''' Manage a cache of Stable Diffusion model files for fast switching. They are moved between GPU and CPU as necessary. If CPU memory falls below a preset minimum, the least recently used model will be cleared and loaded from disk when next needed. ''' from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import gc import hashlib import io import os import sys import textwrap import time import traceback import warnings import safetensors.torch from pathlib import Path from shutil import move, rmtree from typing import Union, Any from huggingface_hub import scan_cache_dir from ldm.util import download_with_progress_bar import torch import safetensors import transformers from diffusers import AutoencoderKL, logging as dlogging from diffusers.utils.logging import get_verbosity, set_verbosity, set_verbosity_error from omegaconf import OmegaConf from omegaconf.dictconfig import DictConfig from picklescan.scanner import scan_file_path from ldm.invoke.generator.diffusers_pipeline import StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline from ldm.invoke.globals import Globals, global_models_dir, global_autoscan_dir, global_cache_dir from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config, ask_user DEFAULT_MAX_MODELS=2 VAE_TO_REPO_ID = { # hack, see note in convert_and_import() 'vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned': 'stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse', } class ModelManager(object): def __init__(self, config:OmegaConf, device_type:str, precision:str, max_loaded_models=DEFAULT_MAX_MODELS): ''' Initialize with the path to the models.yaml config file, the torch device type, and precision. The optional min_avail_mem argument specifies how much unused system (CPU) memory to preserve. The cache of models in RAM will grow until this value is approached. Default is 2G. ''' # prevent nasty-looking CLIP log message transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() self.config = config self.precision = precision self.device = torch.device(device_type) self.max_loaded_models = max_loaded_models self.models = {} self.stack = [] # this is an LRU FIFO self.current_model = None def valid_model(self, model_name:str)->bool: ''' Given a model name, returns True if it is a valid identifier. ''' return model_name in self.config def get_model(self, model_name:str): ''' Given a model named identified in models.yaml, return the model object. If in RAM will load into GPU VRAM. If on disk, will load from there. ''' if not self.valid_model(model_name): print(f'** "{model_name}" is not a known model name. Please check your models.yaml file') return self.current_model if self.current_model != model_name: if model_name not in self.models: # make room for a new one self._make_cache_room() self.offload_model(self.current_model) if model_name in self.models: requested_model = self.models[model_name]['model'] print(f'>> Retrieving model {model_name} from system RAM cache') self.models[model_name]['model'] = self._model_from_cpu(requested_model) width = self.models[model_name]['width'] height = self.models[model_name]['height'] hash = self.models[model_name]['hash'] else: # we're about to load a new model, so potentially offload the least recently used one requested_model, width, height, hash = self._load_model(model_name) self.models[model_name] = { 'model': requested_model, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'hash': hash, } self.current_model = model_name self._push_newest_model(model_name) return { 'model':requested_model, 'width':width, 'height':height, 'hash': hash } def default_model(self) -> str | None: ''' Returns the name of the default model, or None if none is defined. ''' for model_name in self.config: if self.config[model_name].get('default'): return model_name def set_default_model(self,model_name:str) -> None: ''' Set the default model. The change will not take effect until you call model_manager.commit() ''' assert model_name in self.models,f"unknown model '{model_name}'" config = self.config for model in config: config[model].pop('default',None) config[model_name]['default'] = True def model_info(self, model_name:str)->dict: ''' Given a model name returns the OmegaConf (dict-like) object describing it. ''' if model_name not in self.config: return None return self.config[model_name] def model_names(self)->list[str]: ''' Return a list consisting of all the names of models defined in models.yaml ''' return list(self.config.keys()) def is_legacy(self,model_name:str)->bool: ''' Return true if this is a legacy (.ckpt) model ''' info = self.model_info(model_name) if 'weights' in info