""" Minimalist updater script. Prompts user for the tag or branch to update to and runs pip install . """ import os import platform import pkg_resources import psutil import requests from rich import box, print from rich.console import Console, group from rich.panel import Panel from rich.prompt import Prompt from rich.style import Style from invokeai.version import __version__ INVOKE_AI_SRC = "https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive" INVOKE_AI_TAG = "https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/tags" INVOKE_AI_BRANCH = "https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/heads" INVOKE_AI_REL = "https://api.github.com/repos/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/releases" OS = platform.uname().system ARCH = platform.uname().machine if OS == "Windows": # Windows terminals look better without a background colour console = Console(style=Style(color="grey74")) else: console = Console(style=Style(color="grey74", bgcolor="grey19")) def get_versions() -> dict: return requests.get(url=INVOKE_AI_REL).json() def invokeai_is_running() -> bool: for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: cmdline = p.cmdline() matches = [x for x in cmdline if x.endswith(("invokeai", "invokeai.exe"))] if matches: print( f":exclamation: [bold red]An InvokeAI instance appears to be running as process {p.pid}[/red bold]" ) return True except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): continue return False def welcome(versions: dict): @group() def text(): yield f"InvokeAI Version: [bold yellow]{__version__}" yield "" yield "This script will update InvokeAI to the latest release, or to a development version of your choice." yield "" yield "[bold yellow]Options:" yield f"""[1] Update to the latest official release ([italic]{versions[0]['tag_name']}[/italic]) [2] Update to the bleeding-edge development version ([italic]main[/italic]) [3] Manually enter the [bold]tag name[/bold] for the version you wish to update to [4] Manually enter the [bold]branch name[/bold] for the version you wish to update to""" console.rule() print( Panel( title="[bold wheat1]InvokeAI Updater", renderable=text(), box=box.DOUBLE, expand=True, padding=(1, 2), style=Style(bgcolor="grey23", color="orange1"), subtitle=f"[bold grey39]{OS}-{ARCH}", ) ) console.line() def get_extras(): extras = "" try: dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution("xformers") extras = "[xformers]" except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pass return extras def main(): versions = get_versions() if invokeai_is_running(): print(f":exclamation: [bold red]Please terminate all running instances of InvokeAI before updating.[/red bold]") input("Press any key to continue...") return welcome(versions) tag = None branch = None release = None choice = Prompt.ask("Choice:", choices=["1", "2", "3", "4"], default="1") if choice == "1": release = versions[0]["tag_name"] elif choice == "2": release = "main" elif choice == "3": tag = Prompt.ask("Enter an InvokeAI tag name") elif choice == "4": branch = Prompt.ask("Enter an InvokeAI branch name") extras = get_extras() print(f":crossed_fingers: Upgrading to [yellow]{tag if tag else release}[/yellow]") if release: cmd = f'pip install "invokeai{extras} @ {INVOKE_AI_SRC}/{release}.zip" --use-pep517 --upgrade' elif tag: cmd = f'pip install "invokeai{extras} @ {INVOKE_AI_TAG}/{tag}.zip" --use-pep517 --upgrade' else: cmd = f'pip install "invokeai{extras} @ {INVOKE_AI_BRANCH}/{branch}.zip" --use-pep517 --upgrade' print("") print("") if os.system(cmd) == 0: print(f":heavy_check_mark: Upgrade successful") else: print(f":exclamation: [bold red]Upgrade failed[/red bold]") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass