Kevin Turner 9d7fe45702 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into dev/diffusers
# Conflicts:
#	scripts/
2022-12-01 21:38:46 -08:00

343 lines
13 KiB

ldm.invoke.generator.inpaint descends from ldm.invoke.generator
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import PIL
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps, ImageChops
from einops import repeat
from ldm.invoke.generator.base import downsampling
from ldm.invoke.generator.diffusers_pipeline import image_resized_to_grid_as_tensor, StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline
from ldm.invoke.generator.img2img import Img2Img
from ldm.invoke.globals import Globals
from ldm.util import debug_image
infill_methods: list[str] = list()
if Globals.try_patchmatch:
from patchmatch import patch_match
if patch_match.patchmatch_available:
print('>> Patchmatch initialized')
print('>> Patchmatch not loaded (nonfatal)')
print('>> Patchmatch loading disabled')
class Inpaint(Img2Img):
def __init__(self, model, precision):
self.inpaint_height = 0
self.inpaint_width = 0
self.enable_image_debugging = False
self.init_latent = None
self.pil_image = None
self.pil_mask = None
self.mask_blur_radius = 0
super().__init__(model, precision)
# Outpaint support code
def get_tile_images(self, image: np.ndarray, width=8, height=8):
_nrows, _ncols, depth = image.shape
_strides = image.strides
nrows, _m = divmod(_nrows, height)
ncols, _n = divmod(_ncols, width)
if _m != 0 or _n != 0:
return None
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
shape=(nrows, ncols, height, width, depth),
strides=(height * _strides[0], width * _strides[1], *_strides),
def infill_patchmatch(self, im: Image.Image) -> Image:
if im.mode != 'RGBA':
return im
# Skip patchmatch if patchmatch isn't available
if not patch_match.patchmatch_available:
return im
# Patchmatch (note, we may want to expose patch_size? Increasing it significantly impacts performance though)
im_patched_np = patch_match.inpaint(im.convert('RGB'), ImageOps.invert(im.split()[-1]), patch_size = 3)
im_patched = Image.fromarray(im_patched_np, mode = 'RGB')
return im_patched
def tile_fill_missing(self, im: Image.Image, tile_size: int = 16, seed: int = None) -> Image:
# Only fill if there's an alpha layer
if im.mode != 'RGBA':
return im
a = np.asarray(im, dtype=np.uint8)
tile_size = (tile_size, tile_size)
# Get the image as tiles of a specified size
tiles = self.get_tile_images(a,*tile_size).copy()
# Get the mask as tiles
tiles_mask = tiles[:,:,:,:,3]
# Find any mask tiles with any fully transparent pixels (we will be replacing these later)
tmask_shape = tiles_mask.shape
tiles_mask = tiles_mask.reshape(
n,ny = ([0:2])),[2:])
tiles_mask = (tiles_mask > 0)
tiles_mask = tiles_mask.reshape((n,ny)).all(axis = 1)
# Get RGB tiles in single array and filter by the mask
tshape = tiles.shape
tiles_all = tiles.reshape(([0:2]), * tiles.shape[2:]))
filtered_tiles = tiles_all[tiles_mask]
if len(filtered_tiles) == 0:
return im
# Find all invalid tiles and replace with a random valid tile
replace_count = (tiles_mask == False).sum()
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed = seed)
tiles_all[np.logical_not(tiles_mask)] = filtered_tiles[rng.choice(filtered_tiles.shape[0], replace_count),:,:,:]
# Convert back to an image
tiles_all = tiles_all.reshape(tshape)
tiles_all = tiles_all.swapaxes(1,2)
st = tiles_all.reshape(([0:2]),[2:4]), tiles_all.shape[4]))
si = Image.fromarray(st, mode='RGBA')
return si
def mask_edge(self, mask: Image, edge_size: int, edge_blur: int) -> Image:
npimg = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.uint8)
# Detect any partially transparent regions
npgradient = np.uint8(255 * (1.0 - np.floor(np.abs(0.5 - np.float32(npimg) / 255.0) * 2.0)))
# Detect hard edges
npedge = cv2.Canny(npimg, threshold1=100, threshold2=200)
# Combine
npmask = npgradient + npedge
# Expand
npmask = cv2.dilate(npmask, np.ones((3,3), np.uint8), iterations = int(edge_size / 2))
new_mask = Image.fromarray(npmask)
if edge_blur > 0:
new_mask = new_mask.filter(ImageFilter.BoxBlur(edge_blur))
return ImageOps.invert(new_mask)
def seam_paint(self, im: Image.Image, seam_size: int, seam_blur: int, prompt, sampler, steps, cfg_scale, ddim_eta,
conditioning, strength, noise, infill_method, step_callback) -> Image.Image:
hard_mask = self.pil_image.split()[-1].copy()
mask = self.mask_edge(hard_mask, seam_size, seam_blur)
make_image = self.get_make_image(
init_image = im.copy().convert('RGBA'),
mask_image = mask.convert('RGB'), # Code currently requires an RGB mask
strength = strength,
mask_blur_radius = 0,
seam_size = 0,
step_callback = step_callback,
inpaint_width = im.width,
inpaint_height = im.height,
infill_method = infill_method
seam_noise = self.get_noise(im.width, im.height)
result = make_image(seam_noise)
return result
def get_make_image(self,prompt,sampler,steps,cfg_scale,ddim_eta,
init_image: PIL.Image.Image | torch.FloatTensor,
mask_image: PIL.Image.Image | torch.FloatTensor,