and info['weights'].endswith(('.ckpt','.safetensors')): return True return False def list_models(self) -> dict: ''' Return a dict of models in the format: { model_name1: {'status': ('active'|'cached'|'not loaded'), 'description': description, 'format': ('ckpt'|'diffusers'|'vae'), }, model_name2: { etc } Please use model_manager.models() to get all the model names, model_manager.model_info('model-name') to get the stanza for the model named 'model-name', and model_manager.config to get the full OmegaConf object derived from models.yaml ''' models = {} for name in sorted(self.config): stanza = self.config[name] # don't include VAEs in listing (legacy style) if 'config' in stanza and '/VAE/' in stanza['config']: continue models[name] = dict() format = stanza.get('format','ckpt') # Determine Format # Common Attribs description = stanza.get('description', None) if self.current_model == name: status = 'active' elif name in self.models: status = 'cached' else: status = 'not loaded' models[name].update( description = description, format = format, status = status, ) # Checkpoint Config Parse if format == 'ckpt': models[name].update( config = str(stanza.get('config', None)), weights = str(stanza.get('weights', None)), vae = str(stanza.get('vae', None)), width = str(stanza.get('width', 512)), height = str(stanza.get('height', 512)), ) # Diffusers Config Parse if (vae := stanza.get('vae',None)): if isinstance(vae,DictConfig): vae = dict( repo_id = str(vae.get('repo_id',None)), path = str(vae.get('path',None)), subfolder = str(vae.get('subfolder',None)) ) if format == 'diffusers': models[name].update( vae = vae, repo_id = str(stanza.get('repo_id', None)), path = str(stanza.get('path',None)), ) return models def print_models(self) -> None: ''' Print a table of models, their descriptions, and load status ''' models = self.list_models() for name in models: if models[name]['format'] == 'vae': continue line = f'{name:25s} {models[name]["status"]:>10s} {models[name]["format"]:10s} {models[name]["description"]}' if models[name]['status'] == 'active': line = f'\033[1m{line}\033[0m' print(line) def del_model(self, model_name:str, delete_files:bool=False) -> None: ''' Delete the named model. ''' omega = self.config if model_name not in omega: print(f'** Unknown model {model_name}') return # save these for use in deletion later conf = omega[model_name] repo_id = conf.get('repo_id',None) path = self._abs_path(conf.get('path',None)) weights = self._abs_path(conf.get('weights',None)) del omega[model_name] if model_name in self.stack: self.stack.remove(model_name) if delete_files: if weights: print(f'** deleting file {weights}') Path(weights).unlink(missing_ok=True) elif path: print(f'** deleting directory {path}') rmtree(path,ignore_errors=True) elif repo_id: print(f'** deleting the cached model directory for {repo_id}') self._delete_model_from_cache(repo_id) def add_model(self, model_name:str, model_attributes:dict, clobber:bool=False) -> None: ''' Update the named model with a dictionary of attributes. Will fail with an assertion error if the name already exists. Pass clobber=True to overwrite. On a successful update, the config will be changed in memory and the method will return True. Will fail with an assertion error if provided attributes are incorrect or the model name is missing. ''' omega = self.config assert 'format' in model_attributes, 'missing required field "format"' if model_attributes['format']=='diffusers': assert 'description' in model_attributes, 'required field "description" is missing' assert 'path' in model_attributes or 'repo_id' in model_attributes,'model must have either the "path" or "repo_id" fields defined' else: for field in ('description','weights','height','width','config'): assert field in model_attributes, f'required field {field} is missing' assert (clobber or model_name not in omega), f'attempt to overwrite existing model definition "{model_name}"' omega[model_name] = model_attributes if 'weights' in omega[model_name]: omega[model_name]['weights'].replace('\\','/') if clobber: self._invalidate_cached_model(model_name) def _load_model(self, model_name:str): """Load and initialize the model from configuration variables passed at object creation time""" if model_name not in self.config: print(f'"{model_name}" is not a known model name. Please check your models.yaml file') return mconfig = self.config[model_name] # for usage statistics if self._has_cuda(): torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats() torch.cuda.empty_cache() tic = time.time() # this does the work model_format = mconfig.get('format', 'ckpt') if model_format == 'ckpt': weights = mconfig.weights print(f'>> Loading {model_name} from {weights}') model, width, height, model_hash = self._load_ckpt_model(model_name, mconfig) elif model_format == 'diffusers': with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') model, width, height, model_hash = self._load_diffusers_model(mconfig) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown model format {model_name}: {model_format}") # usage statistics toc = time.time() print('>> Model loaded in', '%4.2fs' % (toc - tic)) if self._has_cuda(): print( '>> Max VRAM used to load the model:', '%4.2fG' % (torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 1e9), '\n>> Current VRAM usage:' '%4.2fG' % (torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1e9), ) return model, width, height, model_hash def _load_ckpt_model(self, model_name, mconfig): config = mconfig.config weights = mconfig.weights vae = mconfig.get('vae') width = mconfig.width height = mconfig.height if not os.path.isabs(config): config = os.path.join(Globals.root,config) if not os.path.isabs(weights): weights = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Globals.root,weights)) # scan model self.scan_model(model_name, weights) print(f'>> Loading {model_name} from {weights}') # for usage statistics if self._has_cuda(): torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats() torch.cuda.empty_cache() tic = time.time() # this does the work if not os.path.isabs(config): config = os.path.join(Globals.root,config) omega_config = OmegaConf.load(config) with open(weights,'rb') as f: weight_bytes = f.read() model_hash = self._cached_sha256(weights, weight_bytes) sd = None if weights.endswith('.safetensors'): sd = safetensors.torch.load(weight_bytes) else: sd = torch.load(io.BytesIO(weight_bytes), map_location='cpu') del weight_bytes # merged models from auto11 merge board are flat for some reason if 'state_dict' in sd: sd = sd['state_dict'] print(' | Forcing garbage collection prior to loading new model') gc.collect() model = instantiate_from_config(omega_config.model) model.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False) if self.precision == 'float16': print(' | Using faster float16 precision') model = model.to(torch.float16) else: print(' | Using more accurate float32 precision') # look and load a matching vae file. Code borrowed from AUTOMATIC1111 modules/sd_models.py if vae: if not os.path.isabs(vae): vae = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Globals.root,vae)) if os.path.exists(vae): print(f' | Loading VAE weights from: {vae}') vae_ckpt = None vae_dict = None if vae.endswith('.safetensors'): vae_ckpt = safetensors.torch.load_file(vae) vae_dict = {k: v for k, v in vae_ckpt.items() if k[0:4] != "loss"} else: vae_ckpt = torch.load(vae, map_location="cpu") vae_dict = {k: v for k, v in vae_ckpt['state_dict'].items() if k[0:4] != "loss"} model.first_stage_model.load_state_dict(vae_dict, strict=False) else: print(f' | VAE file {vae} not found. Skipping.') model.to(self.device) # model.to doesn't change the cond_stage_model.device used to move the tokenizer output, so set it here model.cond_stage_model.device = self.device model.eval() for module in model.modules(): if isinstance(module, (torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d)): module._orig_padding_mode = module.padding_mode # usage statistics toc = time.time() print('>> Model loaded in', '%4.2fs' % (toc - tic)) if self._has_cuda(): print( '>> Max VRAM used to load the model:', '%4.2fG' % (torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 1e9), '\n>> Current VRAM usage:' '%4.2fG' % (torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1e9), ) return model, width, height, model_hash def _load_diffusers_model(self, mconfig): name_or_path = self.model_name_or_path(mconfig) using_fp16 = self.precision == 'float16' print(f'>> Loading diffusers model from {name_or_path}') if using_fp16: print(' | Using faster float16 precision') else: print(' | Using more accurate float32 precision') # TODO: scan weights maybe? pipeline_args: dict[str, Any] = dict( safety_checker=None, local_files_only=not Globals.internet_available ) if 'vae' in mconfig and mconfig['vae'] is not None: vae = self._load_vae(mconfig['vae']) pipeline_args.update(vae=vae) if not isinstance(name_or_path,Path): pipeline_args.update(cache_dir=global_cache_dir('diffusers')) if using_fp16: pipeline_args.update(torch_dtype=torch.float16) fp_args_list = [{'revision':'fp16'},{}] else: fp_args_list = [{}] verbosity = dlogging.get_verbosity() dlogging.set_verbosity_error() pipeline = None for fp_args in fp_args_list: try: pipeline = StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline.from_pretrained( name_or_path, **pipeline_args, **fp_args, ) except OSError as e: if str(e).startswith('fp16 is not a valid'): print(f'Could not fetch half-precision version of model {name_or_path}; fetching full-precision instead') else: print(f'An unexpected error occurred while downloading the model: {e})') if pipeline: break dlogging.set_verbosity(verbosity) assert pipeline is not None, OSError(f'"{name_or_path}" could not be loaded') pipeline.to(self.device) model_hash = self._diffuser_sha256(name_or_path) # square images??? width = pipeline.unet.config.sample_size * pipeline.vae_scale_factor height = width print(f' | Default image dimensions = {width} x {height}') return pipeline, width, height, model_hash def model_name_or_path(self, model_name:Union[str,DictConfig]) -> str | Path: if isinstance(model_name,DictConfig): mconfig = model_name elif model_name in self.config: mconfig = self.config[model_name] else: raise ValueError(f'"{model_name}" is not a known model name. Please check your models.yaml file') if 'path' in mconfig: path = Path(mconfig['path']) if not path.is_absolute(): path = Path(Globals.root, path).resolve() return path elif 'repo_id' in mconfig: return mconfig['repo_id'] else: raise ValueError("Model config must specify either repo_id or path.") def offload_model(self, model_name:str) -> None: ''' Offload the indicated model to CPU. Will call _make_cache_room() to free space if needed. ''' if model_name not in self.models: return print(f'>> Offloading {model_name} to CPU') model = self.models[model_name]['model'] self.models[model_name]['model'] = self._model_to_cpu(model) gc.collect() if self._has_cuda(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() def scan_model(self, model_name, checkpoint): ''' Apply picklescanner to the indicated checkpoint and issue a warning and option to exit if an infected file is identified. ''' # scan model print(f'>> Scanning Model: {model_name}') scan_result = scan_file_path(checkpoint) if scan_result.infected_files != 0: if scan_result.infected_files == 1: print(f'\n### Issues Found In Model: {scan_result.issues_count}') print('### WARNING: The model you are trying to load seems to be infected.') print('### For your safety, InvokeAI will not load this model.') print('### Please use checkpoints from trusted sources.') print("### Exiting InvokeAI") sys.exit() else: print('\n### WARNING: InvokeAI was unable to scan the model you are using.') model_safe_check_fail = ask_user('Do you want to to continue loading the model?', ['y', 'n']) if model_safe_check_fail.lower() != 'y': print("### Exiting InvokeAI") sys.exit() else: print('>> Model scanned ok!') def import_diffuser_model(self, repo_or_path:Union[str,Path], model_name:str=None, description:str=None, vae:dict=None, commit_to_conf:Path=None, )->bool: ''' Attempts to install the indicated diffuser model and returns True if successful. "repo_or_path" can be either a repo-id or a path-like object corresponding to the top of a downloaded diffusers directory. You can optionally provide a model name and/or description. If not provided, then these will be derived from the repo name. If you provide a commit_to_conf path to the configuration file, then the new entry will be committed to the models.yaml file. ''' model_name = model_name or Path(repo_or_path).stem description = description or f'imported diffusers model {model_name}' new_config = dict( description=description, vae=vae, format='diffusers', ) if isinstance(repo_or_path,Path) and repo_or_path.exists(): new_config.update(path=repo_or_path) else: new_config.update(repo_id=repo_or_path) self.add_model(model_name, new_config, True) if commit_to_conf: self.commit(commit_to_conf) return True def import_ckpt_model(self, weights:Union[str,Path], config:Union[str,Path]='configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml', vae:Union[str,Path]=None, model_name:str=None, model_description:str=None, commit_to_conf:Path=None, )->bool: ''' Attempts to install the indicated ckpt file and returns True if successful. "weights" can be either a path-like object corresponding to a local .ckpt file or a http/https URL pointing to a remote model. "vae" is a Path or str object pointing to a ckpt or safetensors file to be used as the VAE for this model. "config" is the model config file to use with this ckpt file. It defaults to v1-inference.yaml. If a URL is provided, the config will be downloaded. You can optionally provide a model name and/or description. If not provided, then these will be derived from the weight file