from modules.parse_seed_weights import parse_seed_weights import argparse SAMPLER_CHOICES = [ 'ddim', 'k_dpm_2_a', 'k_dpm_2', 'k_euler_a', 'k_euler', 'k_heun', 'k_lms', 'plms', ] def parameters_to_command(params): """ Converts dict of parameters into a `` REPL command. """ switches = list() if 'prompt' in params: switches.append(f'"{params["prompt"]}"') if 'steps' in params: switches.append(f'-s {params["steps"]}') if 'seed' in params: switches.append(f'-S {params["seed"]}') if 'width' in params: switches.append(f'-W {params["width"]}') if 'height' in params: switches.append(f'-H {params["height"]}') if 'cfg_scale' in params: switches.append(f'-C {params["cfg_scale"]}') if 'sampler_name' in params: switches.append(f'-A {params["sampler_name"]}') if 'seamless' in params and params["seamless"] == True: switches.append(f'--seamless') if 'init_img' in params and len(params['init_img']) > 0: switches.append(f'-I {params["init_img"]}') if 'init_mask' in params and len(params['init_mask']) > 0: switches.append(f'-M {params["init_mask"]}') if 'strength' in params and 'init_img' in params: switches.append(f'-f {params["strength"]}') if 'fit' in params and params["fit"] == True: switches.append(f'--fit') if 'gfpgan_strength' in params and params["gfpgan_strength"]: switches.append(f'-G {params["gfpgan_strength"]}') if 'upscale' in params and params["upscale"]: switches.append(f'-U {params["upscale"][0]} {params["upscale"][1]}') if 'variation_amount' in params and params['variation_amount'] > 0: switches.append(f'-v {params["variation_amount"]}') if 'with_variations' in params: seed_weight_pairs = ','.join(f'{seed}:{weight}' for seed, weight in params["with_variations"]) switches.append(f'-V {seed_weight_pairs}') return ' '.join(switches) def create_cmd_parser(): """ This is simply a copy of the parser from `` with a change to give prompt a default value. This is a temporary hack pending merge of #587 which provides a better way to do this. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Example: dream> a fantastic alien landscape -W1024 -H960 -s100 -n12', exit_on_error=True, ) parser.add_argument('prompt', nargs='?', default='') parser.add_argument('-s', '--steps', type=int, help='Number of steps') parser.add_argument( '-S', '--seed', type=int, help='Image seed; a +ve integer, or use -1 for the previous seed, -2 for the one before that, etc', ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--iterations', type=int, default=1, help='Number of samplings to perform (slower, but will provide seeds for individual images)', ) parser.add_argument( '-W', '--width', type=int, help='Image width, multiple of 64' ) parser.add_argument( '-H', '--height', type=int, help='Image height, multiple of 64' ) parser.add_argument( '-C', '--cfg_scale', default=7.5, type=float, help='Classifier free guidance (CFG) scale - higher numbers cause generator to "try" harder.', ) parser.add_argument( '-g', '--grid', action='store_true', help='generate a grid' ) parser.add_argument( '--outdir', '-o', type=str, default=None, help='Directory to save generated images and a log of prompts and seeds', ) parser.add_argument( '--seamless', action='store_true', help='Change the model to seamless tiling (circular) mode', ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--individual', action='store_true', help='Generate individual files (default)', ) parser.add_argument( '-I', '--init_img', type=str, help='Path to input image for img2img mode (supersedes width and height)', ) parser.add_argument( '-M', '--init_mask', type=str, help='Path to input mask for inpainting mode (supersedes width and height)', ) parser.add_argument( '-T', '-fit', '--fit', action='store_true', help='If specified, will resize the input image to fit within the dimensions of width x height (512x512 default)', ) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--strength', default=0.75, type=float, help='Strength for noising/unnoising. 0.0 preserves image exactly, 1.0 replaces it completely', ) parser.add_argument( '-G', '--gfpgan_strength', default=0, type=float, help='The strength at which to apply the GFPGAN model to the result, in order to improve faces.', ) parser.add_argument( '-U', '--upscale', nargs='+', default=None, type=float, help='Scale factor (2, 4) for upscaling followed by upscaling strength (0-1.0). If strength not specified, defaults to 0.75' ) parser.add_argument( '-save_orig', '--save_original', action='store_true', help='Save original. Use it when upscaling to save both versions.', ) # variants is going to be superseded by a generalized "prompt-morph" function # parser.add_argument('-v','--variants',type=int,help="in img2img mode, the first generated image will get passed back to img2img to generate the requested number of variants") parser.add_argument( '-x', '--skip_normalize', action='store_true', help='Skip subprompt weight normalization', ) parser.add_argument( '-A', '-m', '--sampler', dest='sampler_name', default=None, type=str, choices=SAMPLER_CHOICES, metavar='SAMPLER_NAME', help=f'Switch to a different sampler. Supported samplers: {", ".join(SAMPLER_CHOICES)}', ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--log_tokenization', action='store_true', help='shows how the prompt is split into tokens' ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--variation_amount', default=0.0, type=float, help='If > 0, generates variations on the initial seed instead of random seeds per iteration. Must be between 0 and 1. Higher values will be more different.' ) parser.add_argument( '-V', '--with_variations', default=None, type=str, help='list of variations to apply, in the format `seed:weight,seed:weight,...' ) return parser