""" Widget class definitions used by model_select.py, merge_diffusers.py and textual_inversion.py """ import curses import math import os import platform import pyperclip import struct import subprocess import sys import npyscreen import textwrap import npyscreen.wgmultiline as wgmultiline from npyscreen import fmPopup from shutil import get_terminal_size from curses import BUTTON2_CLICKED,BUTTON3_CLICKED # minimum size for UIs MIN_COLS = 130 MIN_LINES = 45 # ------------------------------------- def set_terminal_size(columns: int, lines: int, launch_command: str=None): ts = get_terminal_size() width = max(columns,ts.columns) height = max(lines,ts.lines) OS = platform.uname().system if OS == "Windows": # The new Windows Terminal doesn't resize, so we relaunch in a CMD window. # Would prefer to use execvpe() here, but somehow it is not working properly # in the Windows 10 environment. if 'IA_RELAUNCHED' not in os.environ: args=['conhost'] args.extend([launch_command] if launch_command else [sys.argv[0]]) args.extend(sys.argv[1:]) os.environ['IA_RELAUNCHED'] = 'True' os.execvp('conhost',args) else: _set_terminal_size_powershell(width,height) elif OS in ["Darwin", "Linux"]: _set_terminal_size_unix(width,height) # check whether it worked.... ts = get_terminal_size() pause = False if ts.columns < columns: print('\033[1mThis window is too narrow for the user interface. Please make it wider.\033[0m') pause = True if ts.lines < lines: print('\033[1mThis window is too short for the user interface. Please make it taller.\033[0m') pause = True if pause: input('Press any key to continue..') def _set_terminal_size_powershell(width: int, height: int): script=f''' $pshost = get-host $pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui $newsize = $pswindow.buffersize $newsize.height = 3000 $newsize.width = {width} $pswindow.buffersize = $newsize $newsize = $pswindow.windowsize $newsize.height = {height} $newsize.width = {width} $pswindow.windowsize = $newsize ''' subprocess.run(["powershell","-Command","-"],input=script,text=True) def _set_terminal_size_unix(width: int, height: int): import fcntl import termios # These terminals accept the size command and report that the # size changed, but they lie!!! for bad_terminal in ['TERMINATOR_UUID', 'ALACRITTY_WINDOW_ID']: if os.environ.get(bad_terminal): return winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", height, width, 0, 0) fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCSWINSZ, winsize) sys.stdout.write("\x1b[8;{height};{width}t".format(height=height, width=width)) sys.stdout.flush() def set_min_terminal_size(min_cols: int, min_lines: int, launch_command: str=None): # make sure there's enough room for the ui term_cols, term_lines = get_terminal_size() if term_cols >= min_cols and term_lines >= min_lines: return cols = max(term_cols, min_cols) lines = max(term_lines, min_lines) set_terminal_size(cols, lines, launch_command) # did it work? term_cols, term_lines = get_terminal_size() if term_cols < cols or term_lines < lines: print(f'This window is too small for optimal display. For best results please enlarge it.') input('After resizing, press any key to continue...') class IntSlider(npyscreen.Slider): def translate_value(self): stri = "%2d / %2d" % (self.value, self.out_of) l = (len(str(self.out_of))) * 2 + 4 stri = stri.rjust(l) return stri # ------------------------------------- # fix npyscreen form so that cursor wraps both forward and backward class CyclingForm(object): def find_previous_editable(self, *args): done = False n = self.editw-1 while not done: if self._widgets__[n].editable and not self._widgets__[n].hidden: self.editw = n done = True n -= 1 if n<0: if self.cycle_widgets: n = len(self._widgets__)-1 else: done = True # ------------------------------------- class CenteredTitleText(npyscreen.TitleText): def __init__(self, *args, **keywords): super().