mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
- Rename old "model_management" directory to "model_management_OLD" in order to catch dangling references to original model manager. - Caught and fixed most dangling references (still checking) - Rename lora, textual_inversion and model_patcher modules - Introduce a RawModel base class to simplfy the Union returned by the model loaders. - Tidy up the model manager 2-related tests. Add useful fixtures, and a finalizer to the queue and installer fixtures that will stop the services and release threads.
583 lines
23 KiB
583 lines
23 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import pickle
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from compel.embeddings_provider import BaseTextualInversionManager
from diffusers.models import UNet2DConditionModel
from safetensors.torch import load_file
from transformers import CLIPTextModel, CLIPTokenizer
from invokeai.app.shared.models import FreeUConfig
from invokeai.backend.model_management.model_load_optimizations import skip_torch_weight_init
from .models.lora import LoRAModel
loras = [
(lora_model1, 0.7),
(lora_model2, 0.4),
with LoRAHelper.apply_lora_unet(unet, loras):
# unet with applied loras
# unmodified unet
# TODO: rename smth like ModelPatcher and add TI method?
class ModelPatcher:
def _resolve_lora_key(model: torch.nn.Module, lora_key: str, prefix: str) -> Tuple[str, torch.nn.Module]:
assert "." not in lora_key
if not lora_key.startswith(prefix):
raise Exception(f"lora_key with invalid prefix: {lora_key}, {prefix}")
module = model
module_key = ""
key_parts = lora_key[len(prefix) :].split("_")
submodule_name = key_parts.pop(0)
while len(key_parts) > 0:
module = module.get_submodule(submodule_name)
module_key += "." + submodule_name
submodule_name = key_parts.pop(0)
except Exception:
submodule_name += "_" + key_parts.pop(0)
module = module.get_submodule(submodule_name)
module_key = (module_key + "." + submodule_name).lstrip(".")
return (module_key, module)
def apply_lora_unet(
unet: UNet2DConditionModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
with cls.apply_lora(unet, loras, "lora_unet_"):
def apply_lora_text_encoder(
text_encoder: CLIPTextModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
with cls.apply_lora(text_encoder, loras, "lora_te_"):
def apply_sdxl_lora_text_encoder(
text_encoder: CLIPTextModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
with cls.apply_lora(text_encoder, loras, "lora_te1_"):
def apply_sdxl_lora_text_encoder2(
text_encoder: CLIPTextModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
with cls.apply_lora(text_encoder, loras, "lora_te2_"):
def apply_lora(
model: torch.nn.Module,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]], # THIS IS INCORRECT. IT IS ACTUALLY A LoRAModelRaw
prefix: str,
original_weights = {}
with torch.no_grad():
for lora, lora_weight in loras:
# assert lora.device.type == "cpu"
for layer_key, layer in lora.layers.items():
if not layer_key.startswith(prefix):
# TODO(ryand): A non-negligible amount of time is currently spent resolving LoRA keys. This
# should be improved in the following ways:
# 1. The key mapping could be more-efficiently pre-computed. This would save time every time a
# LoRA model is applied.
# 2. From an API perspective, there's no reason that the `ModelPatcher` should be aware of the
# intricacies of Stable Diffusion key resolution. It should just expect the input LoRA
# weights to have valid keys.
module_key, module = cls._resolve_lora_key(model, layer_key, prefix)
# All of the LoRA weight calculations will be done on the same device as the module weight.
# (Performance will be best if this is a CUDA device.)
device = module.weight.device
dtype = module.weight.dtype
if module_key not in original_weights:
original_weights[module_key] = module.weight.detach().to(device="cpu", copy=True)
