import cv2 from PIL import Image from invokeai.backend.image_util.util import ( cv2_to_pil, fit_image_to_resolution, normalize_image_channel_count, pil_to_cv2, ) def get_canny_edges( image: Image.Image, low_threshold: int, high_threshold: int, detect_resolution: int, image_resolution: int ) -> Image.Image: """Returns the edges of an image using the Canny edge detection algorithm. Adapted from (Apache-2.0 license). Args: image: The input image. low_threshold: The lower threshold for the hysteresis procedure. high_threshold: The upper threshold for the hysteresis procedure. input_resolution: The resolution of the input image. The image will be resized to this resolution before edge detection. output_resolution: The resolution of the output image. The edges will be resized to this resolution before returning. Returns: The Canny edges of the input image. """ if image.mode != "RGB": image = image.convert("RGB") np_image = pil_to_cv2(image) np_image = normalize_image_channel_count(np_image) np_image = fit_image_to_resolution(np_image, detect_resolution) edge_map = cv2.Canny(np_image, low_threshold, high_threshold) edge_map = normalize_image_channel_count(edge_map) edge_map = fit_image_to_resolution(edge_map, image_resolution) return cv2_to_pil(edge_map)