@echo off setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion @rem This script requires the user to install Python 3.9 or higher. All other @rem requirements are downloaded as needed. @rem change to the script's directory PUSHD "%~dp0" set "no_cache_dir=--no-cache-dir" if "%1" == "use-cache" ( set "no_cache_dir=" ) @rem Config @rem this should be changed to the tagged release! @rem set INVOKE_AI_SRC=https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/main.zip set INVOKE_AI_SRC=https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/tags/v2.2.4.zip set INSTRUCTIONS=https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED/ set TROUBLESHOOTING=https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED/#troubleshooting set PYTHON_URL=https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ set MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.9.0 set PYTHON_URL=https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3109/ set err_msg=An error has occurred and the script could not continue. @rem --------------------------- Intro ------------------------------- echo This script will install InvokeAI and its dependencies. echo. echo BEFORE YOU START PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DO THE FOLLOWING echo 1. Install python 3.9 or higher. echo 2. Double-click on the file WinLongPathsEnabled.reg in order to echo enable long path support on your system. echo 3. Install the Visual C++ core libraries. echo Pleaase download and install the libraries from: echo https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 echo. echo See %INSTRUCTIONS% for more details. echo. pause @rem ---------------------------- check Python version --------------- echo ***** Checking and Updating Python ***** call python --version >.tmp1 2>.tmp2 if %errorlevel% == 1 ( set err_msg=Please install Python 3.9 or higher. See %INSTRUCTIONS% for details. goto err_exit ) for /f "tokens=2" %%i in (.tmp1) do set python_version=%%i if "%python_version%" == "" ( set err_msg=No python was detected on your system. Please install Python version %MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION% or higher. We recommend Python 3.10.9 from %PYTHON_URL% goto err_exit ) call :compareVersions %MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION% %python_version% if %errorlevel% == 1 ( set err_msg=Your version of Python is too low. You need at least %MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION% but you have %python_version%. We recommend Python 3.10.9 from %PYTHON_URL% goto err_exit ) @rem Cleanup del /q .tmp1 .tmp2 @rem --------------------- Get the requirements file ------------ echo. echo Setting up requirements file for your system. copy /y environments-and-requirements\requirements-win-colab-cuda.txt .\requirements.txt @rem --------------------- Get the root directory for installation ------------ set "rootdir=" set "response=" set "selection=" :pick_rootdir if defined rootdir goto :done set /p selection=Select the path to install InvokeAI's directory into [%UserProfile%]: if not defined selection set selection=%UserProfile% set selection=%selection:"=% set dest="%selection%\invokeai" if exist %dest% ( set response=y set /p response=The directory %dest% exists. Do you wish to resume install from a previous attempt? [Y/n]: if !response! == "" set response=y if /I !response! == y (set rootdir=%dest%) else (goto :pick_rootdir) ) else ( set rootdir=!dest! ) set response=y set /p response="You have chosen to install InvokeAI into %rootdir%. OK? [Y/n]: " if !response! == "" set response=y if /I !response! neq y set "rootdir=" goto :pick_rootdir :done set rootdir=%rootdir:"=% @rem ---------------------- Initialize the runtime directory --------------------- echo. echo *** Creating Runtime Directory %rootdir% *** if not exist "%rootdir%" mkdir "%rootdir%" @rem for unknown reasons the mkdir works but returns an error code if not exist "%rootdir%" ( set err_msg=Could not create the directory %rootdir%. Please check the directory's permissions and try again. goto :err_exit ) echo Successful. @rem --------------------------- Create and populate .venv --------------------------- echo. echo ** Creating Virtual Environment for InvokeAI ** call python -mvenv "%rootdir%\.venv" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( set err_msg=Could not create virtual environment %rootdir%\.venv. Please check the directory's permissions and try again. goto :err_exit ) echo Successful. echo. echo *** Installing InvokeAI Requirements *** echo Activating environment call "%rootdir%\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat" set PYTHON=%rootdir%\.venv\Scripts\python echo updating pip with "%PYTHON%" call "%PYTHON%" -mensurepip --upgrade call "%PYTHON%" -mpip install --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( set err_msg=Requirements installation failed. See above for errors and check %TROUBLESHOOTING% for potential solutions. goto :err_exit ) echo Installation successful. echo. echo *** Installing InvokeAI Modules and Executables *** call "%PYTHON%" -mpip install %INVOKE_AI_SRC% if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( set err_msg=Installation of InvokeAI failed. See above for errors and check %TROUBLESHOOTING% for potential solutions. goto :err_exit ) echo Installation successful. @rem --------------------------- Set up the root directory --------------------------- xcopy /E /Y .\templates\rootdir "%rootdir%" PUSHD "%rootdir%" call "%PYTHON%" .venv\Scripts\configure_invokeai.py "--root=%rootdir%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( set err_msg=Configuration failed. See above for error messages and check %TROUBLESHOOTING% for potential solutions. goto :err_exit ) POPD copy .\templates\invoke.bat.in "%rootdir%\invoke.bat" copy .\templates\update.bat.in "%rootdir%\update.bat" @rem so that update.bat works mkdir "%rootdir%\environments-and-requirements" xcopy /I /Y .\environments-and-requirements "%rootdir%\environments-and-requirements" copy .\requirements.txt "%rootdir%\requirements.txt" echo. echo ***** Finished configuration ***** echo All done. Execute the file %rootdir%\invoke.bat to start InvokeAI. pause deactivate exit @rem ------------------------ Subroutines --------------- @rem routine to do comparison of semantic version numbers @rem found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15807762/compare-version-numbers-in-batch-file :compareVersions :: :: Compares two version numbers and returns the result in the ERRORLEVEL :: :: Returns 1 if version1 > version2 :: 0 if version1 = version2 :: -1 if version1 < version2 :: :: The nodes must be delimited by . or , or - :: :: Nodes are normally strictly numeric, without a 0 prefix. A letter suffix :: is treated as a separate node :: setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set "v1=%~1" set "v2=%~2" call :divideLetters v1 call :divideLetters v2 :loop call :parseNode "%v1%" n1 v1 call :parseNode "%v2%" n2 v2 if %n1% gtr %n2% exit /b 1 if %n1% lss %n2% exit /b -1 if not defined v1 if not defined v2 exit /b 0 if not defined v1 exit /b -1 if not defined v2 exit /b 1 goto :loop :parseNode version nodeVar remainderVar for /f "tokens=1* delims=.,-" %%A in ("%~1") do ( set "%~2=%%A" set "%~3=%%B" ) exit /b :divideLetters versionVar for %%C in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do set "%~1=!%~1:%%C=.%%C!" exit /b :err_exit echo %err_msg% echo The installer will exit now. pause exit /b pause