import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm from import InvokeAIAppConfig def migrate_image_workflows(output_path: Path, database: Path, page_size=100): """ In the v3.5.0 release, InvokeAI changed how it handles image workflows. The `images` table in the database now has a `has_workflow` column, indicating if an image has a workflow embedded. This script checks each image for the presence of an embedded workflow, then updates its entry in the database accordingly. 1) Check if the database is updated to support image workflows. Aborts if it doesn't have the `has_workflow` column yet. 2) Backs up the database. 3) Opens each image in the `images` table via PIL 4) Checks if the `"invokeai_workflow"` attribute its in the image's embedded metadata, indicating that it has a workflow. 5) If it does, updates the `has_workflow` column for that image to `TRUE`. If there are any problems, the script immediately aborts. Because the processing happens in chunks, if there is a problem, it is suggested that you restore the database from the backup and try again. """ output_path = output_path database = database conn = sqlite3.connect(database) cursor = conn.cursor() # We can only migrate if the `images` table has the `has_workflow` column cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(images)") columns = [column[1] for column in cursor.fetchall()] if "has_workflow" not in columns: raise Exception("Database needs to be updated to support image workflows") # Back up the database before we start timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") backup_path = database.parent / f"{database.stem}_migrate-image-workflows_{timestamp}.db" print(f"Backing up database to {backup_path}") backup_conn = sqlite3.connect(backup_path) with backup_conn: conn.backup(backup_conn) backup_conn.close() # Get the total number of images and chunk it into pages cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images") total_images = cursor.fetchone()[0] total_pages = (total_images + page_size - 1) // page_size print(f"Processing {total_images} images in chunks of {page_size} images...") # Migrate the images migrated_count = 0 pbar = tqdm(range(total_pages)) for page in pbar: pbar.set_description(f"Migrating page {page + 1}/{total_pages}") offset = page * page_size cursor.execute("SELECT image_name FROM images LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset)) images = cursor.fetchall() for image_name in images: image_path = output_path / "images" / image_name[0] with as img: if "invokeai_workflow" in cursor.execute("UPDATE images SET has_workflow = TRUE WHERE image_name = ?", (image_name[0],)) migrated_count += 1 conn.commit() conn.close() print(f"Migrated workflows for {migrated_count} images.") if __name__ == "__main__": config = InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config() output_path = config.output_path database = config.db_path assert output_path is not None assert output_path.exists() assert database.exists() migrate_image_workflows(output_path=output_path, database=database, page_size=100)