#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")" VERSION=$(grep ^VERSION ../setup.py | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed "s/'//g" ) PATCH="" VERSION="v${VERSION}${PATCH}" echo "Be certain that you're in the 'installer' directory before continuing." read -p "Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to exit..." git commit -a if ! git tag $VERSION ; then echo "Existing/invalid tag" exit -1 fi git push origin :refs/tags/latest git tag -fa latest echo Building installer zip fles for InvokeAI $VERSION # get rid of any old ones rm *.zip rm -rf InvokeAI-Installer mkdir InvokeAI-Installer cp -pr ../environments-and-requirements templates readme.txt InvokeAI-Installer/ mkdir InvokeAI-Installer/templates/rootdir cp -pr ../configs InvokeAI-Installer/templates/rootdir/ mkdir InvokeAI-Installer/templates/rootdir/{outputs,embeddings,models} perl -p -e "s/^INVOKEAI_VERSION=.*/INVOKEAI_VERSION=\"$VERSION\"/" install.sh.in > InvokeAI-Installer/install.sh chmod a+rx InvokeAI-Installer/install.sh zip -r InvokeAI-installer-$VERSION-linux.zip InvokeAI-Installer zip -r InvokeAI-installer-$VERSION-mac.zip InvokeAI-Installer # now do the windows installer rm InvokeAI-Installer/install.sh perl -p -e "s/^set INVOKEAI_VERSION=.*/set INVOKEAI_VERSION=$VERSION/" install.bat.in > InvokeAI-Installer/install.bat cp WinLongPathsEnabled.reg InvokeAI-Installer/ # this gets rid of the "-e ." at the end of the windows requirements file # because it is easier to do it now than in the .bat install script egrep -v '^-e .' InvokeAI-Installer/environments-and-requirements/requirements-win-colab-cuda.txt > InvokeAI-Installer/requirements.txt cp InvokeAI-Installer/requirements.txt InvokeAI-Installer/environments-and-requirements/requirements-win-colab-cuda.txt zip -r InvokeAI-installer-$VERSION-windows.zip InvokeAI-Installer mkdir tmp cp templates/update.sh.in tmp/update.sh cp templates/update.bat.in tmp/update.bat chmod +x tmp/update.sh chmod +x tmp/update.bat cd tmp zip InvokeAI-updater-$VERSION.zip update.sh update.bat cd .. mv tmp/InvokeAI-updater-$VERSION.zip . # clean up rm -rf InvokeAI-Installer tmp exit 0