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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
without this, the project can be installed on 3.9 but not used this also fixes the container images
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253 lines
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This module handles the generation of the conditioning tensors.
Useful function exports:
get_uc_and_c_and_ec() get the conditioned and unconditioned latent, and edited conditioning if we're doing cross-attention control
import re
from typing import Union, Optional, Any
from transformers import CLIPTokenizer, CLIPTextModel
from compel import Compel
from compel.prompt_parser import FlattenedPrompt, Blend, Fragment, CrossAttentionControlSubstitute, PromptParser
from .devices import torch_dtype
from ..models.diffusion.shared_invokeai_diffusion import InvokeAIDiffuserComponent
from ldm.invoke.globals import Globals
def get_tokenizer(model) -> CLIPTokenizer:
# TODO remove legacy ckpt fallback handling
return (getattr(model, 'tokenizer', None) # diffusers
or model.cond_stage_model.tokenizer) # ldm
def get_text_encoder(model) -> Any:
# TODO remove legacy ckpt fallback handling
return (getattr(model, 'text_encoder', None) # diffusers
or UnsqueezingLDMTransformer(model.cond_stage_model.transformer)) # ldm
class UnsqueezingLDMTransformer:
def __init__(self, ldm_transformer):
self.ldm_transformer = ldm_transformer
def device(self):
return self.ldm_transformer.device
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
insufficiently_unsqueezed_tensor = self.ldm_transformer(*args, **kwargs)
return insufficiently_unsqueezed_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
def get_uc_and_c_and_ec(prompt_string, model, log_tokens=False, skip_normalize_legacy_blend=False):
# lazy-load any deferred textual inversions.
# this might take a couple of seconds the first time a textual inversion is used.
tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model)
text_encoder = get_text_encoder(model)
compel = Compel(tokenizer=tokenizer,
positive_prompt_string, negative_prompt_string = split_prompt_to_positive_and_negative(prompt_string)
legacy_blend = try_parse_legacy_blend(positive_prompt_string, skip_normalize_legacy_blend)
positive_prompt: FlattenedPrompt|Blend
if legacy_blend is not None:
positive_prompt = legacy_blend
positive_prompt = Compel.parse_prompt_string(positive_prompt_string)
negative_prompt: FlattenedPrompt|Blend = Compel.parse_prompt_string(negative_prompt_string)
if log_tokens or getattr(Globals, "log_tokenization", False):
log_tokenization(positive_prompt, negative_prompt, tokenizer=tokenizer)
c, options = compel.build_conditioning_tensor_for_prompt_object(positive_prompt)
uc, _ = compel.build_conditioning_tensor_for_prompt_object(negative_prompt)
tokens_count = get_max_token_count(tokenizer, positive_prompt)
ec = InvokeAIDiffuserComponent.ExtraConditioningInfo(tokens_count_including_eos_bos=tokens_count,
'cross_attention_control', None))
return uc, c, ec
def get_prompt_structure(prompt_string, skip_normalize_legacy_blend: bool = False) -> (
Union[FlattenedPrompt, Blend], FlattenedPrompt):
positive_prompt_string, negative_prompt_string = split_prompt_to_positive_and_negative(prompt_string)
legacy_blend = try_parse_legacy_blend(positive_prompt_string, skip_normalize_legacy_blend)
positive_prompt: FlattenedPrompt|Blend
if legacy_blend is not None:
positive_prompt = legacy_blend
positive_prompt = Compel.parse_prompt_string(positive_prompt_string)
negative_prompt: FlattenedPrompt|Blend = Compel.parse_prompt_string(negative_prompt_string)
return positive_prompt, negative_prompt
def get_max_token_count(tokenizer, prompt: Union[FlattenedPrompt, Blend], truncate_if_too_long=True) -> int:
if type(prompt) is Blend:
blend: Blend = prompt
return max([get_max_token_count(tokenizer, c, truncate_if_too_long) for c in blend.prompts])
return len(get_tokens_for_prompt_object(tokenizer, prompt, truncate_if_too_long))
def get_tokens_for_prompt_object(tokenizer, parsed_prompt: FlattenedPrompt, truncate_if_too_long=True) -> [str]:
if type(parsed_prompt) is Blend:
raise ValueError("Blend is not supported here - you need to get tokens for each of its .children")
text_fragments = [x.text if type(x) is Fragment else
(" ".join([f.text for f in x.original]) if type(x) is CrossAttentionControlSubstitute else
for x in parsed_prompt.children]
text = " ".join(text_fragments)
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
if truncate_if_too_long:
max_tokens_length = tokenizer.model_max_length - 2 # typically 75
tokens = tokens[0:max_tokens_length]
return tokens
def split_prompt_to_positive_and_negative(prompt_string_uncleaned):
unconditioned_words = ''
