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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
Our events handling and implementation has a couple pain points: - Adding or removing data from event payloads requires changes wherever the events are dispatched from. - We have no type safety for events and need to rely on string matching and dict access when interacting with events. - Frontend types for socket events must be manually typed. This has caused several bugs. `fastapi-events` has a neat feature where you can create a pydantic model as an event payload, give it an `__event_name__` attr, and then dispatch the model directly. This allows us to eliminate a layer of indirection and some unpleasant complexity: - Event handler callbacks get type hints for their event payloads, and can use `isinstance` on them if needed. - Event payload construction is now the responsibility of the event itself (a pydantic model), not the service. Every event model has a `build` class method, encapsulating this logic. The build methods are provided as few args as possible. For example, `InvocationStartedEvent.build()` gets the invocation instance and queue item, and can choose the data it wants to include in the event payload. - Frontend event types may be autogenerated from the OpenAPI schema. We use the payload registry feature of `fastapi-events` to collect all payload models into one place, making it trivial to keep our schema and frontend types in sync. This commit moves the backend over to this improved event handling setup.
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626 lines
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from abc import ABC
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Coroutine, Optional, Protocol, TypeAlias, TypeVar
from fastapi_events.handlers.local import local_handler
from fastapi_events.registry.payload_schema import registry as payload_schema
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, SerializeAsAny
from invokeai.app.invocations.baseinvocation import BaseInvocation, BaseInvocationOutput
from invokeai.app.services.session_processor.session_processor_common import ProgressImage
from invokeai.app.services.session_queue.session_queue_common import (
from invokeai.app.util.misc import get_timestamp
from invokeai.backend.model_manager.config import AnyModelConfig, SubModelType
from invokeai.app.services.model_install.model_install_common import ModelInstallJob
class EventType(str, Enum):
QUEUE = "queue"
MODEL = "model"
DOWNLOAD = "download"
BULK_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD = "bulk_image_download"
class BaseEvent(BaseModel, ABC):
"""Base class for all events. All events must inherit from this class.
Events must define the following class attributes:
- `__event_name__: str`: The name of the event
- `__event_type__: EventType`: The type of the event
All other attributes should be defined as normal for a pydantic model.
A timestamp is automatically added to the event when it is created.
__event_name__: ClassVar[str] = ... # pyright: ignore [reportAssignmentType]
__event_type__: ClassVar[EventType] = ... # pyright: ignore [reportAssignmentType]
timestamp: int = Field(description="The timestamp of the event", default_factory=get_timestamp)
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: ConfigDict):
for required_attr in ("__event_name__", "__event_type__"):
if getattr(cls, required_attr) is ...:
raise TypeError(f"{cls.__name__} must define {required_attr}")
model_config = ConfigDict(json_schema_serialization_defaults_required=True)
TEvent = TypeVar("TEvent", bound=BaseEvent)
FastAPIEvent: TypeAlias = tuple[str, TEvent]
A tuple representing a `fastapi-events` event, with the event name and payload.
Provide a generic type to `TEvent` to specify the payload type.
class FastAPIEventFunc(Protocol):
def __call__(self, event: FastAPIEvent[Any]) -> Optional[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]: ...
def register_events(events: set[type[TEvent]], func: FastAPIEventFunc) -> None:
"""Register a function to handle a list of events.
:param events: A list of event classes to handle
:param func: The function to handle the events
for event in events:
local_handler.register(event_name=event.__event_name__, _func=func)
class QueueEvent(BaseEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for queue events"""
__event_type__ = EventType.QUEUE
__event_name__ = "queue_event"
queue_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the queue")
class QueueItemEvent(QueueEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for queue item events"""
__event_name__ = "queue_item_event"
item_id: int = Field(description="The ID of the queue item")
batch_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the queue batch")
class SessionEvent(QueueItemEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for session (aka graph execution state) events"""
__event_name__ = "session_event"
session_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the session (aka graph execution state)")
class InvocationEvent(SessionEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for invocation events"""
__event_name__ = "invocation_event"
queue_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the queue")
item_id: int = Field(description="The ID of the queue item")
batch_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the queue batch")
session_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the session (aka graph execution state)")
invocation_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the invocation")
invocation_source_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the prepared invocation's source node")
invocation_type: str = Field(description="The type of invocation")
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class InvocationStartedEvent(InvocationEvent):
"""Emitted when an invocation is started"""
__event_name__ = "invocation_started"
def build(cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem, invocation: BaseInvocation) -> "InvocationStartedEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class InvocationDenoiseProgressEvent(InvocationEvent):
"""Emitted at each step during denoising of an invocation."""
