title: Overview

Here you can find the documentation for InvokeAI's various features.

## The Basics
### * The [Web User Interface](WEB.md)
Guide to the Web interface. Also see the [WebUI Hotkeys Reference Guide](WEBUIHOTKEYS.md)

### * The [Unified Canvas](UNIFIED_CANVAS.md)
Build complex scenes by combine and modifying multiple images in a stepwise
fashion. This feature combines img2img, inpainting and outpainting in
a single convenient digital artist-optimized user interface.

## Image Generation
### * [Prompt Engineering](PROMPTS.md)
Get the images you want with the InvokeAI  prompt engineering language.

## * The [Concepts Library](CONCEPTS.md)
Add custom subjects and styles using HuggingFace's repository of embeddings.

### * [Image-to-Image Guide](IMG2IMG.md)
Use a seed image to build new creations in the CLI.

### * [Generating Variations](VARIATIONS.md)
Have an image you like and want to generate many more like it? Variations
are the ticket.

## Model Management

## * [Model Installation](../installation/050_INSTALLING_MODELS.md)
Learn how to import third-party models and switch among them. This
guide also covers optimizing models to load quickly.

## * [Merging Models](MODEL_MERGING.md)
Teach an old model new tricks. Merge 2-3 models together to create a
new model that combines characteristics of the originals.

## * [Textual Inversion](TEXTUAL_INVERSION.md)
Personalize models by adding your own style or subjects.

# Other Features

## * [The NSFW Checker](NSFW.md)
Prevent InvokeAI from displaying unwanted racy images.

## * [Controlling Logging](LOGGING.md)
Control how InvokeAI logs status messages.

## * [Miscellaneous](OTHER.md)
Run InvokeAI on Google Colab, generate images with repeating patterns,
batch process a file of prompts, increase the "creativity" of image
generation by adding initial noise, and more!