""" Readline helper functions for invoke.py. You may import the global singleton `completer` to get access to the completer object itself. This is useful when you want to autocomplete seeds: from ldm.invoke.readline import completer completer.add_seed(18247566) completer.add_seed(9281839) """ import os import re import atexit from ldm.invoke.args import Args from ldm.invoke.concepts_lib import HuggingFaceConceptsLibrary from ldm.invoke.globals import Globals # ---------------readline utilities--------------------- try: import readline readline_available = True except (ImportError,ModuleNotFoundError) as e: print(f'** An error occurred when loading the readline module: {str(e)}') readline_available = False IMG_EXTENSIONS = ('.png','.jpg','.jpeg','.PNG','.JPG','.JPEG','.gif','.GIF') WEIGHT_EXTENSIONS = ('.ckpt','.vae','.safetensors') TEXT_EXTENSIONS = ('.txt','.TXT') CONFIG_EXTENSIONS = ('.yaml','.yml') COMMANDS = ( '--steps','-s', '--seed','-S', '--iterations','-n', '--width','-W','--height','-H', '--cfg_scale','-C', '--threshold', '--perlin', '--grid','-g', '--individual','-i', '--save_intermediates', '--init_img','-I', '--init_mask','-M', '--init_color', '--strength','-f', '--variants','-v', '--outdir','-o', '--sampler','-A','-m', '--embedding_path', '--device', '--grid','-g', '--facetool','-ft', '--facetool_strength','-G', '--codeformer_fidelity','-cf', '--upscale','-U', '-save_orig','--save_original', '--log_tokenization','-t', '--hires_fix', '--inpaint_replace','-r', '--png_compression','-z', '--text_mask','-tm', '--h_symmetry_time_pct', '--v_symmetry_time_pct', '!fix','!fetch','!replay','!history','!search','!clear', '!models','!switch','!import_model','!optimize_model','!convert_model','!edit_model','!del_model', '!mask','!triggers', ) MODEL_COMMANDS = ( '!switch', '!edit_model', '!del_model', ) CKPT_MODEL_COMMANDS = ( '!optimize_model', ) WEIGHT_COMMANDS = ( '!import_model', '!convert_model', ) IMG_PATH_COMMANDS = ( '--outdir[=\s]', ) TEXT_PATH_COMMANDS=( '!replay', ) IMG_FILE_COMMANDS=( '!fix', '!fetch', '!mask', '--init_img[=\s]','-I', '--init_mask[=\s]','-M', '--init_color[=\s]', '--embedding_path[=\s]', ) path_regexp = '(' + '|'.join(IMG_PATH_COMMANDS+IMG_FILE_COMMANDS) + ')\s*\S*$' weight_regexp = '(' + '|'.join(WEIGHT_COMMANDS) + ')\s*\S*$' text_regexp = '(' + '|'.join(TEXT_PATH_COMMANDS) + ')\s*\S*$' class Completer(object): def __init__(self, options, models={}): self.options = sorted(options) self.models = models self.seeds = set() self.matches = list() self.default_dir = None self.linebuffer = None self.auto_history_active = True self.extensions = None self.concepts = None self.embedding_terms = set() return def complete(self, text, state): ''' Completes invoke command line. BUG: it doesn't correctly complete files that have spaces in the name. ''' buffer = readline.get_line_buffer() if state == 0: # extensions defined, so go directly into path completion mode if self.extensions is not None: self.matches = self._path_completions(text, state, self.extensions) # looking for an image file elif re.search(path_regexp,buffer): do_shortcut = re.search('^'+'|'.join(IMG_FILE_COMMANDS),buffer) self.matches = self._path_completions(text, state, IMG_EXTENSIONS,shortcut_ok=do_shortcut) # looking for a seed elif re.search('(-S\s*|--seed[=\s])\d*$',buffer): self.matches= self._seed_completions(text,state) # looking for an embedding concept elif re.search('<[\w-]*$',buffer): self.matches= self._concept_completions(text,state) # looking for a model elif re.match('^'+'|'.join(MODEL_COMMANDS),buffer): self.matches= self._model_completions(text, state) # looking for a ckpt model elif re.match('^'+'|'.join(CKPT_MODEL_COMMANDS),buffer): self.matches= self._model_completions(text, state, ckpt_only=True) elif re.search(weight_regexp,buffer): self.matches = self._path_completions( text, state, WEIGHT_EXTENSIONS, default_dir=Globals.root, ) elif re.search(text_regexp,buffer): self.matches = self._path_completions(text, state, TEXT_EXTENSIONS) # This is the first time for this text, so build a match list. elif text: self.matches = [ s for s in self.options if s and s.startswith(text) ] else: self.matches = self.options[:] # Return the state'th item from the match list, # if we have that many. try: response = self.matches[state] except IndexError: response = None return response def complete_extensions(self, extensions:list): ''' If called with a list of extensions, will force completer to do file path completions. ''' self.extensions=extensions def add_history(self,line): ''' Pass thru to readline ''' if not self.auto_history_active: readline.add_history(line) def clear_history(self): ''' Pass clear_history() thru to readline ''' readline.clear_history() def search_history(self,match:str): ''' Like show_history() but only shows items that contain the match string. ''' self.show_history(match) def remove_history_item(self,pos): readline.remove_history_item(pos) def add_seed(self, seed): ''' Add a seed to the autocomplete list for display when -S is autocompleted. ''' if seed is not None: self.seeds.add(str(seed)) def set_default_dir(self, path): self.default_dir=path def set_options(self,options): self.options = options def get_line(self,index): try: line = self.get_history_item(index) except IndexError: return None return line def get_current_history_length(self): return readline.get_current_history_length() def get_history_item(self,index): return readline.get_history_item(index) def show_history(self,match=None): ''' Print the session history using the pydoc pager ''' import pydoc lines = list() h_len = self.get_current_history_length() if h_len < 1: print('<empty history>') return for i in range(0,h_len): line = self.get_history_item(i+1) if match and match not in line: continue lines.append(f'[{i+1}] {line}') pydoc.pager('\n'.join(lines)) def set_line(self,line)->None: ''' Set the default string displayed in the next line of input. ''' self.linebuffer = line readline.redisplay() def update_models(self,models:dict)->None: ''' update our list of models ''' self.models = models def _seed_completions(self, text, state): m = re.search('(-S\s?