import ctypes

class Struct_mallinfo2(ctypes.Structure):
    """A ctypes Structure that matches the libc mallinfo2 struct.


    struct mallinfo2 {
        size_t arena;     /* Non-mmapped space allocated (bytes) */
        size_t ordblks;   /* Number of free chunks */
        size_t smblks;    /* Number of free fastbin blocks */
        size_t hblks;     /* Number of mmapped regions */
        size_t hblkhd;    /* Space allocated in mmapped regions (bytes) */
        size_t usmblks;   /* See below */
        size_t fsmblks;   /* Space in freed fastbin blocks (bytes) */
        size_t uordblks;  /* Total allocated space (bytes) */
        size_t fordblks;  /* Total free space (bytes) */
        size_t keepcost;  /* Top-most, releasable space (bytes) */

    _fields_ = [
        ("arena", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("ordblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("smblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("hblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("hblkhd", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("usmblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("fsmblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("uordblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("fordblks", ctypes.c_size_t),
        ("keepcost", ctypes.c_size_t),

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        s = ""
        s += f"{'arena': <10}= {(self.arena/2**30):15.5f}   # Non-mmapped space allocated (GB) (uordblks + fordblks)\n"
        s += f"{'ordblks': <10}= {(self.ordblks): >15}   # Number of free chunks\n"
        s += f"{'smblks': <10}= {(self.smblks): >15}   # Number of free fastbin blocks \n"
        s += f"{'hblks': <10}= {(self.hblks): >15}   # Number of mmapped regions \n"
        s += f"{'hblkhd': <10}= {(self.hblkhd/2**30):15.5f}   # Space allocated in mmapped regions (GB)\n"
        s += f"{'usmblks': <10}= {(self.usmblks): >15}   # Unused\n"
        s += f"{'fsmblks': <10}= {(self.fsmblks/2**30):15.5f}   # Space in freed fastbin blocks (GB)\n"
        s += (
            f"{'uordblks': <10}= {(self.uordblks/2**30):15.5f}   # Space used by in-use allocations (non-mmapped)"
            " (GB)\n"
        s += f"{'fordblks': <10}= {(self.fordblks/2**30):15.5f}   # Space in free blocks (non-mmapped) (GB)\n"
        s += f"{'keepcost': <10}= {(self.keepcost/2**30):15.5f}   # Top-most, releasable space (GB)\n"
        return s

class LibcUtil:
    """A utility class for interacting with the C Standard Library (`libc`) via ctypes.

    Note that this class will raise on __init__() if '' can't be found. Take care to handle environments where
    this shared library is not available.

    TODO: Improve cross-OS compatibility of this class.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("")

    def mallinfo2(self) -> Struct_mallinfo2:
        """Calls `libc` `mallinfo2`.

        mallinfo2 = self._libc.mallinfo2
        mallinfo2.restype = Struct_mallinfo2
        result: Struct_mallinfo2 = mallinfo2()
        return result