from enum import Enum from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import json import sqlite3 from threading import Lock from typing import Any, Union import networkx as nx from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, parse_obj_as, parse_raw_as from import ImageOutput from import Edge, GraphExecutionState from import LatentsOutput from import PaginatedResults from import get_timestamp class ResultType(str, Enum): image_output = "image_output" latents_output = "latents_output" class Result(BaseModel): """A session result""" id: str = Field(description="Result ID") session_id: str = Field(description="Session ID") node_id: str = Field(description="Node ID") data: Union[LatentsOutput, ImageOutput] = Field(description="The result data") class ResultWithSession(BaseModel): """A result with its session""" result: Result = Field(description="The result") session: GraphExecutionState = Field(description="The session") # Create a directed graph from typing import Any, TypedDict, Union from networkx import DiGraph import networkx as nx import json # We need to use a loose class for nodes to allow for graceful parsing - we cannot use the stricter # model used by the system, because we may be a graph in an old format. We can, however, use the # Edge model, because the edge format does not change. class LooseGraph(BaseModel): id: str nodes: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] edges: list[Edge] # An intermediate type used during parsing class NearestAncestor(TypedDict): node_id: str metadata: dict[str, Any] # The ancestor types that contain the core metadata ANCESTOR_TYPES = ['t2l', 'l2l'] # The core metadata parameters in the ancestor types ANCESTOR_PARAMS = ['steps', 'model', 'cfg_scale', 'scheduler', 'strength'] # The core metadata parameters in the noise node NOISE_FIELDS = ['seed', 'width', 'height'] # Find nearest t2l or l2l ancestor from a given l2i node def find_nearest_ancestor(G: DiGraph, node_id: str) -> Union[NearestAncestor, None]: """Returns metadata for the nearest ancestor of a given node. Parameters: G (DiGraph): A directed graph. node_id (str): The ID of the starting node. Returns: NearestAncestor | None: An object with the ID and metadata of the nearest ancestor. """ # Retrieve the node from the graph node = G.nodes[node_id] # If the node type is one of the core metadata node types, gather necessary metadata and return if node.get('type') in ANCESTOR_TYPES: parsed_metadata = {param: val for param, val in node.items() if param in ANCESTOR_PARAMS} return NearestAncestor(node_id=node_id, metadata=parsed_metadata) # Else, look for the ancestor in the predecessor nodes for predecessor in G.predecessors(node_id): result = find_nearest_ancestor(G, predecessor) if result: return result # If there are no valid ancestors, return None return None def get_additional_metadata(graph: LooseGraph, node_id: str) -> Union[dict[str, Any], None]: """Collects additional metadata from nodes connected to a given node. Parameters: graph (LooseGraph): The graph. node_id (str): The ID of the node. Returns: dict | None: A dictionary containing additional metadata. """ metadata = {} # Iterate over all edges in the graph for edge in graph.edges: dest_node_id = edge.destination.node_id dest_field = edge.destination.field source_node = graph.nodes[edge.source.node_id] # If the destination node ID matches the given node ID, gather necessary metadata if dest_node_id == node_id: # If the destination field is 'positive_conditioning', add the 'prompt' from the source node if dest_field == 'positive_conditioning': metadata['positive_conditioning'] = source_node.get('prompt') # If the destination field is 'negative_conditioning', add the 'prompt' from the source node if dest_field == 'negative_conditioning': metadata['negative_conditioning'] = source_node.get('prompt') # If the destination field is 'noise', add the core noise fields from the source node if dest_field == 'noise': for field in NOISE_FIELDS: metadata[field] = source_node.get(field) return metadata def build_core_metadata(graph_raw: str, node_id: str) -> Union[dict, None]: """Builds the core metadata for a given node. Parameters: graph_raw (str): The graph structure as a raw string. node_id (str): The ID of the node. Returns: dict | None: A dictionary containing core metadata. """ # Create a directed graph to facilitate traversal G = nx.DiGraph() # Convert the raw graph string into a JSON object graph = parse_obj_as(LooseGraph, graph_raw) # Add nodes and edges to the graph for node_id, node_data in graph.nodes.items(): G.add_node(node_id, **node_data) for edge in graph.edges: G.add_edge(edge.source.node_id, edge.destination.node_id) # Find the nearest ancestor of the given node ancestor = find_nearest_ancestor(G, node_id) # If no ancestor was found, return None if ancestor is None: return None metadata = ancestor['metadata'] ancestor_id = ancestor['node_id'] # Get additional metadata related to the ancestor addl_metadata = get_additional_metadata(graph, ancestor_id) # If additional metadata was found, add it to the main metadata if addl_metadata is not None: metadata.update(addl_metadata) return metadata class ResultsServiceABC(ABC): """The Results service is responsible for retrieving results.""" @abstractmethod def get( self, result_id: str, result_type: ResultType ) -> Union[ResultWithSession, None]: pass @abstractmethod def get_many( self, result_type: ResultType, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10 ) -> PaginatedResults[ResultWithSession]: pass @abstractmethod def search( self, query: str, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10 ) -> PaginatedResults[ResultWithSession]: pass @abstractmethod def handle_graph_execution_state_change(self, session: GraphExecutionState) -> None: pass class SqliteResultsService(ResultsServiceABC): """SQLite implementation of the Results service.""" _filename: str _conn: sqlite3.Connection _cursor: sqlite3.Cursor _lock: Lock def __init__(self, filename: str): super().