layer_scale = layer.alpha / layer.rank if (layer.alpha and layer.rank) else 1.0
# We intentionally move to the target device first, then cast. Experimentally, this was found to
# be significantly faster for 16-bit CPU tensors being moved to a CUDA device than doing the
# same thing in a single call to '.to(...)'.
# TODO(ryand): Using torch.autocast(...) over explicit casting may offer a speed benefit on CUDA
# devices here. Experimentally, it was found to be very slow on CPU. More investigation needed.
layer_weight = layer.get_weight(module.weight) * (lora_weight * layer_scale)
if module.weight.shape != layer_weight.shape:
# TODO: debug on lycoris
layer_weight = layer_weight.reshape(module.weight.shape)
module.weight += layer_weight.to(dtype=dtype)
yield # wait for context manager exit
with torch.no_grad():
for module_key, weight in original_weights.items():
def apply_ti(
tokenizer: CLIPTokenizer,
text_encoder: CLIPTextModel,
ti_list: List[Tuple[str, Any]],
) -> Tuple[CLIPTokenizer, TextualInversionManager]:
init_tokens_count = None
new_tokens_added = None
# TODO: This is required since Transformers 4.32 see
# https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/25088
# More information by NVIDIA:
# https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/performance/dl-performance-matrix-multiplication/index.html#requirements-tc
# This value might need to be changed in the future and take the GPUs model into account as there seem
# to be ideal values for different GPUS. This value is temporary!
# For references to the current discussion please see https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/pull/4817
pad_to_multiple_of = 8
# HACK: The CLIPTokenizer API does not include a way to remove tokens after calling add_tokens(...). As a
# workaround, we create a full copy of `tokenizer` so that its original behavior can be restored after
# exiting this `apply_ti(...)` context manager.
# In a previous implementation, the deep copy was obtained with `ti_tokenizer = copy.deepcopy(tokenizer)`,
# but a pickle roundtrip was found to be much faster (1 sec vs. 0.05 secs).
ti_tokenizer = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tokenizer))
ti_manager = TextualInversionManager(ti_tokenizer)
init_tokens_count = text_encoder.resize_token_embeddings(None, pad_to_multiple_of).num_embeddings
def _get_trigger(ti_name, index):
trigger = ti_name
if index > 0:
trigger += f"-!pad-{i}"
return f"<{trigger}>"
def _get_ti_embedding(model_embeddings, ti):
print(f"DEBUG: model_embeddings={type(model_embeddings)}, ti={type(ti)}")
print(f"DEBUG: is it an nn.Module? {isinstance(model_embeddings, torch.nn.Module)}")
# for SDXL models, select the embedding that matches the text encoder's dimensions
if ti.embedding_2 is not None:
return (
if ti.embedding_2.shape[1] == model_embeddings.weight.data[0].shape[0]
else ti.embedding
print(f"DEBUG: ti.embedding={type(ti.embedding)}")
return ti.embedding
# modify tokenizer
new_tokens_added = 0
for ti_name, ti in ti_list:
ti_embedding = _get_ti_embedding(text_encoder.get_input_embeddings(), ti)
for i in range(ti_embedding.shape[0]):
new_tokens_added += ti_tokenizer.add_tokens(_get_trigger(ti_name, i))
# Modify text_encoder.
# resize_token_embeddings(...) constructs a new torch.nn.Embedding internally. Initializing the weights of
# this embedding is slow and unnecessary, so we wrap this step in skip_torch_weight_init() to save some
# time.
with skip_torch_weight_init():
text_encoder.resize_token_embeddings(init_tokens_count + new_tokens_added, pad_to_multiple_of)
model_embeddings = text_encoder.get_input_embeddings()
for ti_name, ti in ti_list:
ti_embedding = _get_ti_embedding(text_encoder.get_input_embeddings(), ti)
ti_tokens = []
for i in range(ti_embedding.shape[0]):
embedding = ti_embedding[i]
trigger = _get_trigger(ti_name, i)
token_id = ti_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(trigger)
if token_id == ti_tokenizer.unk_token_id:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find token id for token '{trigger}'")
if model_embeddings.weight.data[token_id].shape != embedding.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot load embedding for {trigger}. It was trained on a model with token dimension"
f" {embedding.shape[0]}, but the current model has token dimension"
f" {model_embeddings.weight.data[token_id].shape[0]}."
