from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoModelForMaskGeneration, AutoProcessor
from transformers.models.sam import SamModel
from transformers.models.sam.processing_sam import SamProcessor

from import BaseInvocation, invocation
from import BoundingBoxField, ImageField, InputField, TensorField
from import MaskOutput
from import InvocationContext
from invokeai.backend.image_util.segment_anything.mask_refinement import mask_to_polygon, polygon_to_mask
from invokeai.backend.image_util.segment_anything.segment_anything_pipeline import SegmentAnythingPipeline

SegmentAnythingModelKey = Literal["segment-anything-base", "segment-anything-large", "segment-anything-huge"]
SEGMENT_ANYTHING_MODEL_IDS: dict[SegmentAnythingModelKey, str] = {
    "segment-anything-base": "facebook/sam-vit-base",
    "segment-anything-large": "facebook/sam-vit-large",
    "segment-anything-huge": "facebook/sam-vit-huge",

    title="Segment Anything",
    tags=["prompt", "segmentation"],
class SegmentAnythingInvocation(BaseInvocation):
    """Runs a Segment Anything Model."""

    # Reference:
    # -
    # -
    # -

    model: SegmentAnythingModelKey = InputField(description="The Segment Anything model to use.")
    image: ImageField = InputField(description="The image to segment.")
    bounding_boxes: list[BoundingBoxField] = InputField(description="The bounding boxes to prompt the SAM model with.")
    apply_polygon_refinement: bool = InputField(
        description="Whether to apply polygon refinement to the masks. This will smooth the edges of the masks slightly and ensure that each mask consists of a single closed polygon (before merging).",
    mask_filter: Literal["all", "largest", "highest_box_score"] = InputField(
        description="The filtering to apply to the detected masks before merging them into a final output.",

    def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> MaskOutput:
        # The models expect a 3-channel RGB image.
        image_pil = context.images.get_pil(self.image.image_name, mode="RGB")

        if len(self.bounding_boxes) == 0:
            combined_mask = torch.zeros(image_pil.size[::-1], dtype=torch.bool)
            masks = self._segment(context=context, image=image_pil)
            masks = self._filter_masks(masks=masks, bounding_boxes=self.bounding_boxes)

            # masks contains bool values, so we merge them via max-reduce.
            combined_mask, _ = torch.stack(masks).max(dim=0)

        mask_tensor_name =
        height, width = combined_mask.shape
        return MaskOutput(mask=TensorField(tensor_name=mask_tensor_name), width=width, height=height)

    def _load_sam_model(model_path: Path):
        sam_model = AutoModelForMaskGeneration.from_pretrained(
            # TODO(ryand): Setting the torch_dtype here doesn't work. Investigate whether fp16 is supported by the
            # model, and figure out how to make it work in the pipeline.
            # torch_dtype=TorchDevice.choose_torch_dtype(),
        assert isinstance(sam_model, SamModel)

        sam_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_path, local_files_only=True)
        assert isinstance(sam_processor, SamProcessor)
        return SegmentAnythingPipeline(sam_model=sam_model, sam_processor=sam_processor)

    def _segment(
        context: InvocationContext,
        image: Image.Image,
    ) -> list[torch.Tensor]:
        """Use Segment Anything (SAM) to generate masks given an image + a set of bounding boxes."""
        # Convert the bounding boxes to the SAM input format.
        sam_bounding_boxes = [[bb.x_min, bb.y_min, bb.x_max, bb.y_max] for bb in self.bounding_boxes]

        with (
                source=SEGMENT_ANYTHING_MODEL_IDS[self.model], loader=SegmentAnythingInvocation._load_sam_model
            ) as sam_pipeline,
            assert isinstance(sam_pipeline, SegmentAnythingPipeline)
            masks = sam_pipeline.segment(image=image, bounding_boxes=sam_bounding_boxes)

        masks = self._process_masks(masks)
        if self.apply_polygon_refinement:
            masks = self._apply_polygon_refinement(masks)

        return masks

    def _process_masks(self, masks: torch.Tensor) -> list[torch.Tensor]:
        """Convert the tensor output from the Segment Anything model from a tensor of shape
        [num_masks, channels, height, width] to a list of tensors of shape [height, width].
        assert masks.dtype == torch.bool
        # [num_masks, channels, height, width] -> [num_masks, height, width]
        masks, _ = masks.max(dim=1)
        # Split the first dimension into a list of masks.
        return list(masks.cpu().unbind(dim=0))

    def _apply_polygon_refinement(self, masks: list[torch.Tensor]) -> list[torch.Tensor]:
        """Apply polygon refinement to the masks.

        Convert each mask to a polygon, then back to a mask. This has the following effect:
        - Smooth the edges of the mask slightly.
        - Ensure that each mask consists of a single closed polygon
            - Removes small mask pieces.
            - Removes holes from the mask.
        # Convert tensor masks to np masks.
        np_masks = [mask.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) for mask in masks]

        # Apply polygon refinement.
        for idx, mask in enumerate(np_masks):
            shape = mask.shape
            assert len(shape) == 2  # Assert length to satisfy type checker.
            polygon = mask_to_polygon(mask)
            mask = polygon_to_mask(polygon, shape)
            np_masks[idx] = mask

        # Convert np masks back to tensor masks.
        masks = [torch.tensor(mask, dtype=torch.bool) for mask in np_masks]

        return masks

    def _filter_masks(self, masks: list[torch.Tensor], bounding_boxes: list[BoundingBoxField]) -> list[torch.Tensor]:
        """Filter the detected masks based on the specified mask filter."""
        assert len(masks) == len(bounding_boxes)

        if self.mask_filter == "all":
            return masks
        elif self.mask_filter == "largest":
            # Find the largest mask.
            return [max(masks, key=lambda x: float(x.sum()))]
        elif self.mask_filter == "highest_box_score":
            # Find the index of the bounding box with the highest score.
            # Note that we fallback to -1.0 if the score is None. This is mainly to satisfy the type checker. In most
            # cases the scores should all be non-None when using this filtering mode. That being said, -1.0 is a
            # reasonable fallback since the expected score range is [0.0, 1.0].
            max_score_idx = max(range(len(bounding_boxes)), key=lambda i: bounding_boxes[i].score or -1.0)
            return [masks[max_score_idx]]
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid mask filter: {self.mask_filter}")