#!/bin/bash set -e BCYAN="\033[1;36m" BYELLOW="\033[1;33m" BGREEN="\033[1;32m" BRED="\033[1;31m" RED="\033[31m" RESET="\033[0m" function git_show { git show -s --format=oneline --abbrev-commit "$1" | cat } if [[ -v "VIRTUAL_ENV" ]]; then # we can't just call 'deactivate' because this function is not exported # to the environment of this script from the bash process that runs the script echo -e "${BRED}A virtual environment is activated. Please deactivate it before proceeding.${RESET}" exit -1 fi cd "$(dirname "$0")" VERSION=$( cd .. python3 -c "from invokeai.version import __version__ as version; print(version)" ) VERSION="v${VERSION}" echo -e "${BGREEN}HEAD${RESET}:" git_show HEAD echo # ---------------------- FRONTEND ---------------------- pushd ../invokeai/frontend/web >/dev/null echo echo "Installing frontend dependencies..." echo pnpm i --frozen-lockfile echo if [[ ! -z ${CI} ]]; then echo "Building frontend without checks..." # In CI, we have already done the frontend checks and can just build pnpm vite build else echo "Running checks and building frontend..." # This runs all the frontend checks and builds pnpm build fi echo popd # ---------------------- BACKEND ---------------------- echo echo "Building wheel..." echo # install the 'build' package in the user site packages, if needed # could be improved by using a temporary venv, but it's tiny and harmless if [[ $(python3 -c 'from importlib.util import find_spec; print(find_spec("build") is None)') == "True" ]]; then pip install --user build fi rm -rf ../build python3 -m build --outdir dist/ ../. # ---------------------- echo echo "Building installer zip files for InvokeAI ${VERSION}..." echo # get rid of any old ones rm -f *.zip rm -rf InvokeAI-Installer # copy content mkdir InvokeAI-Installer for f in templates *.txt *.reg; do cp -r ${f} InvokeAI-Installer/ done mkdir InvokeAI-Installer/lib cp lib/*.py InvokeAI-Installer/lib # Install scripts # Mac/Linux cp install.sh.in InvokeAI-Installer/install.sh chmod a+x InvokeAI-Installer/install.sh # Windows cp install.bat.in InvokeAI-Installer/install.bat cp WinLongPathsEnabled.reg InvokeAI-Installer/ FILENAME=InvokeAI-installer-$VERSION.zip # Zip everything up zip -r ${FILENAME} InvokeAI-Installer # clean up, but only if we are not in a github action if [[ -z ${CI} ]]; then echo echo "Cleaning up frontend files..." rm -rf InvokeAI-Installer tmp dist ../invokeai/frontend/web/dist/ fi if [[ ! -z ${CI} ]]; then echo echo "Setting GitHub action outputs..." echo "INSTALLER_FILENAME=${FILENAME}" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "INSTALLER_PATH=installer/${FILENAME}" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "DIST_PATH=installer/dist/" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT fi exit 0