@echo off @rem This script will install git and conda (if not found on the PATH variable) @rem using micromamba (an 8mb static-linked single-file binary, conda replacement). @rem For users who already have git and conda, this step will be skipped. @rem Next, it'll checkout the project's git repo, if necessary. @rem Finally, it'll create the conda environment and configure InvokeAI. @rem This enables a user to install this project without manually installing conda and git. @rem change to the script's directory PUSHD "%~dp0" echo "InvokeAI source installer..." echo "" echo "Some of the installation steps take a long time to run. Please be patient." echo "If the script appears to hang for more than 10 minutes, please interrupt with control-C and retry." echo "" pause echo "" @rem config set MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX=%cd%\installer_files\mamba set INSTALL_ENV_DIR=%cd%\installer_files\env set MICROMAMBA_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/releases/download/v1.1/micromamba.exe set REPO_URL=https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI.git set umamba_exists=F @rem Change the download URL to an InvokeAI repo's release URL @rem figure out whether git and conda needs to be installed if exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" set PATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%;%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\Library\bin;%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\Scripts;%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\Library\usr\bin;%PATH% set PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL= call conda --version >.tmp1 2>.tmp2 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" set PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL=%PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL% conda call git --version >.tmp1 2>.tmp2 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" set PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL=%PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL% git call "%MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%\micromamba.exe" --version >.tmp1 2>.tmp2 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" set umamba_exists=T @rem (if necessary) install git and conda into a contained environment if "%PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL%" NEQ "" ( @rem download micromamba if "%umamba_exists%" == "F" ( echo "Downloading micromamba from %MICROMAMBA_DOWNLOAD_URL% to %MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%\micromamba.exe" mkdir "%MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%" call curl -L "%MICROMAMBA_DOWNLOAD_URL%" > "%MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%\micromamba.exe" @rem test the mamba binary echo Micromamba version: call "%MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%\micromamba.exe" --version ) @rem create the installer env if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" ( call "%MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%\micromamba.exe" create -y --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" ) echo "Packages to install:%PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL%" call "%MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX%\micromamba.exe" install -y --prefix "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" -c conda-forge %PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL% if not exist "%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%" ( echo "There was a problem while installing%PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL% using micromamba. Cannot continue." pause exit /b ) ) set PATH=%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%;%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\Library\bin;%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\Scripts;%INSTALL_ENV_DIR%\Library\usr\bin;%PATH% @rem get the repo (and load into the current directory) if not exist ".git" ( call git init call git config --local init.defaultBranch main call git remote add origin %REPO_URL% call git fetch call git checkout origin/main -ft ) @rem activate the base env call conda activate @rem create the environment call conda env remove -n invokeai copy environments-and-requirements\environment-win-cuda.yml environment.yml call conda env create if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( echo "" echo "Something went wrong while installing Python libraries and cannot continue." echo "See https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/INSTALL_SOURCE#troubleshooting for troubleshooting" echo "tips, or visit https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/#installation for alternative" echo "installation methods" pause exit /b ) copy source_installer\invoke.bat.in .\invoke.bat copy source_installer\update.bat.in .\update.bat call conda activate invokeai @rem call configure script call python scripts\configure_invokeai.py if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( echo "" echo "The configure script crashed or was cancelled." echo "InvokeAI is not ready to run. To run preload_models.py again," echo "run the command 'update.bat' in this directory." echo "Press any key to continue" pause exit /b ) @rem tell the user their next steps echo "" echo "* InvokeAI installed successfully *" echo "You can now start generating images by double-clicking the 'invoke.bat' file (inside this folder) echo "Press any key to continue" pause exit /b