|--seed[=\s]?)(\d*)',text) if m: switch = m.groups()[0] partial = m.groups()[1] else: switch = '' partial = text matches = list() for s in self.seeds: if s.startswith(partial): matches.append(switch+s) matches.sort() return matches def add_embedding_terms(self, terms:list[str]): self.embedding_terms = set(terms) if self.concepts: self.embedding_terms.update(set(self.concepts.list_concepts())) def _concept_completions(self, text, state): if self.concepts is None: # cache Concepts() instance so we can check for updates in concepts_list during runtime. self.concepts = HuggingFaceConceptsLibrary() self.embedding_terms.update(set(self.concepts.list_concepts())) else: self.embedding_terms.update(set(self.concepts.list_concepts())) partial = text[1:] # this removes the leading '<' if len(partial) == 0: return list(self.embedding_terms) # whole dump - think if user wants this! matches = list() for concept in self.embedding_terms: if concept.startswith(partial): matches.append(f'<{concept}>') matches.sort() return matches def _model_completions(self, text, state, ckpt_only=False): m = re.search('(!switch\s+)(\w*)',text) if m: switch = m.groups()[0] partial = m.groups()[1] else: switch = '' partial = text matches = list() for s in self.models: format = self.models[s]['format'] if format == 'vae': continue if ckpt_only and format != 'ckpt': continue if s.startswith(partial): matches.append(switch+s) matches.sort() return matches def _pre_input_hook(self): if self.linebuffer: readline.insert_text(self.linebuffer) readline.redisplay() self.linebuffer = None def _path_completions(self, text, state, extensions, shortcut_ok=True, default_dir:str=''): # separate the switch from the partial path match = re.search('^(-\w|--\w+=?)(.*)',text) if match is None: switch = None partial_path = text else: switch,partial_path = match.groups() partial_path = partial_path.lstrip() matches = list() path = os.path.expanduser(partial_path) if os.path.isdir(path): dir = path elif os.path.dirname(path) != '': dir = os.path.dirname(path) else: dir = default_dir if os.path.exists(default_dir) else '' path= os.path.join(dir,path) dir_list = os.listdir(dir or '.') if shortcut_ok and os.path.exists(self.default_dir) and dir=='': dir_list += os.listdir(self.default_dir) for node in dir_list: if node.startswith('.') and len(node) > 1: continue full_path = os.path.join(dir, node) if not (node.endswith(extensions) or os.path.isdir(full_path)): continue if path and not full_path.startswith(path): continue if switch is None: match_path = os.path.join(dir,node) matches.append(match_path+'/' if os.path.isdir(full_path) else match_path) elif os.path.isdir(full_path): matches.append( switch+os.path.join(os.path.dirname(full_path), node) + '/' ) elif node.endswith(extensions): matches.append( switch+os.path.join(os.path.dirname(full_path), node) ) return matches class DummyCompleter(Completer): def __init__(self,options): super().__init__(options) self.history = list() def add_history(self,line): self.history.append(line) def clear_history(self): self.history = list() def get_current_history_length(self): return len(self.history) def get_history_item(self,index): return self.history[index-1] def remove_history_item(self,index): return self.history.pop(index-1) def set_line(self,line): print(f'# {line}') def generic_completer(commands:list)->Completer: if readline_available: completer = Completer(commands,[]) readline.set_completer(completer.complete) readline.set_pre_input_hook(completer._pre_input_hook) readline.set_completer_delims(' ') readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') readline.parse_and_bind('set print-completions-horizontally off') readline.parse_and_bind('set page-completions on') readline.parse_and_bind('set skip-completed-text on') readline.parse_and_bind('set show-all-if-ambiguous on') else: completer = DummyCompleter(commands) return completer def get_completer(opt:Args, models=[])->Completer: if readline_available: completer = Completer(COMMANDS,models) readline.set_completer( completer.complete ) # pyreadline3 does not have a set_auto_history() method try: readline.set_auto_history(False) completer.auto_history_active = False except: completer.auto_history_active = True readline.set_pre_input_hook(completer._pre_input_hook) readline.set_completer_delims(' ') readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') readline.parse_and_bind('set print-completions-horizontally off') readline.parse_and_bind('set page-completions on') readline.parse_and_bind('set skip-completed-text on') readline.parse_and_bind('set show-all-if-ambiguous on') outdir = os.path.expanduser(opt.outdir) if os.path.isabs(outdir): histfile = os.path.join(outdir,'.invoke_history') else: histfile = os.path.join(Globals.root, outdir, '.invoke_history') try: readline.read_history_file(histfile) readline.set_history_length(1000) except FileNotFoundError: pass except OSError: # file likely corrupted newname = f'{histfile}.old' print(f'## Your history file {histfile} couldn\'t be loaded and may be corrupted. Renaming it to {newname}') os.replace(histfile,newname) atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile) else: completer = DummyCompleter(COMMANDS) return completer