model_embeddings.weight.data[token_id] = embedding.to(
device=text_encoder.device, dtype=text_encoder.dtype
if len(ti_tokens) > 1:
ti_manager.pad_tokens[ti_tokens[0]] = ti_tokens[1:]
yield ti_tokenizer, ti_manager
if init_tokens_count and new_tokens_added:
text_encoder.resize_token_embeddings(init_tokens_count, pad_to_multiple_of)
def apply_clip_skip(
text_encoder: CLIPTextModel,
clip_skip: int,
skipped_layers = []
for _i in range(clip_skip):
while len(skipped_layers) > 0:
def apply_freeu(
unet: UNet2DConditionModel,
freeu_config: Optional[FreeUConfig] = None,
did_apply_freeu = False
if freeu_config is not None:
unet.enable_freeu(b1=freeu_config.b1, b2=freeu_config.b2, s1=freeu_config.s1, s2=freeu_config.s2)
did_apply_freeu = True
if did_apply_freeu:
class TextualInversionModel:
embedding: torch.Tensor # [n, 768]|[n, 1280]
embedding_2: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None # [n, 768]|[n, 1280] - for SDXL models
def from_checkpoint(
file_path: Union[str, Path],
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
if not isinstance(file_path, Path):
file_path = Path(file_path)
result = cls() # TODO:
if file_path.suffix == ".safetensors":
state_dict = load_file(file_path.absolute().as_posix(), device="cpu")
state_dict = torch.load(file_path, map_location="cpu")
# both v1 and v2 format embeddings
# difference mostly in metadata
if "string_to_param" in state_dict:
if len(state_dict["string_to_param"]) > 1:
f'Warn: Embedding "{file_path.name}" contains multiple tokens, which is not supported. The first',
" token will be used.",
result.embedding = next(iter(state_dict["string_to_param"].values()))
# v3 (easynegative)
elif "emb_params" in state_dict:
result.embedding = state_dict["emb_params"]
# v5(sdxl safetensors file)
elif "clip_g" in state_dict and "clip_l" in state_dict:
result.embedding = state_dict["clip_g"]
result.embedding_2 = state_dict["clip_l"]
# v4(diffusers bin files)
result.embedding = next(iter(state_dict.values()))
if len(result.embedding.shape) == 1:
result.embedding = result.embedding.unsqueeze(0)
if not isinstance(result.embedding, torch.Tensor):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid embeddings file: {file_path.name}")
return result
class TextualInversionManager(BaseTextualInversionManager):
pad_tokens: Dict[int, List[int]]
tokenizer: CLIPTokenizer
def __init__(self, tokenizer: CLIPTokenizer):
self.pad_tokens = {}
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
def expand_textual_inversion_token_ids_if_necessary(self, token_ids: list[int]) -> list[int]:
if len(self.pad_tokens) == 0:
return token_ids
if token_ids[0] == self.tokenizer.bos_token_id:
raise ValueError("token_ids must not start with bos_token_id")
if token_ids[-1] == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id:
raise ValueError("token_ids must not end with eos_token_id")
new_token_ids = []
for token_id in token_ids:
if token_id in self.pad_tokens:
# Do not exceed the max model input size
# The -2 here is compensating for compensate compel.embeddings_provider.get_token_ids(),
# which first removes and then adds back the start and end tokens.
max_length = list(self.tokenizer.max_model_input_sizes.values())[0] - 2
if len(new_token_ids) > max_length:
new_token_ids = new_token_ids[0:max_length]
return new_token_ids
class ONNXModelPatcher:
from diffusers import OnnxRuntimeModel
from .models.base import IAIOnnxRuntimeModel
def apply_lora_unet(
unet: OnnxRuntimeModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
with cls.apply_lora(unet, loras, "lora_unet_"):
def apply_lora_text_encoder(
text_encoder: OnnxRuntimeModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
with cls.apply_lora(text_encoder, loras, "lora_te_"):
# based on
# https://github.com/ssube/onnx-web/blob/ca2e436f0623e18b4cfe8a0363fcfcf10508acf7/api/onnx_web/convert/diffusion/lora.py#L323
def apply_lora(
model: IAIOnnxRuntimeModel,
loras: List[Tuple[LoRAModel, float]],
prefix: str,
from .models.base import IAIOnnxRuntimeModel
if not isinstance(model, IAIOnnxRuntimeModel):
raise Exception("Only IAIOnnxRuntimeModel models supported")
orig_weights = {}
blended_loras = {}
for lora, lora_weight in loras:
for layer_key, layer in lora.layers.items():
if not layer_key.startswith(prefix):
layer_key = layer_key.replace(prefix, "")
