import { useCallback, ReactNode, useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { RootState, useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../../app/store'; import { tabMap } from '../../features/tabs/InvokeTabs'; import { FileRejection, useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone'; import { Heading, Spinner, useToast } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import { createSelector } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { OptionsState } from '../../features/options/optionsSlice'; import { uploadImage } from '../../app/socketio/actions'; import { ImageUploadDestination, UploadImagePayload } from '../../app/invokeai'; import { ImageUploaderTriggerContext } from '../../app/contexts/ImageUploaderTriggerContext'; const appSelector = createSelector( (state: RootState) => state.options, (options: OptionsState) => { const { activeTab } = options; return { activeTabName: tabMap[activeTab], }; } ); type ImageUploaderProps = { children: ReactNode; }; const ImageUploader = (props: ImageUploaderProps) => { const { children } = props; const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const { activeTabName } = useAppSelector(appSelector); const toast = useToast({}); const [isHandlingUpload, setIsHandlingUpload] = useState(false); const fileRejectionCallback = useCallback( (rejection: FileRejection) => { setIsHandlingUpload(true); const msg = rejection.errors.reduce( (acc: string, cur: { message: string }) => acc + '\n' + cur.message, '' ); toast({ title: 'Upload failed', description: msg, status: 'error', isClosable: true, }); }, [toast] ); const fileAcceptedCallback = useCallback( (file: File) => { setIsHandlingUpload(true); const payload: UploadImagePayload = { file }; if (['img2img', 'inpainting'].includes(activeTabName)) { payload.destination = activeTabName as ImageUploadDestination; } dispatch(uploadImage(payload)); }, [dispatch, activeTabName] ); const onDrop = useCallback( (acceptedFiles: Array, fileRejections: Array) => { fileRejections.forEach((rejection: FileRejection) => { fileRejectionCallback(rejection); }); acceptedFiles.forEach((file: File) => { fileAcceptedCallback(file); }); }, [fileAcceptedCallback, fileRejectionCallback] ); const { getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragAccept, isDragReject, isDragActive, open, } = useDropzone({ accept: { 'image/png': ['.png'], 'image/jpeg': ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'] }, noClick: true, onDrop, maxFiles: 1, }); useEffect(() => { const pasteImageListener = (e: ClipboardEvent) => { const dataTransferItemList = e.clipboardData?.items; if (!dataTransferItemList) return; const imageItems: Array = []; for (const item of dataTransferItemList) { if ( item.kind === 'file' && ['image/png', 'image/jpg'].includes(item.type) ) { imageItems.push(item); } } if (!imageItems.length) return; e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (imageItems.length > 1) { toast({ description: 'Multiple images pasted, may only upload one image at a time', status: 'error', isClosable: true, }); return; } const file = imageItems[0].getAsFile(); if (!file) { toast({ description: 'Unable to load file', status: 'error', isClosable: true, }); return; } const payload: UploadImagePayload = { file }; if (['img2img', 'inpainting'].includes(activeTabName)) { payload.destination = activeTabName as ImageUploadDestination; } dispatch(uploadImage(payload)); }; document.addEventListener('paste', pasteImageListener); return () => { document.removeEventListener('paste', pasteImageListener); }; }, [dispatch, toast, activeTabName]); return (
{children} {isDragActive && (
{isDragAccept && (
Drop Images
)} {isDragReject && (
Invalid Upload Must be single JPEG or PNG image
)} {isHandlingUpload && (
); }; export default ImageUploader;