#!/usr/bin/env python """ Simple script to generate a file of InvokeAI prompts and settings that scan across steps and other parameters. """ import argparse import io import json import os import pydoc import re import shutil import sys import numpy as np from io import TextIOBase from itertools import product from pathlib import Path from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe from multiprocessing.connection import Connection from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from typing import Iterable, List import yaml from omegaconf import OmegaConf, dictconfig, listconfig def expand_prompts( template_file: Path, run_invoke: bool = False, invoke_model: str = None, invoke_outdir: Path = None, processes_per_gpu: int = 1 ): """ :param template_file: A YAML file containing templated prompts and args :param run_invoke: A boolean which if True will pass expanded prompts to invokeai CLI :param invoke_model: Name of the model to load when run_invoke is true; otherwise uses default :param invoke_outdir: Directory for outputs when run_invoke is true; otherwise uses default """ if template_file.name.endswith(".json"): with open(template_file, "r") as file: with io.StringIO(yaml.dump(json.load(file))) as fh: conf = OmegaConf.load(fh) else: conf = OmegaConf.load(template_file) # loading here to avoid long wait for help message import torch torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') gpu_count = torch.cuda.device_count() if torch.cuda.is_available() else 1 commands = expanded_invokeai_commands(conf, run_invoke) children = list() try: if run_invoke: invokeai_args = [shutil.which("invokeai"),"--from_file","-"] if invoke_model: invokeai_args.extend(("--model", invoke_model)) if invoke_outdir: invokeai_args.extend(("--outdir", os.path.expanduser(invoke_outdir))) processes_to_launch = gpu_count * processes_per_gpu print(f'>> Spawning {processes_to_launch} invokeai processes across {gpu_count} CUDA gpus', file=sys.stderr) import ldm.invoke.CLI parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() children = set() for i in range(processes_to_launch): p = Process(target=_run_invoke, args=(child_conn, parent_conn, invokeai_args, i%gpu_count, ) ) p.start() children.add(p) child_conn.close() sequence = 0 for command in commands: sequence += 1 parent_conn.send(command+f' --fnformat=dp.{sequence:04}.{{prompt}}.png') parent_conn.close() else: for command in commands: print(command) except KeyboardInterrupt: for p in children: p.terminate() class MessageToStdin(object): def __init__(self, connection: Connection): self.connection = connection self.linebuffer = list() def readline(self)->str: try: if len(self.linebuffer) == 0: message = self.connection.recv() self.linebuffer = message.split("\n") result = self.linebuffer.pop(0) return result except EOFError: return None class FilterStream(object): def __init__(self, stream: TextIOBase, include: re.Pattern=None, exclude: re.Pattern=None): self.stream = stream self.include = include self.exclude = exclude def write(self, data: str): if self.include and self.include.match(data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() elif self.exclude and not self.exclude.match(data): self.stream.write(data) self.stream.flush() def flush(self): self.stream.flush() def _run_invoke(conn_in: Connection, conn_out: Connection, args: List[str], gpu: int=0): print(f'>> Process {os.getpid()} running on GPU {gpu}', file=sys.stderr) conn_out.close() os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = f"{gpu}" from ldm.invoke.CLI import main sys.argv = args sys.stdin = MessageToStdin(conn_in) sys.stdout = FilterStream(sys.stdout,include=re.compile('^\[\d+\]')) sys.stderr = FilterStream(sys.stdout,exclude=re.compile('^(>>|\s*\d+%|Fetching)')) main() def _filter_output(stream: TextIOBase): while line := stream.readline(): if re.match('^\[\d+\]',line): print(line) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=HELP, ) parser.add_argument( "template_file", type=Path, nargs="?", help="path to a template file, use --example to generate an example file", ) parser.add_argument( "--example", action="store_true", default=False, help=f'Print an example template file in YAML format. Use "{sys.argv[0]} --example > example.yaml" to save output to a file', ) parser.add_argument( "--json-example", action="store_true", default=False, help=f'Print an example template file in json format. Use "{sys.argv[0]} --json-example > example.json" to save output to a file', ) parser.add_argument( "--instructions", "-i", dest="instructions", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print verbose instructions.", ) parser.add_argument( "--invoke", action="store_true", help="Execute invokeai using specified optional --model, --processes_per_gpu and --outdir", ) parser.add_argument( "--model", help="Feed the generated prompts to the invokeai CLI using the indicated model. Will be overriden by a model: section in template file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", type=Path, help="Write images and log into indicated directory" ) parser.add_argument( "--processes_per_gpu", type=int, default=1, help="When executing invokeai, how many parallel processes to execute per CUDA GPU.", ) opt = parser.parse_args() if opt.example: print(EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE_FILE) sys.exit(0) if opt.json_example: print(_yaml_to_json(EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE_FILE)) sys.exit(0) if opt.instructions: pydoc.pager(INSTRUCTIONS) sys.exit(0) if not opt.template_file: parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) expand_prompts( template_file=opt.template_file, run_invoke=opt.invoke, invoke_model=opt.model, invoke_outdir=opt.outdir, processes_per_gpu=opt.processes_per_gpu, ) def expanded_invokeai_commands(conf: OmegaConf, always_switch_models: bool=False)->List[List[str]]: models = expand_values(conf.get("model")) steps = expand_values(conf.get("steps")) or [30] cfgs = expand_values(conf.get("cfg")) or [7.5] samplers = expand_values(conf.get("sampler")) or ["ddim"] seeds = expand_values(conf.get("seed")) or [0] dimensions = expand_values(conf.get("dimensions")) or ["512x512"] init_img = expand_values(conf.get('init_img')) or [''] perlin = expand_values(conf.get('perlin')) or [0] threshold = expand_values(conf.get('threshold')) or [0] strength = expand_values(conf.get('strength')) or [0.75] prompts = expand_prompt(conf.get("prompt")) or ["banana sushi"] cross_product = product( *[models, seeds, prompts, samplers, cfgs, steps, perlin, threshold, init_img, strength, dimensions] ) previous_model = None result = list() for p in cross_product: (model, seed, prompt, sampler, cfg, step, perlin, threshold, init_img, strength, dimensions) = tuple(p) (width, height) = dimensions.split("x") switch_args = f"!switch {model}\n" if always_switch_models or previous_model != model else '' image_args = f'-I{init_img} -f{strength}' if init_img else '' command = f'{switch_args}{prompt} -S{seed} -A{sampler} -C{cfg} -s{step} {image_args} --perlin={perlin} --threshold={threshold} -W{width} -H{height}' result.append(command) previous_model = model return result def expand_prompt( stanza: str | dict | listconfig.ListConfig | dictconfig.DictConfig, ) -> list | range: if not stanza: return None if isinstance(stanza, listconfig.ListConfig): return stanza if isinstance(stanza, str): return [stanza] if not isinstance(stanza, dictconfig.DictConfig): raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized template: {stanza}") if not (template := stanza.get("template")): raise KeyError('"prompt" section must contain a "template" definition') fragment_labels = re.findall("{([^{}]+?)}", template) if len(fragment_labels) == 0: return [template] fragments = [[{x: y} for y in stanza.get(x)] for x in fragment_labels] dicts = merge(product(*fragments)) return [template.format(**x) for x in dicts] def merge(dicts: Iterable) -> List[dict]: result = list() for x in dicts: to_merge = dict() for item in x: to_merge = to_merge | item result.append(to_merge) return result def expand_values(stanza: str | dict | listconfig.ListConfig) -> list | range: if not stanza: return None if isinstance(stanza, listconfig.ListConfig): return stanza elif match := re.match("^(-?\d+);(-?\d+)(;(\d+))?", str(stanza)): (start, stop, step) = (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)), int(match.group(4)) or 1) return range(start, stop+step, step) elif match := re.match("^(-?[\d.]+);(-?[\d.]+)(;([\d.]