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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
prompt token sequences begin with a "beginning-of-sequence" marker <bos> and end with a repeated "end-of-sequence" marker <eos> - to make a default prompt length of <bos> + 75 prompt tokens + <eos>. the .swap() code was failing to take the column for <bos> at index 0 into account. the changes here do that, and also add extra handling for a single <eos> (which may be redundant but which is included for completeness). based on my understanding and some assumptions about how this all works, the reason .swap() nevertheless seemed to do the right thing, to some extent, is because over multiple steps the conditioning process in Stable Diffusion operates as a feedback loop. a change to token n-1 has flow-on effects to how the [1x4x64x64] latent tensor is modified by all the tokens after it, - and as the next step is processed, all the tokens before it as well. intuitively, a token's conditioning effects "echo" throughout the whole length of the prompt. so even though the token at n-1 was being edited when what the user actually wanted was to edit the token at n, it nevertheless still had some non-negligible effect, in roughly the right direction, often enough that it seemed like it was working properly.
209 lines
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209 lines
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This module handles the generation of the conditioning tensors.
Useful function exports:
get_uc_and_c_and_ec() get the conditioned and unconditioned latent, and edited conditioning if we're doing cross-attention control
import re
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from typing import Union
import torch
from .prompt_parser import PromptParser, Blend, FlattenedPrompt, \
CrossAttentionControlledFragment, CrossAttentionControlSubstitute, Fragment, log_tokenization
from ..models.diffusion import cross_attention_control
from ..models.diffusion.shared_invokeai_diffusion import InvokeAIDiffuserComponent
from ..modules.encoders.modules import WeightedFrozenCLIPEmbedder
def get_uc_and_c_and_ec(prompt_string_uncleaned, model, log_tokens=False, skip_normalize=False):
# Extract Unconditioned Words From Prompt
unconditioned_words = ''
unconditional_regex = r'\[(.*?)\]'
unconditionals = re.findall(unconditional_regex, prompt_string_uncleaned)
if len(unconditionals) > 0:
unconditioned_words = ' '.join(unconditionals)
# Remove Unconditioned Words From Prompt
unconditional_regex_compile = re.compile(unconditional_regex)
clean_prompt = unconditional_regex_compile.sub(' ', prompt_string_uncleaned)
prompt_string_cleaned = re.sub(' +', ' ', clean_prompt)
prompt_string_cleaned = prompt_string_uncleaned
pp = PromptParser()
parsed_prompt: Union[FlattenedPrompt, Blend] = None
legacy_blend: Blend = pp.parse_legacy_blend(prompt_string_cleaned)
if legacy_blend is not None:
parsed_prompt = legacy_blend
# we don't support conjunctions for now
parsed_prompt = pp.parse_conjunction(prompt_string_cleaned).prompts[0]
parsed_negative_prompt: FlattenedPrompt = pp.parse_conjunction(unconditioned_words).prompts[0]
if log_tokens:
print(f">> Parsed prompt to {parsed_prompt}")
print(f">> Parsed negative prompt to {parsed_negative_prompt}")
conditioning = None
cac_args:cross_attention_control.Arguments = None
if type(parsed_prompt) is Blend:
blend: Blend = parsed_prompt
embeddings_to_blend = None
for i,flattened_prompt in enumerate(blend.prompts):
this_embedding, _ = build_embeddings_and_tokens_for_flattened_prompt(model,
log_display_label=f"(blend part {i+1}, weight={blend.weights[i]})" )
embeddings_to_blend = this_embedding if embeddings_to_blend is None else torch.cat(
(embeddings_to_blend, this_embedding))
conditioning = WeightedFrozenCLIPEmbedder.apply_embedding_weights(embeddings_to_blend.unsqueeze(0),
flattened_prompt: FlattenedPrompt = parsed_prompt
wants_cross_attention_control = type(flattened_prompt) is not Blend \
and any([issubclass(type(x), CrossAttentionControlledFragment) for x in flattened_prompt.children])
if wants_cross_attention_control:
original_prompt = FlattenedPrompt()
edited_prompt = FlattenedPrompt()
# for name, a0, a1, b0, b1 in edit_opcodes: only name == 'equal' is currently parsed
original_token_count = 0
edited_token_count = 0
edit_options = []
edit_opcodes = []
# beginning of sequence
edit_opcodes.append(('equal', original_token_count, original_token_count+1, edited_token_count, edited_token_count+1))
original_token_count += 1
edited_token_count += 1
for fragment in flattened_prompt.children:
if type(fragment) is CrossAttentionControlSubstitute:
to_replace_token_count = get_tokens_length(model, fragment.original)
replacement_token_count = get_tokens_length(model, fragment.edited)
original_token_count, original_token_count + to_replace_token_count,
edited_token_count, edited_token_count + replacement_token_count
original_token_count += to_replace_token_count
edited_token_count += replacement_token_count
#elif type(fragment) is CrossAttentionControlAppend:
# edited_prompt.append(fragment.fragment)
# regular fragment
count = get_tokens_length(model, [fragment])
edit_opcodes.append(('equal', original_token_count, original_token_count+count, edited_token_count, edited_token_count+count))
original_token_count += count
edited_token_count += count
# end of sequence
edit_opcodes.append(('equal', original_token_count, original_token_count+1, edited_token_count, edited_token_count+1))
original_token_count += 1
edited_token_count += 1
original_embeddings, original_tokens = build_embeddings_and_tokens_for_flattened_prompt(model,
log_display_label="(.swap originals)")