# TODO: rewrite to pass original tensor weight(required by ia3)
layer_weight = layer.get_weight(None).detach().cpu().numpy() * lora_weight
if layer_key is blended_loras:
blended_loras[layer_key] += layer_weight
blended_loras[layer_key] = layer_weight
node_names = {}
for node in model.nodes.values():
node_names[node.name.replace("/", "_").replace(".", "_").lstrip("_")] = node.name
for layer_key, lora_weight in blended_loras.items():
conv_key = layer_key + "_Conv"
gemm_key = layer_key + "_Gemm"
matmul_key = layer_key + "_MatMul"
if conv_key in node_names or gemm_key in node_names:
if conv_key in node_names:
conv_node = model.nodes[node_names[conv_key]]
conv_node = model.nodes[node_names[gemm_key]]
weight_name = [n for n in conv_node.input if ".weight" in n][0]
orig_weight = model.tensors[weight_name]
if orig_weight.shape[-2:] == (1, 1):
if lora_weight.shape[-2:] == (1, 1):
new_weight = orig_weight.squeeze((3, 2)) + lora_weight.squeeze((3, 2))
new_weight = orig_weight.squeeze((3, 2)) + lora_weight
new_weight = np.expand_dims(new_weight, (2, 3))
if orig_weight.shape != lora_weight.shape:
new_weight = orig_weight + lora_weight.reshape(orig_weight.shape)
new_weight = orig_weight + lora_weight
orig_weights[weight_name] = orig_weight
model.tensors[weight_name] = new_weight.astype(orig_weight.dtype)
elif matmul_key in node_names:
weight_node = model.nodes[node_names[matmul_key]]
matmul_name = [n for n in weight_node.input if "MatMul" in n][0]
orig_weight = model.tensors[matmul_name]
new_weight = orig_weight + lora_weight.transpose()
orig_weights[matmul_name] = orig_weight
model.tensors[matmul_name] = new_weight.astype(orig_weight.dtype)
# warn? err?
# restore original weights
for name, orig_weight in orig_weights.items():
model.tensors[name] = orig_weight
def apply_ti(
tokenizer: CLIPTokenizer,
text_encoder: IAIOnnxRuntimeModel,
ti_list: List[Tuple[str, Any]],
) -> Tuple[CLIPTokenizer, TextualInversionManager]:
from .models.base import IAIOnnxRuntimeModel
if not isinstance(text_encoder, IAIOnnxRuntimeModel):
raise Exception("Only IAIOnnxRuntimeModel models supported")
orig_embeddings = None
# HACK: The CLIPTokenizer API does not include a way to remove tokens after calling add_tokens(...). As a
# workaround, we create a full copy of `tokenizer` so that its original behavior can be restored after
# exiting this `apply_ti(...)` context manager.
# In a previous implementation, the deep copy was obtained with `ti_tokenizer = copy.deepcopy(tokenizer)`,
# but a pickle roundtrip was found to be much faster (1 sec vs. 0.05 secs).
ti_tokenizer = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(tokenizer))
ti_manager = TextualInversionManager(ti_tokenizer)
def _get_trigger(ti_name, index):
trigger = ti_name
if index > 0:
trigger += f"-!pad-{i}"
return f"<{trigger}>"
# modify text_encoder
orig_embeddings = text_encoder.tensors["text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight"]
# modify tokenizer
new_tokens_added = 0
for ti_name, ti in ti_list:
if ti.embedding_2 is not None:
ti_embedding = (
ti.embedding_2 if ti.embedding_2.shape[1] == orig_embeddings.shape[0] else ti.embedding
ti_embedding = ti.embedding
for i in range(ti_embedding.shape[0]):
new_tokens_added += ti_tokenizer.add_tokens(_get_trigger(ti_name, i))
embeddings = np.concatenate(
(np.copy(orig_embeddings), np.zeros((new_tokens_added, orig_embeddings.shape[1]))),
for ti_name, _ in ti_list:
ti_tokens = []
for i in range(ti_embedding.shape[0]):
embedding = ti_embedding[i].detach().numpy()
trigger = _get_trigger(ti_name, i)
token_id = ti_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(trigger)
if token_id == ti_tokenizer.unk_token_id:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find token id for token '{trigger}'")
if embeddings[token_id].shape != embedding.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot load embedding for {trigger}. It was trained on a model with token dimension"
f" {embedding.shape[0]}, but the current model has token dimension"
f" {embeddings[token_id].shape[0]}."
embeddings[token_id] = embedding
if len(ti_tokens) > 1:
ti_manager.pad_tokens[ti_tokens[0]] = ti_tokens[1:]
text_encoder.tensors["text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight"] = embeddings.astype(
yield ti_tokenizer, ti_manager
# restore
if orig_embeddings is not None:
text_encoder.tensors["text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight"] = orig_embeddings