__event_name__ = "invocation_denoise_progress"
progress_image: ProgressImage = Field(description="The progress image sent at each step during processing")
step: int = Field(description="The current step of the invocation")
total_steps: int = Field(description="The total number of steps in the invocation")
def build(
queue_item: SessionQueueItem,
invocation: BaseInvocation,
step: int,
total_steps: int,
progress_image: ProgressImage,
) -> "InvocationDenoiseProgressEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class InvocationCompleteEvent(InvocationEvent):
"""Emitted when an invocation is complete"""
__event_name__ = "invocation_complete"
result: SerializeAsAny[BaseInvocationOutput] = Field(description="The result of the invocation")
def build(
cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem, invocation: BaseInvocation, result: BaseInvocationOutput
) -> "InvocationCompleteEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class InvocationErrorEvent(InvocationEvent):
"""Emitted when an invocation encounters an error"""
__event_name__ = "invocation_error"
error_type: str = Field(description="The type of error")
error: str = Field(description="The error message")
def build(
cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem, invocation: BaseInvocation, error_type: str, error: str
) -> "InvocationErrorEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class SessionStartedEvent(SessionEvent):
"""Emitted when a session has started"""
__event_name__ = "session_started"
def build(cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem) -> "SessionStartedEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class SessionCompleteEvent(SessionEvent):
"""Emitted when a session has completed all invocations"""
__event_name__ = "session_complete"
def build(cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem) -> "SessionCompleteEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class SessionCanceledEvent(SessionEvent):
"""Emitted when a session is canceled"""
__event_name__ = "session_canceled"
def build(cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem) -> "SessionCanceledEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class QueueItemStatusChangedEvent(QueueItemEvent):
"""Emitted when a queue item's status changes"""
__event_name__ = "queue_item_status_changed"
status: QUEUE_ITEM_STATUS = Field(description="The new status of the queue item")
error: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The error message, if any")
created_at: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The timestamp when the queue item was created")
updated_at: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The timestamp when the queue item was last updated")
started_at: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The timestamp when the queue item was started")
completed_at: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The timestamp when the queue item was completed")
batch_status: BatchStatus = Field(description="The status of the batch")
queue_status: SessionQueueStatus = Field(description="The status of the queue")
def build(
cls, queue_item: SessionQueueItem, batch_status: BatchStatus, queue_status: SessionQueueStatus
) -> "QueueItemStatusChangedEvent":
return cls(
created_at=str(queue_item.created_at) if queue_item.created_at else None,
updated_at=str(queue_item.updated_at) if queue_item.updated_at else None,
started_at=str(queue_item.started_at) if queue_item.started_at else None,
completed_at=str(queue_item.completed_at) if queue_item.completed_at else None,
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class BatchEnqueuedEvent(QueueEvent):
"""Emitted when a batch is enqueued"""
__event_name__ = "batch_enqueued"
batch_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the batch")
enqueued: int = Field(description="The number of invocations enqueued")
requested: int = Field(
description="The number of invocations initially requested to be enqueued (may be less than enqueued if queue was full)"
priority: int = Field(description="The priority of the batch")
def build(cls, enqueue_result: EnqueueBatchResult) -> "BatchEnqueuedEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class QueueClearedEvent(QueueEvent):
"""Emitted when a queue is cleared"""
__event_name__ = "queue_cleared"
def build(cls, queue_id: str) -> "QueueClearedEvent":
return cls(queue_id=queue_id)
class DownloadEvent(BaseEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for events associated with a download"""
__event_type__ = EventType.DOWNLOAD
__event_name__ = "download_event"
source: str = Field(description="The source of the download")
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class DownloadStartedEvent(DownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a download is started"""
__event_name__ = "download_started"
download_path: str = Field(description="The local path where the download is saved")
def build(cls, source: str, download_path: str) -> "DownloadStartedEvent":
return cls(source=source, download_path=download_path)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class DownloadProgressEvent(DownloadEvent):
"""Emitted at intervals during a download"""
__event_name__ = "download_progress"
download_path: str = Field(description="The local path where the download is saved")
current_bytes: int = Field(description="The number of bytes downloaded so far")
total_bytes: int = Field(description="The total number of bytes to be downloaded")
def build(cls, source: str, download_path: str, current_bytes: int, total_bytes: int) -> "DownloadProgressEvent":
return cls(source=source, download_path=download_path, current_bytes=current_bytes, total_bytes=total_bytes)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class DownloadCompleteEvent(DownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a download is completed"""
__event_name__ = "download_complete"
download_path: str = Field(description="The local path where the download is saved")
total_bytes: int = Field(description="The total number of bytes downloaded")
def build(cls, source: str, download_path: str, total_bytes: int) -> "DownloadCompleteEvent":
return cls(source=source, download_path=download_path, total_bytes=total_bytes)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class DownloadCancelledEvent(DownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a download is cancelled"""
__event_name__ = "download_cancelled"
def build(cls, source: str) -> "DownloadCancelledEvent":
return cls(source=source)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class DownloadErrorEvent(DownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a download encounters an error"""
__event_name__ = "download_error"
error_type: str = Field(description="The type of error")
error: str = Field(description="The error message")
def build(cls, source: str, error_type: str, error: str) -> "DownloadErrorEvent":
return cls(source=source, error_type=error_type, error=error)
class ModelEvent(BaseEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for events associated with a model"""
__event_type__ = EventType.MODEL
__event_name__ = "model_event"
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelLoadStartedEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted when a model is requested"""
__event_name__ = "model_load_started"
config: AnyModelConfig = Field(description="The model's config")
submodel_type: Optional[SubModelType] = Field(default=None, description="The submodel type, if any")
def build(cls, config: AnyModelConfig, submodel_type: Optional[SubModelType] = None) -> "ModelLoadStartedEvent":
return cls(config=config, submodel_type=submodel_type)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelLoadCompleteEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted when a model is requested"""
__event_name__ = "model_load_complete"
config: AnyModelConfig = Field(description="The model's config")
submodel_type: Optional[SubModelType] = Field(default=None, description="The submodel type, if any")
def build(cls, config: AnyModelConfig, submodel_type: Optional[SubModelType] = None) -> "ModelLoadCompleteEvent":
return cls(config=config, submodel_type=submodel_type)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelInstallDownloadProgressEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted at intervals while the install job is in progress (remote models only)."""