unconditional_regex = r'\[(.*?)\]'
unconditionals = re.findall(unconditional_regex, prompt_string_uncleaned)
if len(unconditionals) > 0:
unconditioned_words = ' '.join(unconditionals)
# Remove Unconditioned Words From Prompt
unconditional_regex_compile = re.compile(unconditional_regex)
clean_prompt = unconditional_regex_compile.sub(' ', prompt_string_uncleaned)
prompt_string_cleaned = re.sub(' +', ' ', clean_prompt)
prompt_string_cleaned = prompt_string_uncleaned
return prompt_string_cleaned, unconditioned_words
def log_tokenization(positive_prompt: Union[Blend, FlattenedPrompt],
negative_prompt: Union[Blend, FlattenedPrompt],
print(f"\n>> [TOKENLOG] Parsed Prompt: {positive_prompt}")
print(f"\n>> [TOKENLOG] Parsed Negative Prompt: {negative_prompt}")
log_tokenization_for_prompt_object(positive_prompt, tokenizer)
log_tokenization_for_prompt_object(negative_prompt, tokenizer, display_label_prefix="(negative prompt)")
def log_tokenization_for_prompt_object(p: Union[Blend, FlattenedPrompt], tokenizer, display_label_prefix=None):
display_label_prefix = display_label_prefix or ""
if type(p) is Blend:
blend: Blend = p
for i, c in enumerate(blend.prompts):
c, tokenizer,
display_label_prefix=f"{display_label_prefix}(blend part {i + 1}, weight={blend.weights[i]})")
elif type(p) is FlattenedPrompt:
flattened_prompt: FlattenedPrompt = p
if flattened_prompt.wants_cross_attention_control:
original_fragments = []
edited_fragments = []
for f in flattened_prompt.children:
if type(f) is CrossAttentionControlSubstitute:
original_fragments += f.original
edited_fragments += f.edited
original_text = " ".join([x.text for x in original_fragments])
log_tokenization_for_text(original_text, tokenizer,
display_label=f"{display_label_prefix}(.swap originals)")
edited_text = " ".join([x.text for x in edited_fragments])
log_tokenization_for_text(edited_text, tokenizer,
display_label=f"{display_label_prefix}(.swap replacements)")
text = " ".join([x.text for x in flattened_prompt.children])
log_tokenization_for_text(text, tokenizer, display_label=display_label_prefix)
def log_tokenization_for_text(text, tokenizer, display_label=None):
""" shows how the prompt is tokenized
# usually tokens have '</w>' to indicate end-of-word,
# but for readability it has been replaced with ' '
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
tokenized = ""
discarded = ""
usedTokens = 0
totalTokens = len(tokens)
for i in range(0, totalTokens):
token = tokens[i].replace('</w>', ' ')
# alternate color
s = (usedTokens % 6) + 1
if i < tokenizer.model_max_length:
tokenized = tokenized + f"\x1b[0;3{s};40m{token}"
usedTokens += 1
else: # over max token length
discarded = discarded + f"\x1b[0;3{s};40m{token}"
if usedTokens > 0:
print(f'\n>> [TOKENLOG] Tokens {display_label or ""} ({usedTokens}):')
if discarded != "":
print(f'\n>> [TOKENLOG] Tokens Discarded ({totalTokens - usedTokens}):')
def try_parse_legacy_blend(text: str, skip_normalize: bool=False) -> Optional[Blend]:
weighted_subprompts = split_weighted_subprompts(text, skip_normalize=skip_normalize)
if len(weighted_subprompts) <= 1:
return None
strings = [x[0] for x in weighted_subprompts]
weights = [x[1] for x in weighted_subprompts]
pp = PromptParser()
parsed_conjunctions = [pp.parse_conjunction(x) for x in strings]
flattened_prompts = [x.prompts[0] for x in parsed_conjunctions]
return Blend(prompts=flattened_prompts, weights=weights, normalize_weights=not skip_normalize)
def split_weighted_subprompts(text, skip_normalize=False)->list:
Legacy blend parsing.
grabs all text up to the first occurrence of ':'
uses the grabbed text as a sub-prompt, and takes the value following ':' as weight
if ':' has no value defined, defaults to 1.0
repeats until no text remaining
prompt_parser = re.compile("""
(?P<prompt> # capture group for 'prompt'
(?:\\\:|[^:])+ # match one or more non ':' characters or escaped colons '\:'
) # end 'prompt'
(?: # non-capture group
:+ # match one or more ':' characters
(?P<weight> # capture group for 'weight'
-?\d+(?:\.\d+)? # match positive or negative integer or decimal number
)? # end weight capture group, make optional
\s* # strip spaces after weight
| # OR
$ # else, if no ':' then match end of line
) # end non-capture group
""", re.VERBOSE)
parsed_prompts = [(match.group("prompt").replace("\\:", ":"), float(
match.group("weight") or 1)) for match in re.finditer(prompt_parser, text)]
if skip_normalize:
return parsed_prompts
weight_sum = sum(map(lambda x: x[1], parsed_prompts))
if weight_sum == 0:
"* Warning: Subprompt weights add up to zero. Discarding and using even weights instead.")
equal_weight = 1 / max(len(parsed_prompts), 1)
return [(x[0], equal_weight) for x in parsed_prompts]
return [(x[0], x[1] / weight_sum) for x in parsed_prompts]