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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
* installer tweaks in preparation for v2.2.5 - pin numpy to 1.23.* to avoid requirements conflict with numba - update.sh and update.bat now accept a tag or branch string, not a URL - update scripts download latest requirements-base before updating. * update.bat.in debugged and working * update pulls from "latest" now * bump version number * fix permissions on create_installer.sh * give Linux user option of installing ROCm or CUDA * rc2.2.5 (install.sh) relative path fixes (#2155) * (installer) fix bug in resolution of relative paths in linux install script point installer at 2.2.5-rc1 selecting ~/Data/myapps/ as location would create a ./~/Data/myapps instead of expanding the ~/ to the value of ${HOME} also, squash the trailing slash in path, if it was entered by the user * (installer) add option to automatically start the app after install also: when exiting, print the command to get back into the app * remove extraneous whitespace * model_cache applies rootdir to config path * bring installers up to date with 2.2.5-rc2 * bump rc version * create_installer now adds version number * rebuild frontend * bump rc# * add locales to frontend dist package - bump to patchlevel 6 * bump patchlevel * use invoke-ai version of GFPGAN - This version is very slightly modified to allow weights files to be pre-downloaded by the configure script. * fix formatting error during startup * bump patch level * workaround #2 for GFPGAN facexlib() weights downloading * bump patch * ready for merge and release * remove extraneous comment * set PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK directly in invoke.py Co-authored-by: Eugene Brodsky <ebr@users.noreply.github.com>
220 lines
7.2 KiB
220 lines
7.2 KiB
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
@rem This script requires the user to install Python 3.9 or higher. All other
@rem requirements are downloaded as needed.
@rem change to the script's directory
PUSHD "%~dp0"
set "no_cache_dir=--no-cache-dir"
if "%1" == "use-cache" (
set "no_cache_dir="
@rem Config
@rem The version in the next line is replaced by an up to date release number
@rem when create_installer.sh is run. Change the release number there.
set INVOKE_AI_SRC=https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/tags/%INVOKEAI_VERSION%.zip
set INSTRUCTIONS=https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED/
set TROUBLESHOOTING=https://invoke-ai.github.io/InvokeAI/installation/INSTALL_AUTOMATED/#troubleshooting
set PYTHON_URL=https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
set PYTHON_URL=https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3109/
set err_msg=An error has occurred and the script could not continue.
@rem --------------------------- Intro -------------------------------
echo This script will install InvokeAI and its dependencies.
echo 1. Install python 3.9 or higher.
echo 2. Double-click on the file WinLongPathsEnabled.reg in order to
echo enable long path support on your system.
echo 3. Install the Visual C++ core libraries.
echo Pleaase download and install the libraries from:
echo https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170
echo See %INSTRUCTIONS% for more details.
@rem ---------------------------- check Python version ---------------
echo ***** Checking and Updating Python *****
call python --version >.tmp1 2>.tmp2
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
set err_msg=Please install Python 3.9 or higher. See %INSTRUCTIONS% for details.
goto err_exit
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in (.tmp1) do set python_version=%%i
if "%python_version%" == "" (
set err_msg=No python was detected on your system. Please install Python version %MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION% or higher. We recommend Python 3.10.9 from %PYTHON_URL%
goto err_exit
call :compareVersions %MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION% %python_version%
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
set err_msg=Your version of Python is too low. You need at least %MINIMUM_PYTHON_VERSION% but you have %python_version%. We recommend Python 3.10.9 from %PYTHON_URL%
goto err_exit
@rem Cleanup
del /q .tmp1 .tmp2
@rem --------------------- Get the requirements file ------------
echo Setting up requirements file for your system.
copy /y environments-and-requirements\requirements-win-colab-cuda.txt .\requirements.txt
@rem --------------------- Get the root directory for installation ------------
set "rootdir="
set "response="
set "selection="
if defined rootdir goto :done
set /p selection=Select the path to install InvokeAI's directory into [%UserProfile%]:
if not defined selection set selection=%UserProfile%
set selection=%selection:"=%
set dest="%selection%\invokeai"
if exist %dest% (
set response=y
set /p response=The directory %dest% exists. Do you wish to resume install from a previous attempt? [Y/n]:
if !response! == "" set response=y
if /I !response! == y (set rootdir=%dest%) else (goto :pick_rootdir)
) else (
set rootdir=!dest!