name. If you provide a commit_to_conf path to the configuration file, then the new entry will be committed to the models.yaml file. ''' weights_path = self._resolve_path(weights,'models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1') config_path = self._resolve_path(config,'configs/stable-diffusion') if weights_path is None or not weights_path.exists(): return False if config_path is None or not config_path.exists(): return False model_name = model_name or Path(weights).stem model_description = model_description or f'imported stable diffusion weights file {model_name}' new_config = dict( weights=str(weights_path), config=str(config_path), description=model_description, format='ckpt', width=512, height=512 ) if vae: new_config['vae'] = vae self.add_model(model_name, new_config, True) if commit_to_conf: self.commit(commit_to_conf) return True def autoconvert_weights( self, conf_path:Path, weights_directory:Path=None, dest_directory:Path=None, ): ''' Scan the indicated directory for .ckpt files, convert into diffuser models, and import. ''' weights_directory = weights_directory or global_autoscan_dir() dest_directory = dest_directory or Path(global_models_dir(), 'optimized-ckpts') print('>> Checking for unconverted .ckpt files in {weights_directory}') ckpt_files = dict() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(weights_directory): for f in files: if not f.endswith('.ckpt'): continue basename = Path(f).stem dest = Path(dest_directory,basename) if not dest.exists(): ckpt_files[Path(root,f)]=dest if len(ckpt_files)==0: return print(f'>> New .ckpt file(s) found in {weights_directory}. Optimizing and importing...') for ckpt in ckpt_files: self.convert_and_import(ckpt, ckpt_files[ckpt]) self.commit(conf_path) def convert_and_import(self, ckpt_path:Path, diffusers_path:Path, model_name=None, model_description=None, commit_to_conf:Path=None, )->dict: ''' Convert a legacy ckpt weights file to diffuser model and import into models.yaml. ''' new_config = None from ldm.invoke.ckpt_to_diffuser import convert_ckpt_to_diffuser import transformers if diffusers_path.exists(): print(f'ERROR: The path {str(diffusers_path)} already exists. Please move or remove it and try again.') return model_name = model_name or diffusers_path.name model_description = model_description or 'Optimized version of {model_name}' print(f'>> Optimizing {model_name} (30-60s)') try: verbosity =transformers.logging.get_verbosity() transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() convert_ckpt_to_diffuser(ckpt_path, diffusers_path,extract_ema=True) transformers.logging.set_verbosity(verbosity) print(f'>> Success. Optimized model is now located at {str(diffusers_path)}') print(f'>> Writing new config file entry for {model_name}') new_config = dict( path=str(diffusers_path), description=model_description, format='diffusers', ) # HACK (LS): in the event that the original entry is using a custom ckpt VAE, we try to # map that VAE onto a diffuser VAE using a hard-coded dictionary. # I would prefer to do this differently: We load the ckpt model into memory, swap the # VAE in memory, and then pass that to convert_ckpt_to_diffuser() so that the swapped # VAE is built into the model. However, when I tried this I got obscure key errors. if model_name in self.config and (vae_ckpt_path := self.model_info(model_name)['vae']): vae_basename = Path(vae_ckpt_path).stem diffusers_vae = None if (diffusers_vae := VAE_TO_REPO_ID.get(vae_basename,None)): print(f'>> {vae_basename} VAE corresponds to known {diffusers_vae} diffusers version') new_config.update( vae = {'repo_id': diffusers_vae} ) else: print(f'** Custom VAE "{vae_basename}" found, but corresponding diffusers model unknown') print(f'** Using "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"; If this isn\'t right, please edit the model config') new_config.update( vae = {'repo_id': 'stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse'} ) self.del_model(model_name) self.add_model(model_name, new_config, True) if commit_to_conf: self.commit(commit_to_conf) print('>> Conversion succeeded') except Exception as e: print(f'** Conversion failed: {str(e)}') return new_config def search_models(self, search_folder): print(f'>> Finding Models In: {search_folder}') models_folder_ckpt = Path(search_folder).glob('**/*.ckpt') models_folder_safetensors = Path(search_folder).glob('**/*.safetensors') ckpt_files = [x for x in models_folder_ckpt if x.is_file()] safetensor_files = [x for x in models_folder_safetensors if x.is_file] files = ckpt_files + safetensor_files found_models = [] for file in files: found_models.append({ 