__init__(*args, **keywords) self.resize() def resize(self): super().resize() maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx() label = self.name self.relx = (maxx - len(label)) // 2 # ------------------------------------- class CenteredButtonPress(npyscreen.ButtonPress): def resize(self): super().resize() maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx() label = self.name self.relx = (maxx - len(label)) // 2 # ------------------------------------- class OffsetButtonPress(npyscreen.ButtonPress): def __init__(self, screen, offset=0, *args, **keywords): super().__init__(screen, *args, **keywords) self.offset = offset def resize(self): maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx() width = len(self.name) self.relx = self.offset + (maxx - width) // 2 class IntTitleSlider(npyscreen.TitleText): _entry_type = IntSlider class FloatSlider(npyscreen.Slider): # this is supposed to adjust display precision, but doesn't def translate_value(self): stri = "%3.2f / %3.2f" % (self.value, self.out_of) l = (len(str(self.out_of))) * 2 + 4 stri = stri.rjust(l) return stri class FloatTitleSlider(npyscreen.TitleText): _entry_type = FloatSlider class SelectColumnBase(): def make_contained_widgets(self): self._my_widgets = [] column_width = self.width // self.columns for h in range(self.value_cnt): self._my_widgets.append( self._contained_widgets( self.parent, rely=self.rely + (h % self.rows) * self._contained_widget_height, relx=self.relx + (h // self.rows) * column_width, max_width=column_width, max_height=self.__class__._contained_widget_height, ) ) def set_up_handlers(self): super().set_up_handlers() self.handlers.update( { curses.KEY_UP: self.h_cursor_line_left, curses.KEY_DOWN: self.h_cursor_line_right, } ) def h_cursor_line_down(self, ch): self.cursor_line += self.rows if self.cursor_line >= len(self.values): if self.scroll_exit: self.cursor_line = len(self.values) - self.rows self.h_exit_down(ch) return True else: self.cursor_line -= self.rows return True def h_cursor_line_up(self, ch): self.cursor_line -= self.rows if self.cursor_line < 0: if self.scroll_exit: self.cursor_line = 0 self.h_exit_up(ch) else: self.cursor_line = 0 def h_cursor_line_left(self, ch): super().h_cursor_line_up(ch) def h_cursor_line_right(self, ch): super().h_cursor_line_down(ch) def handle_mouse_event(self, mouse_event): mouse_id, rel_x, rel_y, z, bstate = self.interpret_mouse_event(mouse_event) column_width = self.width // self.columns column_height = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns) column_no = rel_x // column_width row_no = rel_y // self._contained_widget_height self.cursor_line = column_no * column_height + row_no if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED: if hasattr(self,'on_mouse_double_click'): self.on_mouse_double_click(self.cursor_line) self.display() class MultiSelectColumns( SelectColumnBase, npyscreen.MultiSelect): def __init__(self, screen, columns: int = 1, values: list = [], **keywords): self.columns = columns self.value_cnt = len(values) self.rows = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns) super().__init__(screen, values=values, **keywords) def on_mouse_double_click(self, cursor_line): self.h_select_toggle(cursor_line) class SingleSelectWithChanged(npyscreen.SelectOne): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) def h_select(self,ch): super().h_select(ch) if self.on_changed: self.on_changed(self.value) class SingleSelectColumns(SelectColumnBase, SingleSelectWithChanged): def __init__(self, screen, columns: int = 1, values: list = [], **keywords): self.columns = columns self.value_cnt = len(values) self.rows = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns) self.on_changed = None super().