offset: number; limit: number }; const tagTypes = ['Board', 'Image']; type ApiFullTagDescription = FullTagDescription<(typeof tagTypes)[number]>; const LIST = 'LIST'; export const api = createApi({ baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5173/api/v1/' }), reducerPath: 'api', tagTypes, endpoints: (build) => ({ /** * Boards Queries */ listBoards: build.query({ query: (arg) => ({ url: 'boards/', params: arg }), providesTags: (result, error, arg) => { // any list of boards const tags: ApiFullTagDescription[] = [{ id: 'Board', type: LIST }]; if (result) { // and individual tags for each board tags.push({ board_id }) => ({ type: 'Board' as const, id: board_id, })) ); } return tags; }, }), listAllBoards: build.query, void>({ query: () => ({ url: 'boards/', params: { all: true }, }), providesTags: (result, error, arg) => { // any list of boards const tags: ApiFullTagDescription[] = [{ id: 'Board', type: LIST }]; if (result) { // and individual tags for each board tags.push({ board_id }) => ({ type: 'Board' as const, id: board_id, })) ); } return tags; }, }), /** * Boards Mutations */ createBoard: build.mutation({ query: (board_name) => ({ url: `boards/`, method: 'POST', params: { board_name }, }), invalidatesTags: ['Board'], }), updateBoard: build.mutation({ query: ({ board_id, changes }) => ({ url: `boards/${board_id}`, method: 'PATCH', body: changes, }), invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [ { type: 'Board', id: arg.board_id }, ], }), deleteBoard: build.mutation({ query: (board_id) => ({ url: `boards/${board_id}`, method: 'DELETE' }), invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Board', id: arg }], }), /** * Board Images Queries */ listBoardImages: build.query< OffsetPaginatedResults_ImageDTO_, ListBoardImagesArg >({ query: ({ board_id, offset, limit }) => ({ url: `board_images/${board_id}`, method: 'DELETE', body: { offset, limit }, }), }), /** * Board Images Mutations */ addImageToBoard: build.mutation({ query: ({ board_id, image_name }) => ({ url: `board_images/`, method: 'POST', body: { board_id, image_name }, }), invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [ { type: 'Board', id: arg.board_id }, { type: 'Image', id: arg.image_name }, ], }), removeImageFromBoard: build.mutation({ query: ({ board_id, image_name }) => ({ url: `board_images/`, method: 'DELETE', body: { board_id, image_name }, }), invalidatesTags: (result, error, arg) => [ { type: 'Board', id: arg.board_id }, { type: 'Image', id: arg.image_name }, ], }), /** * Image Queries */ getImageDTO: build.query({ query: (image_name) => ({ url: `images/${image_name}/metadata` }), providesTags: (result, error, arg) => { const tags: ApiFullTagDescription[] = [{ type: 'Image', id: arg }]; if (result?.board_id) { tags.push({ type: 'Board', id: result.board_id }); } return tags; }, }), }), }); export const { useListBoardsQuery, useListAllBoardsQuery, useCreateBoardMutation, useUpdateBoardMutation, useDeleteBoardMutation, useAddImageToBoardMutation, useRemoveImageFromBoardMutation, useListBoardImagesQuery, useGetImageDTOQuery, } = api;