__init__() self._filename = filename self._lock = Lock() self._conn = sqlite3.connect( self._filename, check_same_thread=False ) # TODO: figure out a better threading solution self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() self._create_table() def _create_table(self): try: self._lock.acquire() self._cursor.execute( """--sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS results ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, -- the result's name result_type TEXT, -- `image_output` | `latents_output` node_id TEXT, -- the node that produced this result session_id TEXT, -- the session that produced this result created_at INTEGER, -- the time at which this result was created data TEXT -- the result itself ); """ ) self._cursor.execute( """--sql CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_result_id ON results(id); """ ) finally: self._lock.release() def _parse_joined_result(self, result_row: Any, column_names: list[str]): result_raw = {} session_raw = {} for idx, name in enumerate(column_names): if name == "session": session_raw = json.loads(result_row[idx]) elif name == "data": result_raw[name] = json.loads(result_row[idx]) else: result_raw[name] = result_row[idx] graph_raw = session_raw['execution_graph'] result = parse_obj_as(Result, result_raw) session = parse_obj_as(GraphExecutionState, session_raw) m = build_core_metadata(graph_raw, result.node_id) print(m) # g = session.execution_graph.nx_graph() # ancestors = nx.dag.ancestors(g, result.node_id) # nodes = [session.execution_graph.get_node(result.node_id)] # for ancestor in ancestors: # nodes.append(session.execution_graph.get_node(ancestor)) # filtered_nodes = filter(lambda n: n.type in NODE_TYPE_ALLOWLIST, nodes) # print(list(map(lambda n: n.dict(), filtered_nodes))) # metadata = {} # for node in nodes: # if (node.type in ['txt2img', 'img2img',]) # for field, value in node.dict().items(): # if field not in ['type', 'id']: # if field not in metadata: # metadata[field] = value # print(ancestors) # print(nodes) # print(metadata) # for node in nodes: # print(node.dict()) # print(nodes) return ResultWithSession( result=result, session=session, ) def get( self, result_id: str, result_type: ResultType ) -> Union[ResultWithSession, None]: """Retrieves a result by ID and type.""" try: self._lock.acquire() self._cursor.execute( """--sql SELECT AS id, results.result_type AS result_type, results.node_id AS node_id, results.session_id AS session_id, AS data, graph_executions.item AS session FROM results JOIN graph_executions ON results.session_id = WHERE = ? AND results.result_type = ? """, (result_id, result_type), ) result_row = self._cursor.fetchone() if result_row is None: return None column_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], self._cursor.description)) result_parsed = self._parse_joined_result(result_row, column_names) finally: self._lock.release() if not result_parsed: return None return result_parsed def get_many( self, result_type: ResultType, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10, ) -> PaginatedResults[ResultWithSession]: """Lists results of a given type.""" try: self._lock.acquire() self._cursor.execute( f"""--sql SELECT AS id, results.result_type AS result_type, results.node_id AS node_id, results.session_id AS session_id, AS data, graph_executions.item AS session FROM results JOIN graph_executions ON results.session_id = WHERE results.result_type = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ?; """, (result_type.value, per_page, page * per_page), ) result_rows = self._cursor.fetchall() column_names = list(map(lambda c: c[0], self._cursor.description)) result_parsed = [] for result_row in result_rows: result_parsed.append( self._parse_joined_result(result_row, column_names) ) self._cursor.execute("""SELECT count(*) FROM results;""") count = self._cursor.fetchone()[0] finally: self._lock.release() pageCount = int(count / per_page) + 1 return PaginatedResults[ResultWithSession]( items=result_parsed, page=page, pages=pageCount, per_page=per_page, total=count, ) def search( self, query: str, page: int = 0, per_page: int = 10, ) -> PaginatedResults[ResultWithSession]: """Finds results by query.""" try: self._lock.acquire() self._cursor.execute( """--sql SELECT, graph_executions.item FROM results JOIN graph_executions ON results.session_id = WHERE item LIKE ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ?; """, (f"%{query}%", per_page, page * per_page), ) result_rows = self._cursor.fetchall() items = list( map( lambda r: ResultWithSession( result=parse_raw_as(Result, r[0]), session=parse_raw_as(GraphExecutionState, r[1]), ), result_rows, ) ) self._cursor.execute( """--sql SELECT count(*) FROM results WHERE item LIKE ?; """, (f"%{query}%",), ) count = self._cursor.fetchone()[0] finally: self._lock.release() pageCount = int(count / per_page) + 1 return PaginatedResults[ResultWithSession]( items=items, page=page, pages=pageCount, per_page=per_page, total=count ) def handle_graph_execution_state_change(self, session: GraphExecutionState) -> None: """Updates the results table with the results from the session.""" with self._conn as conn: for node_id, result in session.results.items(): # We'll only process 'image_output' or 'latents_output' if result.type not in ["image_output", "latents_output"]: continue # The id depends on the result type if result.type == "image_output": id = result.image.image_name result_type = "image_output" else: id = result.latents.latents_name result_type = "latents_output" # Insert the result into the results table, ignoring if it already exists conn.execute( """--sql INSERT OR IGNORE INTO results (id, result_type, node_id, session_id, created_at, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( id, result_type, node_id,, get_timestamp(), result.json(), ), )