set response=y
set /p response="You have chosen to install InvokeAI into %rootdir%. OK? [Y/n]: "
if !response! == "" set response=y
if /I !response! neq y set "rootdir="
goto :pick_rootdir
set rootdir=%rootdir:"=%
@rem ---------------------- Initialize the runtime directory ---------------------
echo *** Creating Runtime Directory %rootdir% ***
if not exist "%rootdir%" mkdir "%rootdir%"
@rem for unknown reasons the mkdir works but returns an error code
if not exist "%rootdir%" (
set err_msg=Could not create the directory %rootdir%. Please check the directory's permissions and try again.
goto :err_exit
echo Successful.
@rem --------------------------- Create and populate .venv ---------------------------
echo ** Creating Virtual Environment for InvokeAI **
call python -mvenv "%rootdir%\.venv"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
set err_msg=Could not create virtual environment %rootdir%\.venv. Please check the directory's permissions and try again.
goto :err_exit
echo Successful.
echo *** Installing InvokeAI Requirements ***
echo Activating environment
call "%rootdir%\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat"
set PYTHON=%rootdir%\.venv\Scripts\python
echo updating pip with "%PYTHON%"
call "%PYTHON%" -mensurepip --upgrade
call "%PYTHON%" -mpip install --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
set err_msg=Requirements installation failed. See above for errors and check %TROUBLESHOOTING% for potential solutions.
goto :err_exit
echo Installation successful.
echo *** Installing InvokeAI Modules and Executables ***
call "%PYTHON%" -mpip install %INVOKE_AI_SRC%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
set err_msg=Installation of InvokeAI failed. See above for errors and check %TROUBLESHOOTING% for potential solutions.
goto :err_exit
echo Installation successful.
@rem --------------------------- Set up the root directory ---------------------------
xcopy /E /Y .\templates\rootdir "%rootdir%"
PUSHD "%rootdir%"
call "%PYTHON%" .venv\Scripts\configure_invokeai.py "--root=%rootdir%"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
set err_msg=Configuration failed. See above for error messages and check %TROUBLESHOOTING% for potential solutions.
goto :err_exit
copy .\templates\invoke.bat.in "%rootdir%\invoke.bat"
copy .\templates\update.bat.in "%rootdir%\update.bat"
@rem so that update.bat works
mkdir "%rootdir%\environments-and-requirements"
xcopy /I /Y .\environments-and-requirements "%rootdir%\environments-and-requirements"
copy .\requirements.txt "%rootdir%\requirements.txt"
echo ***** Finished configuration *****
echo All done. Execute the file %rootdir%\invoke.bat to start InvokeAI.
@rem ------------------------ Subroutines ---------------
@rem routine to do comparison of semantic version numbers
@rem found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15807762/compare-version-numbers-in-batch-file
:: Compares two version numbers and returns the result in the ERRORLEVEL
:: Returns 1 if version1 > version2
:: 0 if version1 = version2
:: -1 if version1 < version2
:: The nodes must be delimited by . or , or -
:: Nodes are normally strictly numeric, without a 0 prefix. A letter suffix
:: is treated as a separate node
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "v1=%~1"
set "v2=%~2"
call :divideLetters v1
call :divideLetters v2
call :parseNode "%v1%" n1 v1
call :parseNode "%v2%" n2 v2
if %n1% gtr %n2% exit /b 1
if %n1% lss %n2% exit /b -1
if not defined v1 if not defined v2 exit /b 0
if not defined v1 exit /b -1
if not defined v2 exit /b 1
goto :loop
:parseNode version nodeVar remainderVar
for /f "tokens=1* delims=.,-" %%A in ("%~1") do (
set "%~2=%%A"
set "%~3=%%B"
exit /b
:divideLetters versionVar
for %%C in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do set "%~1=!%~1:%%C=.%%C!"
exit /b
echo %err_msg%
echo The installer will exit now.
exit /b