__event_name__ = "model_install_download_progress"
id: int = Field(description="The ID of the install job")
source: str = Field(description="Source of the model; local path, repo_id or url")
local_path: str = Field(description="Where model is downloading to")
bytes: int = Field(description="Number of bytes downloaded so far")
total_bytes: int = Field(description="Total size of download, including all files")
parts: list[dict[str, int | str]] = Field(
description="Progress of downloading URLs that comprise the model, if any"
def build(cls, job: "ModelInstallJob") -> "ModelInstallDownloadProgressEvent":
parts: list[dict[str, str | int]] = [
"url": str(x.source),
"local_path": str(x.download_path),
"bytes": x.bytes,
"total_bytes": x.total_bytes,
for x in job.download_parts
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelInstallDownloadsCompleteEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted once when an install job becomes active."""
__event_name__ = "model_install_downloads_complete"
id: int = Field(description="The ID of the install job")
source: str = Field(description="Source of the model; local path, repo_id or url")
def build(cls, job: "ModelInstallJob") -> "ModelInstallDownloadsCompleteEvent":
return cls(id=job.id, source=str(job.source))
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelInstallStartedEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted once when an install job becomes active."""
__event_name__ = "model_install_started"
id: int = Field(description="The ID of the install job")
source: str = Field(description="Source of the model; local path, repo_id or url")
def build(cls, job: "ModelInstallJob") -> "ModelInstallStartedEvent":
return cls(id=job.id, source=str(job.source))
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelInstallCompleteEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted when an install job is completed successfully."""
__event_name__ = "model_install_complete"
id: int = Field(description="The ID of the install job")
source: str = Field(description="Source of the model; local path, repo_id or url")
key: str = Field(description="Model config record key")
total_bytes: Optional[int] = Field(description="Size of the model (may be None for installation of a local path)")
def build(cls, job: "ModelInstallJob") -> "ModelInstallCompleteEvent":
assert job.config_out is not None
return cls(id=job.id, source=str(job.source), key=(job.config_out.key), total_bytes=job.total_bytes)
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelInstallCancelledEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted when an install job is cancelled."""
__event_name__ = "model_install_cancelled"
id: int = Field(description="The ID of the install job")
source: str = Field(description="Source of the model; local path, repo_id or url")
def build(cls, job: "ModelInstallJob") -> "ModelInstallCancelledEvent":
return cls(id=job.id, source=str(job.source))
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class ModelInstallErrorEvent(ModelEvent):
"""Emitted when an install job encounters an exception."""
__event_name__ = "model_install_error"
id: int = Field(description="The ID of the install job")
source: str = Field(description="Source of the model; local path, repo_id or url")
error_type: str = Field(description="The name of the exception")
error: str = Field(description="A text description of the exception")
def build(cls, job: "ModelInstallJob") -> "ModelInstallErrorEvent":
assert job.error_type is not None
assert job.error is not None
return cls(id=job.id, source=str(job.source), error_type=job.error_type, error=job.error)
class BulkDownloadEvent(BaseEvent, ABC):
"""Base class for events associated with a bulk image download"""
__event_type__ = EventType.BULK_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD
__event_name__ = "bulk_image_download_event"
bulk_download_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the bulk image download")
bulk_download_item_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the bulk image download item")
bulk_download_item_name: str = Field(description="The name of the bulk image download item")
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class BulkDownloadStartedEvent(BulkDownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a bulk image download is started"""
__event_name__ = "bulk_download_started"
def build(
cls, bulk_download_id: str, bulk_download_item_id: str, bulk_download_item_name: str
) -> "BulkDownloadStartedEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class BulkDownloadCompleteEvent(BulkDownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a bulk image download is started"""
__event_name__ = "bulk_download_complete"
def build(
cls, bulk_download_id: str, bulk_download_item_id: str, bulk_download_item_name: str
) -> "BulkDownloadCompleteEvent":
return cls(
@payload_schema.register # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownMemberType]
class BulkDownloadErrorEvent(BulkDownloadEvent):
"""Emitted when a bulk image download is started"""
__event_name__ = "bulk_download_error"
error: str = Field(description="The error message")
def build(
cls, bulk_download_id: str, bulk_download_item_id: str, bulk_download_item_name: str, error: str
) -> "BulkDownloadErrorEvent":
return cls(