strength: float,
mask_blur_radius: int = 8,
# Seam settings - when 0, doesn't fill seam
seam_size: int = 0,
seam_blur: int = 0,
seam_strength: float = 0.7,
seam_steps: int = 10,
tile_size: int = 32,
inpaint_replace=False, enable_image_debugging=False,
infill_method = infill_methods[0], # The infill method to use
Returns a function returning an image derived from the prompt and
the initial image + mask. Return value depends on the seed at
the time you call it. kwargs are 'init_latent' and 'strength'
self.enable_image_debugging = enable_image_debugging
self.inpaint_width = inpaint_width
self.inpaint_height = inpaint_height
if isinstance(init_image, PIL.Image.Image):
self.pil_image = init_image.copy()
# Do infill
if infill_method == 'patchmatch' and patch_match.patchmatch_available:
init_filled = self.infill_patchmatch(self.pil_image.copy())
else: # if infill_method == 'tile': # Only two methods right now, so always use 'tile' if not patchmatch
init_filled = self.tile_fill_missing(
seed = self.seed,
tile_size = tile_size
init_filled.paste(init_image, (0,0), init_image.split()[-1])
# Resize if requested for inpainting
if inpaint_width and inpaint_height:
init_filled = init_filled.resize((inpaint_width, inpaint_height))
debug_image(init_filled, "init_filled", debug_status=self.enable_image_debugging)
# Create init tensor
init_image = image_resized_to_grid_as_tensor(init_filled.convert('RGB'))
if isinstance(mask_image, PIL.Image.Image):
self.pil_mask = mask_image.copy()
debug_image(mask_image, "mask_image BEFORE multiply with pil_image", debug_status=self.enable_image_debugging)
mask_image = ImageChops.multiply(mask_image, self.pil_image.split()[-1].convert('RGB'))
self.pil_mask = mask_image
# Resize if requested for inpainting
if inpaint_width and inpaint_height:
mask_image = mask_image.resize((inpaint_width, inpaint_height))
debug_image(mask_image, "mask_image AFTER multiply with pil_image", debug_status=self.enable_image_debugging)
mask_image = mask_image.resize(
mask_image.width // downsampling,
mask_image.height // downsampling
mask_image = image_resized_to_grid_as_tensor(mask_image, normalize=False)
self.mask_blur_radius = mask_blur_radius
# klms samplers not supported yet, so ignore previous sampler
# if isinstance(sampler,KSampler):
# print(
# ">> Using recommended DDIM sampler for inpainting."
# )
# sampler = DDIMSampler(self.model, device=self.model.device)
mask_image = mask_image[0][0].unsqueeze(0).repeat(4,1,1).unsqueeze(0)
mask_image = repeat(mask_image, '1 ... -> b ...', b=1)
t_enc = int(strength * steps)
# todo: support cross-attention control
uc, c, _ = conditioning
print(f">> target t_enc is {t_enc} steps")
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
pipeline: StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline = self.model
pipeline.scheduler = sampler
def make_image(x_T):
# FIXME: some of this z_enc and inpaint_replace stuff was probably important
# encode (scaled latent)
# z_enc = sampler.stochastic_encode(
# self.init_latent,
# torch.tensor([t_enc]).to(self.model.device),
# noise=x_T
# )
# # to replace masked area with latent noise, weighted by inpaint_replace strength
# if inpaint_replace > 0.0:
# print(f'>> inpaint will replace what was under the mask with a strength of {inpaint_replace}')
# l_noise = self.get_noise(kwargs['width'],kwargs['height'])
# inverted_mask = 1.0-mask_image # there will be 1s where the mask is
# masked_region = (1.0-inpaint_replace) * inverted_mask * z_enc + inpaint_replace * inverted_mask * l_noise
# z_enc = z_enc * mask_image + masked_region
pipeline_output = pipeline.inpaint_from_embeddings(
result = pipeline.numpy_to_pil(pipeline_output.images)[0]
# Seam paint if this is our first pass (seam_size set to 0 during seam painting)
if seam_size > 0:
old_image = self.pil_image or init_image
old_mask = self.pil_mask or mask_image
result = self.seam_paint(result, seam_size, seam_blur, prompt, sampler, seam_steps, cfg_scale, ddim_eta,
conditioning, seam_strength, x_T, infill_method, step_callback)
# Restore original settings
mask_blur_radius, seam_size, seam_blur, seam_strength,
seam_steps, tile_size, step_callback,
inpaint_replace, enable_image_debugging,
inpaint_width = inpaint_width,
inpaint_height = inpaint_height,
infill_method = infill_method,
return result
return make_image
def sample_to_image(self, samples)->Image.Image:
gen_result = super().sample_to_image(samples).convert('RGB')
debug_image(gen_result, "gen_result", debug_status=self.enable_image_debugging)
# Resize if necessary
if self.inpaint_width and self.inpaint_height:
gen_result = gen_result.resize(self.pil_image.size)
if self.pil_image is None or self.pil_mask is None:
return gen_result
corrected_result = super().repaste_and_color_correct(gen_result, self.pil_image, self.pil_mask, self.mask_blur_radius)
debug_image(corrected_result, "corrected_result", debug_status=self.enable_image_debugging)
return corrected_result