from import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput, invocation, invocation_output from .test_nodes import ( ImageToImageTestInvocation, TextToImageTestInvocation, ListPassThroughInvocation, PromptTestInvocation, ) from import ( Edge, Graph, GraphInvocation, InvalidEdgeError, NodeAlreadyInGraphError, NodeNotFoundError, are_connections_compatible, EdgeConnection, CollectInvocation, IterateInvocation, ) from import ESRGANInvocation from import ShowImageInvocation from import AddInvocation, SubtractInvocation from import FloatInvocation, IntegerInvocation from import create_text_to_image import pytest # Helpers def create_edge(from_id: str, from_field: str, to_id: str, to_field: str) -> Edge: return Edge( source=EdgeConnection(node_id=from_id, field=from_field), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id=to_id, field=to_field), ) # Tests def test_connections_are_compatible(): from_node = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") from_field = "image" to_node = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") to_field = "image" result = are_connections_compatible(from_node, from_field, to_node, to_field) assert result is True def test_connections_are_incompatible(): from_node = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") from_field = "image" to_node = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") to_field = "strength" result = are_connections_compatible(from_node, from_field, to_node, to_field) assert result is False def test_connections_incompatible_with_invalid_fields(): from_node = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") from_field = "invalid_field" to_node = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") to_field = "image" # From field is invalid result = are_connections_compatible(from_node, from_field, to_node, to_field) assert result is False # To field is invalid from_field = "image" to_field = "invalid_field" result = are_connections_compatible(from_node, from_field, to_node, to_field) assert result is False def test_graph_can_add_node(): g = Graph() n = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n) assert in g.nodes def test_graph_fails_to_add_node_with_duplicate_id(): g = Graph() n = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n) n2 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi the second") with pytest.raises(NodeAlreadyInGraphError): g.add_node(n2) def test_graph_updates_node(): g = Graph() n = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n) n2 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi the second") g.add_node(n2) nu = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi updated") g.update_node("1", nu) assert g.nodes["1"].prompt == "Banana sushi updated" def test_graph_fails_to_update_node_if_type_changes(): g = Graph() n = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n) n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n2) nu = ESRGANInvocation(id="1") with pytest.raises(TypeError): g.update_node("1", nu) def test_graph_allows_non_conflicting_id_change(): g = Graph() n = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n) n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n2) e1 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e1) nu = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="3", prompt="Banana sushi") g.update_node("1", nu) with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError): g.get_node("1") assert g.get_node("3").prompt == "Banana sushi" assert len(g.edges) == 1 assert ( Edge(source=EdgeConnection(node_id="3", field="image"), destination=EdgeConnection(node_id="2", field="image")) in g.edges ) def test_graph_fails_to_update_node_id_if_conflict(): g = Graph() n = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n) n2 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi the second") g.add_node(n2) nu = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi") with pytest.raises(NodeAlreadyInGraphError): g.update_node("1", nu) def test_graph_adds_edge(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e) assert e in g.edges def test_graph_fails_to_add_edge_with_cycle(): g = Graph() n1 = ESRGANInvocation(id="1") g.add_node(n1) e = create_edge(, "image",, "image") with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e) def test_graph_fails_to_add_edge_with_long_cycle(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") n3 = ESRGANInvocation(id="3") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) e1 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") e2 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") e3 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e3) def test_graph_fails_to_add_edge_with_missing_node_id(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "3", "image") e2 = create_edge("3", "image", "1", "image") with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e1) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e2) def test_graph_fails_to_add_edge_when_destination_exists(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") n3 = ESRGANInvocation(id="3") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) e1 