# Copyright (c) 2022 Kyle Schouviller (https://github.com/kyle0654) and the InvokeAI Team from typing import Literal, Union, get_args import numpy as np import math from PIL import Image, ImageOps from pydantic import Field from invokeai.app.invocations.image import ImageOutput from invokeai.app.util.misc import SEED_MAX, get_random_seed from invokeai.backend.image_util.patchmatch import PatchMatch from ..models.image import ColorField, ImageCategory, ImageField, ImageType from .baseinvocation import ( BaseInvocation, InvocationContext, ) def infill_methods() -> list[str]: methods = [ "tile", "solid", ] if PatchMatch.patchmatch_available(): methods.insert(0, "patchmatch") return methods INFILL_METHODS = Literal[tuple(infill_methods())] DEFAULT_INFILL_METHOD = ( "patchmatch" if "patchmatch" in get_args(INFILL_METHODS) else "tile" ) def infill_patchmatch(im: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: if im.mode != "RGBA": return im # Skip patchmatch if patchmatch isn't available if not PatchMatch.patchmatch_available(): return im # Patchmatch (note, we may want to expose patch_size? Increasing it significantly impacts performance though) im_patched_np = PatchMatch.inpaint( im.convert("RGB"), ImageOps.invert(im.split()[-1]), patch_size=3 ) im_patched = Image.fromarray(im_patched_np, mode="RGB") return im_patched def get_tile_images(image: np.ndarray, width=8, height=8): _nrows, _ncols, depth = image.shape _strides = image.strides nrows, _m = divmod(_nrows, height) ncols, _n = divmod(_ncols, width) if _m != 0 or _n != 0: return None return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( np.ravel(image), shape=(nrows, ncols, height, width, depth), strides=(height * _strides[0], width * _strides[1], *_strides), writeable=False, ) def tile_fill_missing( im: Image.Image, tile_size: int = 16, seed: Union[int, None] = None ) -> Image.Image: # Only fill if there's an alpha layer if im.mode != "RGBA": return im a = np.asarray(im, dtype=np.uint8) tile_size_tuple = (tile_size, tile_size) # Get the image as tiles of a specified size tiles = get_tile_images(a, *tile_size_tuple).copy() # Get the mask as tiles tiles_mask = tiles[:, :, :, :, 3] # Find any mask tiles with any fully transparent pixels (we will be replacing these later) tmask_shape = tiles_mask.shape tiles_mask = tiles_mask.reshape(math.prod(tiles_mask.shape)) n, ny = (math.prod(tmask_shape[0:2])), math.prod(tmask_shape[2:]) tiles_mask = tiles_mask > 0 tiles_mask = tiles_mask.reshape((n, ny)).all(axis=1) # Get RGB tiles in single array and filter by the mask tshape = tiles.shape tiles_all = tiles.reshape((math.prod(tiles.shape[0:2]), *tiles.shape[2:])) filtered_tiles = tiles_all[tiles_mask] if len(filtered_tiles) == 0: return im # Find all invalid tiles and replace with a random valid tile replace_count = (tiles_mask == False).sum() rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) tiles_all[np.logical_not(tiles_mask)] = filtered_tiles[ rng.choice(filtered_tiles.shape[0], replace_count), :, :, : ] # Convert back to an image tiles_all = tiles_all.reshape(tshape) tiles_all = tiles_all.swapaxes(1, 2) st = tiles_all.reshape( ( math.prod(tiles_all.shape[0:2]), math.prod(tiles_all.shape[2:4]), tiles_all.shape[4], ) ) si = Image.fromarray(st, mode="RGBA") return si class InfillColorInvocation(BaseInvocation): """Infills transparent areas of an image with a solid color""" type: Literal["infill_rgba"] = "infill_rgba" image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field( default=None, description="The image to infill" ) color: ColorField = Field( default=ColorField(r=127, g=127, b=127, a=255), description="The color to use to infill", ) def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput: image = context.services.images.get_pil_image( self.image.image_type, self.image.image_name ) solid_bg = Image.new("RGBA", image.size, self.color.tuple()) infilled = Image.alpha_composite(solid_bg, image.convert("RGBA")) infilled.paste(image, (0, 0), image.split()[-1]) image_dto = context.services.images.create( image=infilled, image_type=ImageType.RESULT, image_category=ImageCategory.GENERAL, node_id=self.id, session_id=context.graph_execution_state_id, ) return ImageOutput( image=ImageField( image_name=image_dto.image_name, image_type=image_dto.image_type, ), width=image_dto.width, height=image_dto.height, ) class InfillTileInvocation(BaseInvocation): """Infills transparent areas of an image with tiles of the image""" type: Literal["infill_tile"] = "infill_tile" image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field( default=None, description="The image to infill" ) tile_size: int = Field(default=32, ge=1, description="The tile size (px)") seed: int = Field( ge=0, le=SEED_MAX, description="The seed to use for tile generation (omit for random)", default_factory=get_random_seed, ) def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput: image = context.services.images.get_pil_image( self.image.image_type, self.image.image_name ) infilled = tile_fill_missing( image.copy(), seed=self.seed, tile_size=self.tile_size ) infilled.paste(image, (0, 0), image.split()[-1]) image_dto = context.services.images.create( image=infilled, image_type=ImageType.RESULT, image_category=ImageCategory.GENERAL, node_id=self.id, session_id=context.graph_execution_state_id, ) return ImageOutput( image=ImageField( image_name=image_dto.image_name, image_type=image_dto.image_type, ), width=image_dto.width, height=image_dto.height, ) class InfillPatchMatchInvocation(BaseInvocation): """Infills transparent areas of an image using the PatchMatch algorithm""" type: Literal["infill_patchmatch"] = "infill_patchmatch" image: Union[ImageField, None] = Field( default=None, description="The image to infill" ) def invoke(self, context: InvocationContext) -> ImageOutput: image = context.services.images.get_pil_image( self.image.image_type, self.image.image_name ) if PatchMatch.patchmatch_available(): infilled = infill_patchmatch(image.copy()) else: raise ValueError("PatchMatch is not available on this system") image_dto = context.services.images.create( image=infilled, image_type=ImageType.RESULT, image_category=ImageCategory.GENERAL, node_id=self.id, session_id=context.graph_execution_state_id, ) return ImageOutput( image=ImageField( image_name=image_dto.image_name, image_type=image_dto.image_type, ), width=image_dto.width, height=image_dto.height, )