@echo off PUSHD "%~dp0" setlocal call .venv\Scripts\activate.bat set INVOKEAI_ROOT=. :start echo Desired action: echo 1. Generate images with the browser-based interface echo 2. Explore InvokeAI nodes using a command-line interface echo 3. Run textual inversion training echo 4. Merge models (diffusers type only) echo 5. Download and install models echo 6. Change InvokeAI startup options echo 7. Re-run the configure script to fix a broken install or to complete a major upgrade echo 8. Open the developer console echo 9. Update InvokeAI echo 10. Command-line help echo Q - Quit set /P choice="Please enter 1-10, Q: [2] " if not defined choice set choice=2 IF /I "%choice%" == "1" ( echo Starting the InvokeAI browser-based UI.. python .venv\Scripts\invokeai-web.exe %* ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "2" ( echo Starting the InvokeAI command-line.. python .venv\Scripts\invokeai.exe %* ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "3" ( echo Starting textual inversion training.. python .venv\Scripts\invokeai-ti.exe --gui ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "4" ( echo Starting model merging script.. python .venv\Scripts\invokeai-merge.exe --gui ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "5" ( echo Running invokeai-model-install... python .venv\Scripts\invokeai-model-install.exe ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "6" ( echo Running invokeai-configure... python .venv\Scripts\invokeai-configure.exe --skip-sd-weight --skip-support-models ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "7" ( echo Running invokeai-configure... python .venv\Scripts\invokeai-configure.exe --yes --default_only ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "8" ( echo Developer Console echo Python command is: where python echo Python version is: python --version echo ************************* echo You are now in the system shell, with the local InvokeAI Python virtual environment activated, echo so that you can troubleshoot this InvokeAI installation as necessary. echo ************************* echo *** Type `exit` to quit this shell and deactivate the Python virtual environment *** call cmd /k ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "9" ( echo Running invokeai-update... python -m invokeai.frontend.install.invokeai_update ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "10" ( echo Displaying command line help... python .venv\Scripts\invokeai.exe --help %* pause exit /b ) ELSE IF /I "%choice%" == "q" ( echo Goodbye! goto ending ) ELSE ( echo Invalid selection pause exit /b ) goto start endlocal pause :ending exit /b