from typing import Optional, Union from fastapi import Body, HTTPException, Path, Query from fastapi.routing import APIRouter from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from import ApiDependencies from import BoardChanges, UncategorizedImageCounts from import BoardDTO from import OffsetPaginatedResults boards_router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1/boards", tags=["boards"]) class DeleteBoardResult(BaseModel): board_id: str = Field(description="The id of the board that was deleted.") deleted_board_images: list[str] = Field( description="The image names of the board-images relationships that were deleted." ) deleted_images: list[str] = Field(description="The names of the images that were deleted.") "/", operation_id="create_board", responses={ 201: {"description": "The board was created successfully"}, }, status_code=201, response_model=BoardDTO, ) async def create_board( board_name: str = Query(description="The name of the board to create"), is_private: bool = Query(default=False, description="Whether the board is private"), ) -> BoardDTO: """Creates a board""" try: result = return result except Exception: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Failed to create board") @boards_router.get("/{board_id}", operation_id="get_board", response_model=BoardDTO) async def get_board( board_id: str = Path(description="The id of board to get"), ) -> BoardDTO: """Gets a board""" try: result = return result except Exception: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Board not found") @boards_router.patch( "/{board_id}", operation_id="update_board", responses={ 201: { "description": "The board was updated successfully", }, }, status_code=201, response_model=BoardDTO, ) async def update_board( board_id: str = Path(description="The id of board to update"), changes: BoardChanges = Body(description="The changes to apply to the board"), ) -> BoardDTO: """Updates a board""" try: result =, changes=changes) return result except Exception: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Failed to update board") @boards_router.delete("/{board_id}", operation_id="delete_board", response_model=DeleteBoardResult) async def delete_board( board_id: str = Path(description="The id of board to delete"), include_images: Optional[bool] = Query(description="Permanently delete all images on the board", default=False), ) -> DeleteBoardResult: """Deletes a board""" try: if include_images is True: deleted_images = board_id=board_id ) return DeleteBoardResult( board_id=board_id, deleted_board_images=[], deleted_images=deleted_images, ) else: deleted_board_images = board_id=board_id ) return DeleteBoardResult( board_id=board_id, deleted_board_images=deleted_board_images, deleted_images=[], ) except Exception: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Failed to delete board") @boards_router.get( "/", operation_id="list_boards", response_model=Union[OffsetPaginatedResults[BoardDTO], list[BoardDTO]], ) async def list_boards( all: Optional[bool] = Query(default=None, description="Whether to list all boards"), offset: Optional[int] = Query(default=None, description="The page offset"), limit: Optional[int] = Query(default=None, description="The number of boards per page"), include_archived: bool = Query(default=False, description="Whether or not to include archived boards in list"), ) -> Union[OffsetPaginatedResults[BoardDTO], list[BoardDTO]]: """Gets a list of boards""" if all: return elif offset is not None and limit is not None: return, limit, include_archived) else: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail="Invalid request: Must provide either 'all' or both 'offset' and 'limit'", ) @boards_router.get( "/{board_id}/image_names", operation_id="list_all_board_image_names", response_model=list[str], ) async def list_all_board_image_names( board_id: str = Path(description="The id of the board"), ) -> list[str]: """Gets a list of images for a board""" image_names = board_id, ) return image_names @boards_router.get( "/uncategorized/counts", operation_id="get_uncategorized_image_counts", response_model=UncategorizedImageCounts, ) async def get_uncategorized_image_counts() -> UncategorizedImageCounts: """Gets count of images and assets for uncategorized images (images with no board assocation)""" return