# naïvely building a single edited_embeddings like this disregards the effects of changing the absolute location of
# subsequent tokens when there is >1 edit and earlier edits change the total token count.
# eg "a cat.swap(smiling dog, s_start=0.5) eating a hotdog.swap(pizza)" - when the 'pizza' edit is active but the
# 'cat' edit is not, the 'pizza' feature vector will nevertheless be affected by the introduction of the extra
# token 'smiling' in the inactive 'cat' edit.
# todo: build multiple edited_embeddings, one for each edit, and pass just the edited fragments through to the CrossAttentionControl functions
edited_embeddings, edited_tokens = build_embeddings_and_tokens_for_flattened_prompt(model,
log_display_label="(.swap replacements)")
conditioning = original_embeddings
edited_conditioning = edited_embeddings
#print('>> got edit_opcodes', edit_opcodes, 'options', edit_options)
cac_args = cross_attention_control.Arguments(
edited_conditioning = edited_conditioning,
edit_opcodes = edit_opcodes,
edit_options = edit_options
conditioning, _ = build_embeddings_and_tokens_for_flattened_prompt(model,
unconditioning, _ = build_embeddings_and_tokens_for_flattened_prompt(model,
if isinstance(conditioning, dict):
# hybrid conditioning is in play
unconditioning, conditioning = flatten_hybrid_conditioning(unconditioning, conditioning)
if cac_args is not None:
print(">> Hybrid conditioning cannot currently be combined with cross attention control. Cross attention control will be ignored.")
cac_args = None
return (
unconditioning, conditioning, InvokeAIDiffuserComponent.ExtraConditioningInfo(
def build_token_edit_opcodes(original_tokens, edited_tokens):
original_tokens = original_tokens.cpu().numpy()[0]
edited_tokens = edited_tokens.cpu().numpy()[0]
return SequenceMatcher(None, original_tokens, edited_tokens).get_opcodes()
def build_embeddings_and_tokens_for_flattened_prompt(model, flattened_prompt: FlattenedPrompt, log_tokens: bool=False, log_display_label: str=None):
if type(flattened_prompt) is not FlattenedPrompt:
raise Exception(f"embeddings can only be made from FlattenedPrompts, got {type(flattened_prompt)} instead")
fragments = [x.text for x in flattened_prompt.children]
weights = [x.weight for x in flattened_prompt.children]
embeddings, tokens = model.get_learned_conditioning([fragments], return_tokens=True, fragment_weights=[weights])
if log_tokens:
text = " ".join(fragments)
log_tokenization(text, model, display_label=log_display_label)
return embeddings, tokens
def get_tokens_length(model, fragments: list[Fragment]):
fragment_texts = [x.text for x in fragments]
tokens = model.cond_stage_model.get_tokens(fragment_texts, include_start_and_end_markers=False)
return sum([len(x) for x in tokens])
def flatten_hybrid_conditioning(uncond, cond):
This handles the choice between a conditional conditioning
that is a tensor (used by cross attention) vs one that has additional
dimensions as well, as used by 'hybrid'
assert isinstance(uncond, dict)
assert isinstance(cond, dict)
cond_flattened = dict()
for k in cond:
if isinstance(cond[k], list):
cond_flattened[k] = [
torch.cat([uncond[k][i], cond[k][i]])
for i in range(len(cond[k]))
cond_flattened[k] = torch.cat([uncond[k], cond[k]])
return uncond, cond_flattened