from typing import Optional, Union from dynamicprompts.generators import CombinatorialPromptGenerator, RandomPromptGenerator from fastapi import Body from fastapi.routing import APIRouter from pydantic import BaseModel from pyparsing import ParseException utilities_router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1/utilities", tags=["utilities"]) class DynamicPromptsResponse(BaseModel): prompts: list[str] error: Optional[str] = None "/dynamicprompts", operation_id="parse_dynamicprompts", responses={ 200: {"model": DynamicPromptsResponse}, }, ) async def parse_dynamicprompts( prompt: str = Body(description="The prompt to parse with dynamicprompts"), max_prompts: int = Body(default=1000, description="The max number of prompts to generate"), combinatorial: bool = Body(default=True, description="Whether to use the combinatorial generator"), ) -> DynamicPromptsResponse: """Creates a batch process""" generator: Union[RandomPromptGenerator, CombinatorialPromptGenerator] try: error: Optional[str] = None if combinatorial: generator = CombinatorialPromptGenerator() prompts = generator.generate(prompt, max_prompts=max_prompts) else: generator = RandomPromptGenerator() prompts = generator.generate(prompt, num_images=max_prompts) except ParseException as e: prompts = [prompt] error = str(e) return DynamicPromptsResponse(prompts=prompts if prompts else [""], error=error)