+))?", str(stanza)): (start, stop, step) = (float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2)), float(match.group(4)) or 1.0) return np.arange(start, stop+step, step).tolist() else: return [stanza] def _yaml_to_json(yaml_input: str) -> str: """ Converts a yaml string into a json string. Used internally to generate the example template file. """ with io.StringIO(yaml_input) as yaml_in: data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_in) return json.dumps(data, indent=2) HELP = """ This script takes a prompt template file that contains multiple alternative values for the prompt and its generation arguments (such as steps). It then expands out the prompts using all combinations of arguments and either prints them to the terminal's standard output, or feeds the prompts directly to the invokeai command-line interface. Call this script again with --instructions (-i) for verbose instructions. """ INSTRUCTIONS = f""" == INTRODUCTION == This script takes a prompt template file that contains multiple alternative values for the prompt and its generation arguments (such as steps). It then expands out the prompts using all combinations of arguments and either prints them to the terminal's standard output, or feeds the prompts directly to the invokeai command-line interface. If the optional --invoke argument is provided, then the generated prompts will be fed directly to invokeai for image generation. You will likely want to add the --outdir option in order to save the image files to their own folder. {sys.argv[0]} --invoke --outdir=/tmp/outputs my_template.yaml If --invoke isn't specified, the expanded prompts will be printed to output. You can capture them to a file for inspection and editing this way: {sys.argv[0]} my_template.yaml > prompts.txt And then feed them to invokeai this way: invokeai --outdir=/tmp/outputs < prompts.txt Note that after invokeai finishes processing the list of prompts, the output directory will contain a markdown file named `log.md` containing annotated images. You can open this file using an e-book reader such as the cross-platform Calibre eBook reader (https://calibre-ebook.com/). == FORMAT OF THE TEMPLATES FILE == This will generate an example template file that you can get started with: {sys.argv[0]} --example > example.yaml An excerpt from the top of this file looks like this: model: - stable-diffusion-1.5 - stable-diffusion-2.1-base steps: 30:50:1 # start steps at 30 and go up to 50, incrementing by 1 each time seed: 50 # fixed constant, seed=50 cfg: # list of CFG values to try - 7 - 8 - 12 prompt: a walk in the park # constant value In more detail, the template file can one or more of the following sections: - model: - steps: - seed: - cfg: - sampler: - prompt: - init_img: - perlin: - threshold: - strength - Each section can have a constant value such as this: steps: 50 - Or a range of numeric values in the format: steps: ;; (note semicolon, not colon!) - Or a list of values in the format: - value1 - value2 - value3 The "prompt:" section is special. It can accept a constant value: prompt: a walk in the woods in the style of donatello Or it can accept a list of prompts: prompt: - a walk in the woods - a walk on the beach Or it can accept a templated list of prompts. These allow you to define a series of phrases, each of which is a list. You then combine them together into a prompt template in this way: prompt: style: - oil painting - watercolor - comic book - studio photography subject: - sunny meadow in the mountains - gathering storm in the mountains template: a {{subject}} in the style of {{style}} In the example above, the phrase names "style" and "subject" are examples only. You can use whatever you like. However, the "template:" field is required. The output will be: "a sunny meadow in the mountains in the style of an oil painting" "a sunny meadow in the mountains in the style of watercolor masterpiece" ... "a gathering storm in the mountains in the style of an ink sketch" == SUPPORT FOR JSON FORMAT == For those who prefer the JSON format, this script will accept JSON template files as well. Please run "{sys.argv[1]} --json-example" to print out a version of the example template file in json format. You may save it to disk and use it as a starting point for your own template this way: {sys.argv[1]} --json-example > template.json """ EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE_FILE = """ model: stable-diffusion-1.5 steps: 30;50;10 seed: 50 dimensions: 512x512 perlin: 0.0 threshold: 0 cfg: - 7 - 12 sampler: - k_euler_a - k_lms prompt: style: - oil painting - watercolor location: - the mountains - a desert object: - luxurious dwelling - crude tent template: a {object} in {location}, in the style of {style} """ if __name__ == "__main__": main()