'name': file.stem, 'location': str(file.resolve()).replace('\\', '/') }) return search_folder, found_models def _make_cache_room(self) -> None: num_loaded_models = len(self.models) if num_loaded_models >= self.max_loaded_models: least_recent_model = self._pop_oldest_model() print(f'>> Cache limit (max={self.max_loaded_models}) reached. Purging {least_recent_model}') if least_recent_model is not None: del self.models[least_recent_model] gc.collect() def print_vram_usage(self) -> None: if self._has_cuda: print('>> Current VRAM usage: ','%4.2fG' % (torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1e9)) def commit(self,config_file_path:str) -> None: ''' Write current configuration out to the indicated file. ''' yaml_str = OmegaConf.to_yaml(self.config) if not os.path.isabs(config_file_path): config_file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Globals.root,config_file_path)) tmpfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config_file_path),'new_config.tmp') with open(tmpfile, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as outfile: outfile.write(self.preamble()) outfile.write(yaml_str) os.replace(tmpfile,config_file_path) def preamble(self) -> str: ''' Returns the preamble for the config file. ''' return textwrap.dedent('''\ # This file describes the alternative machine learning models # available to InvokeAI script. # # To add a new model, follow the examples below. Each # model requires a model config file, a weights file, # and the width and height of the images it # was trained on. ''') @classmethod def migrate_models(cls): ''' Migrate the ~/invokeai/models directory from the legacy format used through 2.2.5 to the 2.3.0 "diffusers" version. This should be a one-time operation, called at script startup time. ''' # Three transformer models to check: bert, clip and safety checker legacy_locations = [ Path('CompVis/stable-diffusion-safety-checker/models--CompVis--stable-diffusion-safety-checker'), Path('bert-base-uncased/models--bert-base-uncased'), Path('openai/clip-vit-large-patch14/models--openai--clip-vit-large-patch14') ] models_dir = Path(Globals.root,'models') legacy_layout = False for model in legacy_locations: legacy_layout = legacy_layout or Path(models_dir,model).exists() if not legacy_layout: return print('** Legacy version <= 2.2.5 model directory layout detected. Reorganizing.') print('** This is a quick one-time operation.') # transformer files get moved into the hub directory if cls._is_huggingface_hub_directory_present(): hub = global_cache_dir('hub') else: hub = models_dir / 'hub' os.makedirs(hub, exist_ok=True) for model in legacy_locations: source = models_dir / model dest = hub / model.stem print(f'** {source} => {dest}') if source.exists(): if dest.exists(): rmtree(source) else: move(source, dest) # anything else gets moved into the diffusers directory if cls._is_huggingface_hub_directory_present(): diffusers = global_cache_dir('diffusers') else: diffusers = models_dir / 'diffusers' os.makedirs(diffusers, exist_ok=True) for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(models_dir, topdown=False): for dir in dirs: full_path = Path(root,dir) if full_path.is_relative_to(hub) or full_path.is_relative_to(diffusers): continue if Path(dir).match('models--*--*'): dest = diffusers / dir print(f'** {full_path} => {dest}') if dest.exists(): rmtree(full_path) else: move(full_path,dest) # now clean up by removing any empty directories empty = [root for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(models_dir) if not len(dirs) and not len(files)] for d in empty: os.rmdir(d) print('** Migration is done. Continuing...') def _resolve_path(self, source:Union[str,Path], dest_directory:str)->Path: resolved_path = None if source.startswith(('http:','https:','ftp:')): basename = os.path.basename(source) if not os.path.isabs(dest_directory): dest_directory = os.path.join(Globals.root,dest_directory) dest = os.path.join(dest_directory,basename) if download_with_progress_bar(source,dest): resolved_path = Path(dest) else: if not os.path.isabs(source): source = os.path.join(Globals.root,source) resolved_path = Path(source) return resolved_path def _invalidate_cached_model(self,model_name:str) -> None: self.offload_model(model_name) if model_name in self.stack: self.stack.remove(model_name) self.models.pop(model_name,None) def _model_to_cpu(self,model): if self.device == 'cpu': return model # diffusers really really doesn't like us moving a float16 model onto CPU verbosity = get_verbosity() set_verbosity_error() model.cond_stage_model.device = 'cpu' model.to('cpu') set_verbosity(verbosity) for submodel