__init__(screen, values=values, **keywords) def when_value_edited(self): self.h_select(self.cursor_line) def when_cursor_moved(self): self.h_select(self.cursor_line) def h_cursor_line_right(self,ch): self.h_exit_down('bye bye') class TextBoxInner(npyscreen.MultiLineEdit): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.yank = None self.handlers.update({ "^A": self.h_cursor_to_start, "^E": self.h_cursor_to_end, "^K": self.h_kill, "^F": self.h_cursor_right, "^B": self.h_cursor_left, "^Y": self.h_yank, "^V": self.h_paste, }) def h_cursor_to_start(self, input): self.cursor_position = 0 def h_cursor_to_end(self, input): self.cursor_position = len(self.value) def h_kill(self, input): self.yank = self.value[self.cursor_position:] self.value = self.value[:self.cursor_position] def h_yank(self, input): if self.yank: self.paste(self.yank) def paste(self, text: str): self.value = self.value[:self.cursor_position] + text + self.value[self.cursor_position:] self.cursor_position += len(text) def h_paste(self, input: int=0): try: text = pyperclip.paste() except ModuleNotFoundError: text = "To paste with the mouse on Linux, please install the 'xclip' program." self.paste(text) def handle_mouse_event(self, mouse_event): mouse_id, rel_x, rel_y, z, bstate = self.interpret_mouse_event(mouse_event) if bstate & (BUTTON2_CLICKED|BUTTON3_CLICKED): self.h_paste() # def update(self, clear=True): # if clear: # self.clear() # HEIGHT = self.height # WIDTH = self.width # # draw box. # self.parent.curses_pad.hline(self.rely, self.relx, curses.ACS_HLINE, WIDTH) # self.parent.curses_pad.hline( # self.rely + HEIGHT, self.relx, curses.ACS_HLINE, WIDTH # ) # self.parent.curses_pad.vline( # self.rely, self.relx, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.height # ) # self.parent.curses_pad.vline( # self.rely, self.relx + WIDTH, curses.ACS_VLINE, HEIGHT # ) # # draw corners # self.parent.curses_pad.addch( # self.rely, # self.relx, # curses.ACS_ULCORNER, # ) # self.parent.curses_pad.addch( # self.rely, # self.relx + WIDTH, # curses.ACS_URCORNER, # ) # self.parent.curses_pad.addch( # self.rely + HEIGHT, # self.relx, # curses.ACS_LLCORNER, # ) # self.parent.curses_pad.addch( # self.rely + HEIGHT, # self.relx + WIDTH, # curses.ACS_LRCORNER, # ) # # fool our superclass into thinking drawing area is smaller - this is really hacky but it seems to work # (relx, rely, height, width) = (self.relx, self.rely, self.height, self.width) # self.relx += 1 # self.rely += 1 # self.height -= 1 # self.width -= 1 # super().update(clear=False) # (self.relx, self.rely, self.height, self.width) = (relx, rely, height, width) class TextBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = TextBoxInner class BufferBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = npyscreen.BufferPager class ConfirmCancelPopup(fmPopup.ActionPopup): DEFAULT_COLUMNS = 100 def on_ok(self): self.value = True def on_cancel(self): self.value = False class FileBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = npyscreen.Filename class PrettyTextBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = TextBox def _wrap_message_lines(message, line_length): lines = [] for line in message.split('\n'): lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(line.rstrip(), line_length)) return lines def _prepare_message(message): if isinstance(message, list) or isinstance(message, tuple): return "\n".join([ s.rstrip() for s in message]) #return "\n".join(message) else: return message def select_stable_diffusion_config_file( form_color: str='DANGER', wrap:bool =True, model_name:str='Unknown', ): message = f"Please select the correct base model for the V2 checkpoint named '{model_name}'. Press <CANCEL> to skip installation." title = "CONFIG FILE SELECTION" options=[ "An SD v2.x base model (512 pixels; no 'parameterization:' line in its yaml file)", "An SD v2.x v-predictive model (768 pixels; 'parameterization: \"v\"' line in its yaml file)", "Skip installation for now and come back later", ] F = ConfirmCancelPopup( name=title, color=form_color, cycle_widgets=True, lines=16, ) F.preserve_selected_widget = True mlw = F.add( wgmultiline.Pager, max_height=4, editable=False, ) mlw_width = mlw.width-1 if wrap: message = _wrap_message_lines(message, mlw_width) mlw.values = message choice = F.add( npyscreen.SelectOne, values = options, value = [0], max_height = len(options)+1, scroll_exit=True, ) F.editw = 1 F.edit() if not F.value: return None assert choice.value[0] in range(0,3),'invalid choice' choices = ['epsilon','v','abort'] return choices[choice.value[0]]