import { Middleware } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { store } from 'app/store/store'; import { PartialAppConfig } from 'app/types/invokeai'; import React, { lazy, memo, PropsWithChildren, ReactNode, useEffect, } from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { addMiddleware, resetMiddlewares } from 'redux-dynamic-middlewares'; import { $authToken, $baseUrl, $projectId } from 'services/api/client'; import { socketMiddleware } from 'services/events/middleware'; import Loading from '../../common/components/Loading/Loading'; import '../../i18n'; import AppDndContext from '../../features/dnd/components/AppDndContext'; import { $customStarUI, CustomStarUi } from 'app/store/nanostores/customStarUI'; import { $headerComponent } from 'app/store/nanostores/headerComponent'; const App = lazy(() => import('./App')); const ThemeLocaleProvider = lazy(() => import('./ThemeLocaleProvider')); interface Props extends PropsWithChildren { apiUrl?: string; token?: string; config?: PartialAppConfig; headerComponent?: ReactNode; middleware?: Middleware[]; projectId?: string; selectedImage?: { imageName: string; action: 'sendToImg2Img' | 'sendToCanvas' | 'useAllParameters'; }; customStarUi?: CustomStarUi; } const InvokeAIUI = ({ apiUrl, token, config, headerComponent, middleware, projectId, selectedImage, customStarUi, }: Props) => { useEffect(() => { // configure API client token if (token) { $authToken.set(token); } // configure API client base url if (apiUrl) { $baseUrl.set(apiUrl); } // configure API client project header if (projectId) { $projectId.set(projectId); } // reset dynamically added middlewares resetMiddlewares(); // TODO: at this point, after resetting the middleware, we really ought to clean up the socket // stuff by calling `dispatch(socketReset())`. but we cannot dispatch from here as we are // outside the provider. it's not needed until there is the possibility that we will change // the `apiUrl`/`token` dynamically. // rebuild socket middleware with token and apiUrl if (middleware && middleware.length > 0) { addMiddleware(socketMiddleware(), ...middleware); } else { addMiddleware(socketMiddleware()); } return () => { // Reset the API client token and base url on unmount $baseUrl.set(undefined); $authToken.set(undefined); $projectId.set(undefined); }; }, [apiUrl, token, middleware, projectId]); useEffect(() => { if (customStarUi) { $customStarUI.set(customStarUi); } return () => { $customStarUI.set(undefined); }; }, [customStarUi]); useEffect(() => { if (headerComponent) { $headerComponent.set(headerComponent); } return () => { $headerComponent.set(undefined); }; }, [headerComponent]); return ( }> ); }; export default memo(InvokeAIUI);