  "layer": "Layer",
  "base": "Base",
  "mask": "Mask",
  "maskingOptions": "Masking Options",
  "enableMask": "Enable Mask",
  "preserveMaskedArea": "Preserve Masked Area",
  "clearMask": "Clear Mask",
  "brush": "Brush",
  "eraser": "Eraser",
  "fillBoundingBox": "Fill Bounding Box",
  "eraseBoundingBox": "Erase Bounding Box",
  "colorPicker": "Color Picker",
  "brushOptions": "Brush Options",
  "brushSize": "Size",
  "move": "Move",
  "resetView": "Reset View",
  "mergeVisible": "Merge Visible",
  "saveToGallery": "Save To Gallery",
  "copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
  "downloadAsImage": "Download As Image",
  "undo": "Undo",
  "redo": "Redo",
  "clearCanvas": "Clear Canvas",
  "canvasSettings": "Canvas Settings",
  "showIntermediates": "Show Intermediates",
  "showGrid": "Show Grid",
  "snapToGrid": "Snap to Grid",
  "darkenOutsideSelection": "Darken Outside Selection",
  "autoSaveToGallery": "Auto Save to Gallery",
  "saveBoxRegionOnly": "Save Box Region Only",
  "limitStrokesToBox": "Limit Strokes to Box",
  "showCanvasDebugInfo": "Show Canvas Debug Info",
  "clearCanvasHistory": "Clear Canvas History",
  "clearHistory": "Clear History",
  "clearCanvasHistoryMessage": "Clearing the canvas history leaves your current canvas intact, but irreversibly clears the undo and redo history.",
  "clearCanvasHistoryConfirm": "Are you sure you want to clear the canvas history?",
  "emptyTempImageFolder": "Empty Temp Image Folder",
  "emptyFolder": "Empty Folder",
  "emptyTempImagesFolderMessage": "Emptying the temp image folder also fully resets the Unified Canvas. This includes all undo/redo history, images in the staging area, and the canvas base layer.",
  "emptyTempImagesFolderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to empty the temp folder?",
  "activeLayer": "Active Layer",
  "canvasScale": "Canvas Scale",
  "boundingBox": "Bounding Box",
  "scaledBoundingBox": "Scaled Bounding Box",
  "boundingBoxPosition": "Bounding Box Position",
  "canvasDimensions": "Canvas Dimensions",
  "canvasPosition": "Canvas Position",
  "cursorPosition": "Cursor Position",
  "previous": "Previous",
  "next": "Next",
  "accept": "Accept",
  "showHide": "Show/Hide",
  "discardAll": "Discard All",
  "betaClear": "Clear",
  "betaDarkenOutside": "Darken Outside",
  "betaLimitToBox": "Limit To Box",
  "betaPreserveMasked": "Preserve Masked"