in ('first_stage_model','cond_stage_model','model'): try: getattr(model,submodel).to('cpu') except AttributeError: pass return model def _model_from_cpu(self,model): if self.device == 'cpu': return model model.to(self.device) model.cond_stage_model.device = self.device for submodel in ('first_stage_model','cond_stage_model','model'): try: getattr(model,submodel).to(self.device) except AttributeError: pass return model def _pop_oldest_model(self): ''' Remove the first element of the FIFO, which ought to be the least recently accessed model. Do not pop the last one, because it is in active use! ''' return self.stack.pop(0) def _push_newest_model(self,model_name:str) -> None: ''' Maintain a simple FIFO. First element is always the least recent, and last element is always the most recent. ''' with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): self.stack.remove(model_name) self.stack.append(model_name) def _has_cuda(self) -> bool: return self.device.type == 'cuda' def _diffuser_sha256(self,name_or_path:Union[str, Path])->Union[str,bytes]: path = None if isinstance(name_or_path,Path): path = name_or_path else: owner,repo = name_or_path.split('/') path = Path(global_cache_dir('diffusers') / f'models--{owner}--{repo}') if not path.exists(): return None hashpath = path / 'checksum.sha256' if hashpath.exists() and path.stat().st_mtime <= hashpath.stat().st_mtime: with open(hashpath) as f: hash = f.read() return hash print(' | Calculating sha256 hash of model files') tic = time.time() sha = hashlib.sha256() count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, followlinks=False): for name in files: count += 1 with open(os.path.join(root,name),'rb') as f: sha.update(f.read()) hash = sha.hexdigest() toc = time.time() print(f' | sha256 = {hash} ({count} files hashed in','%4.2fs)' % (toc - tic)) with open(hashpath,'w') as f: f.write(hash) return hash def _cached_sha256(self,path,data) -> Union[str, bytes]: dirname = os.path.dirname(path) basename = os.path.basename(path) base, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) hashpath = os.path.join(dirname,base+'.sha256') if os.path.exists(hashpath) and os.path.getmtime(path) <= os.path.getmtime(hashpath): with open(hashpath) as f: hash = f.read() return hash print(' | Calculating sha256 hash of weights file') tic = time.time() sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(data) hash = sha.hexdigest() toc = time.time() print(f'>> sha256 = {hash}','(%4.2fs)' % (toc - tic)) with open(hashpath,'w') as f: f.write(hash) return hash def _load_vae(self, vae_config): vae_args = {} name_or_path = self.model_name_or_path(vae_config) using_fp16 = self.precision == 'float16' vae_args.update( cache_dir=global_cache_dir('diffusers'), local_files_only=not Globals.internet_available, ) print(f' | Loading diffusers VAE from {name_or_path}') if using_fp16: vae_args.update(torch_dtype=torch.float16) fp_args_list = [{'revision':'fp16'},{}] else: print(' | Using more accurate float32 precision') fp_args_list = [{}] vae = None deferred_error = None # A VAE may be in a subfolder of a model's repository. if 'subfolder' in vae_config: vae_args['subfolder'] = vae_config['subfolder'] for fp_args in fp_args_list: # At some point we might need to be able to use different classes here? But for now I think # all Stable Diffusion VAE are AutoencoderKL. try: vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(name_or_path, **vae_args, **fp_args) except OSError as e: if str(e).startswith('fp16 is not a valid'): print(' | Half-precision version of model not available; fetching full-precision instead') else: deferred_error = e if vae: break if not vae and deferred_error: print(f'** Could not load VAE {name_or_path}: {str(deferred_error)}') return vae @staticmethod def _delete_model_from_cache(repo_id): cache_info = scan_cache_dir(global_cache_dir('diffusers')) # I'm sure there is a way to do this with comprehensions # but the code quickly became incomprehensible! hashes_to_delete = set() for repo in cache_info.repos: if repo.repo_id==repo_id: for revision in repo.revisions: hashes_to_delete.add(revision.commit_hash) strategy = cache_info.delete_revisions(*hashes_to_delete) print(f'** deletion of this model is expected to free {strategy.expected_freed_size_str}') strategy.execute() @staticmethod def _abs_path(path:Union(str,Path))->Path: if path is None or Path(path).is_absolute(): return path return Path(Globals.root,path).resolve() @staticmethod def _is_huggingface_hub_directory_present() -> bool: return os.getenv('HF_HOME') is not None or os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME') is not None