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") e2 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") e3 = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e3) def test_graph_fails_to_add_edge_with_mismatched_types(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "strength") with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e1) def test_graph_connects_collector(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi 2") n3 = CollectInvocation(id="3") n4 = ListPassThroughInvocation(id="4") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) g.add_node(n4) e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "3", "item") e2 = create_edge("2", "image", "3", "item") e3 = create_edge("3", "collection", "4", "collection") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) g.add_edge(e3) # TODO: test that derived types mixed with base types are compatible def test_graph_collector_invalid_with_varying_input_types(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = PromptTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="banana sushi 2") n3 = CollectInvocation(id="3") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "3", "item") e2 = create_edge("2", "prompt", "3", "item") g.add_edge(e1) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e2) def test_graph_collector_invalid_with_varying_input_output(): g = Graph() n1 = PromptTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = PromptTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi 2") n3 = CollectInvocation(id="3") n4 = ListPassThroughInvocation(id="4") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) g.add_node(n4) e1 = create_edge("1", "prompt", "3", "item") e2 = create_edge("2", "prompt", "3", "item") e3 = create_edge("3", "collection", "4", "collection") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e3) def test_graph_collector_invalid_with_non_list_output(): g = Graph() n1 = PromptTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = PromptTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi 2") n3 = CollectInvocation(id="3") n4 = PromptTestInvocation(id="4") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) g.add_node(n4) e1 = create_edge("1", "prompt", "3", "item") e2 = create_edge("2", "prompt", "3", "item") e3 = create_edge("3", "collection", "4", "prompt") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e3) def test_graph_connects_iterator(): g = Graph() n1 = ListPassThroughInvocation(id="1") n2 = IterateInvocation(id="2") n3 = ImageToImageTestInvocation(id="3", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) e1 = create_edge("1", "collection", "2", "collection") e2 = create_edge("2", "item", "3", "image") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) # TODO: TEST INVALID ITERATOR SCENARIOS def test_graph_iterator_invalid_if_multiple_inputs(): g = Graph() n1 = ListPassThroughInvocation(id="1") n2 = IterateInvocation(id="2") n3 = ImageToImageTestInvocation(id="3", prompt="Banana sushi") n4 = ListPassThroughInvocation(id="4") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) g.add_node(n4) e1 = create_edge("1", "collection", "2", "collection") e2 = create_edge("2", "item", "3", "image") e3 = create_edge("4", "collection", "2", "collection") g.add_edge(e1) g.add_edge(e2) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e3) def test_graph_iterator_invalid_if_input_not_list(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = IterateInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e1 = create_edge("1", "collection", "2", "collection") with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e1) def test_graph_iterator_invalid_if_output_and_input_types_different(): g = Graph() n1 = ListPassThroughInvocation(id="1") n2 = IterateInvocation(id="2") n3 = PromptTestInvocation(id="3", prompt="Banana sushi") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) e1 = create_edge("1", "collection", "2", "collection") e2 = create_edge("2", "item", "3", "prompt") g.add_edge(e1) with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e2) def test_graph_validates(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "image") g.add_edge(e1) assert g.is_valid() is True def test_graph_invalid_if_edges_reference_missing_nodes(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") g.nodes[] = n1 e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "image") g.edges.append(e1) assert g.is_valid() is False def test_graph_invalid_if_subgraph_invalid(): g = Graph() n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1") n1.graph = Graph() n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="2", prompt="Banana sushi") n1.graph.nodes[] = n1_1 e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "image") n1.graph.edges.append(e1) g.nodes[] = n1 assert g.is_valid() is False def test_graph_invalid_if_has_cycle(): g = Graph() n1 = ESRGANInvocation(id="1") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.nodes[] = n1 g.nodes[] = n2 e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "image") e2 = create_edge("2", "image", "1", "image") g.edges.append(e1) g.edges.append(e2) assert g.is_valid() is