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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
*migrate from `openapi-typescript-codegen` to `openapi-typescript` and `openapi-fetch`* `openapi-typescript-codegen` is not very actively maintained - it's been over a year since the last update. `openapi-typescript` and `openapi-fetch` are part of the actively maintained repo. key differences: - provides a `fetch` client instead of `axios`, which means we need to be a bit more verbose with typing thunks - fetch client is created at runtime and has a very nice typescript DX - generates a single file with all types in it, from which we then extract individual types. i don't like how verbose this is, but i do like how it is more explicit. - removed npm api generation scripts - now we have a single `typegen` script overall i have more confidence in this new library. *use nanostores for api base and token* very simple reactive store for api base url and token. this was suggested in the `openapi-fetch` docs and i quite like the strategy. *organise rtk-query api* split out each endpoint (models, images, boards, boardImages) into their own api extensions. tidy!
159 lines
4.9 KiB
159 lines
4.9 KiB
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