  "images": "Images",
  "steps": "Steps",
  "cfgScale": "CFG Scale",
  "width": "Width",
  "height": "Height",
  "sampler": "Sampler",
  "seed": "Seed",
  "randomizeSeed": "Randomize Seed",
  "shuffle": "Shuffle",
  "noiseThreshold": "Noise Threshold",
  "perlinNoise": "Perlin Noise",
  "variations": "Variations",
  "variationAmount": "Variation Amount",
  "seedWeights": "Seed Weights",
  "faceRestoration": "Face Restoration",
  "restoreFaces": "Restore Faces",
  "type": "Type",
  "strength": "Strength",
  "upscaling": "Upscaling",
  "upscale": "Upscale",
  "upscaleImage": "Upscale Image",
  "scale": "Scale",
  "otherOptions": "Other Options",
  "seamlessTiling": "Seamless Tiling",
  "hiresOptim": "High Res Optimization",
  "imageFit": "Fit Initial Image To Output Size",
  "codeformerFidelity": "Fidelity",
  "seamSize": "Seam Size",
  "seamBlur": "Seam Blur",
  "seamStrength": "Seam Strength",
  "seamSteps": "Seam Steps",
  "scaleBeforeProcessing": "Scale Before Processing",
  "scaledWidth": "Scaled W",
  "scaledHeight": "Scaled H",
  "infillMethod": "Infill Method",
  "tileSize": "Tile Size",
  "boundingBoxHeader": "Bounding Box",
  "seamCorrectionHeader": "Seam Correction",
  "infillScalingHeader": "Infill and Scaling",
  "img2imgStrength": "Image To Image Strength",
  "toggleLoopback": "Toggle Loopback",
  "invoke": "Invoke",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "promptPlaceholder": "Type prompt here. [negative tokens], (upweight)++, (downweight)--, swap and blend are available (see docs)",
  "sendTo": "Send to",
  "sendToImg2Img": "Send to Image to Image",
  "sendToUnifiedCanvas": "Send To Unified Canvas",
  "copyImage": "Copy Image",
  "copyImageToLink": "Copy Image To Link",
  "downloadImage": "Download Image",
  "openInViewer": "Open In Viewer",
  "closeViewer": "Close Viewer",
  "usePrompt": "Use Prompt",
  "useSeed": "Use Seed",
  "useAll": "Use All",
  "useInitImg": "Use Initial Image",
  "info": "Info",
  "deleteImage": "Delete Image",
  "initialImage": "Inital Image",
  "showOptionsPanel": "Show Options Panel"