False def test_graph_invalid_with_invalid_connection(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.nodes[] = n1 g.nodes[] = n2 e1 = create_edge("1", "image", "2", "strength") g.edges.append(e1) assert g.is_valid() is False # TODO: Subgraph operations def test_graph_gets_subgraph_node(): g = Graph() n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1") n1.graph = Graph() n1.graph.add_node n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n1.graph.add_node(n1_1) g.add_node(n1) result = g.get_node("1.1") assert result is not None assert == "1" assert result == n1_1 def test_graph_expands_subgraph(): g = Graph() n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1") n1.graph = Graph() n1_1 = AddInvocation(id="1", a=1, b=2) n1_2 = SubtractInvocation(id="2", b=3) n1.graph.add_node(n1_1) n1.graph.add_node(n1_2) n1.graph.add_edge(create_edge("1", "value", "2", "a")) g.add_node(n1) n2 = AddInvocation(id="2", b=5) g.add_node(n2) g.add_edge(create_edge("1.2", "value", "2", "a")) dg = g.nx_graph_flat() assert set(dg.nodes) == set(["1.1", "1.2", "2"]) assert set(dg.edges) == set([("1.1", "1.2"), ("1.2", "2")]) def test_graph_subgraph_t2i(): g = Graph() n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1") # Get text to image default graph lg = create_text_to_image() n1.graph = lg.graph g.add_node(n1) n2 = IntegerInvocation(id="2", value=512) n3 = IntegerInvocation(id="3", value=256) g.add_node(n2) g.add_node(n3) g.add_edge(create_edge("2", "value", "1.width", "value")) g.add_edge(create_edge("3", "value", "1.height", "value")) n4 = ShowImageInvocation(id="4") g.add_node(n4) g.add_edge(create_edge("1.8", "image", "4", "image")) # Validate dg = g.nx_graph_flat() assert set(dg.nodes) == set( ["1.width", "1.height", "1.seed", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "2", "3", "4"] ) expected_edges = [(f"1.{e.source.node_id}", f"1.{e.destination.node_id}") for e in lg.graph.edges] expected_edges.extend([("2", "1.width"), ("3", "1.height"), ("1.8", "4")]) print(expected_edges) print(list(dg.edges)) assert set(dg.edges) == set(expected_edges) def test_graph_fails_to_get_missing_subgraph_node(): g = Graph() n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1") n1.graph = Graph() n1.graph.add_node n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n1.graph.add_node(n1_1) g.add_node(n1) with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError): _ = g.get_node("1.2") def test_graph_fails_to_enumerate_non_subgraph_node(): g = Graph() n1 = GraphInvocation(id="1") n1.graph = Graph() n1.graph.add_node n1_1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n1.graph.add_node(n1_1) g.add_node(n1) n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n2) with pytest.raises(NodeNotFoundError): _ = g.get_node("2.1") def test_graph_gets_networkx_graph(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e) nxg = g.nx_graph() assert "1" in nxg.nodes assert "2" in nxg.nodes assert ("1", "2") in nxg.edges # TODO: Graph serializes and deserializes def test_graph_can_serialize(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e) # Not throwing on this line is sufficient _ = g.json() def test_graph_can_deserialize(): g = Graph() n1 = TextToImageTestInvocation(id="1", prompt="Banana sushi") n2 = ESRGANInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e = create_edge(, "image",, "image") g.add_edge(e) json = g.json() g2 = Graph.parse_raw(json) assert g2 is not None assert g2.nodes["1"] is not None assert g2.nodes["2"] is not None assert len(g2.edges) == 1 assert g2.edges[0].source.node_id == "1" assert g2.edges[0].source.field == "image" assert g2.edges[0].destination.node_id == "2" assert g2.edges[0].destination.field == "image" def test_invocation_decorator(): invocation_type = "test_invocation" title = "Test Invocation" tags = ["first", "second", "third"] category = "category" @invocation(invocation_type, title=title, tags=tags, category=category) class Test(BaseInvocation): def invoke(self): pass schema = Test.schema() assert schema.get("title") == title assert schema.get("tags") == tags assert schema.get("category") == category assert Test(id="1").type == invocation_type # type: ignore (type is dynamically added) def test_invocation_output_decorator(): output_type = "test_output" @invocation_output(output_type) class TestOutput(BaseInvocationOutput): pass assert TestOutput().type == output_type # type: ignore (type is dynamically added) def test_floats_accept_ints(): g = Graph() n1 = IntegerInvocation(id="1", value=1) n2 = FloatInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e = create_edge(, "value",, "value") # Not throwing on this line is sufficient g.add_edge(e) def test_ints_do_not_accept_floats(): g = Graph() n1 = FloatInvocation(id="1", value=1.0) n2 = IntegerInvocation(id="2") g.add_node(n1) g.add_node(n2) e = create_edge(, "value",, "value") with pytest.raises(InvalidEdgeError): g.add_edge(e) def test_graph_can_generate_schema(): # Not throwing on this line is sufficient # NOTE: if this test fails, it's PROBABLY because a new invocation type is breaking schema generation _ = Graph.schema_json(indent=2)