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# Copyright (c) 2023 Lincoln Stein (https://github.com/lstein) and the InvokeAI Development Team
"""Invokeai configuration system.
Arguments and fields are taken from the pydantic definition of the
model. Defaults can be set by creating a yaml configuration file that
has a top-level key of "InvokeAI" and subheadings for each of the
categories returned by `invokeai --help`. The file looks like this:
[file: invokeai.yaml]
Web Server:
port: 9090
allow_origins: []
allow_credentials: true
- '*'
- '*'
esrgan: true
internet_available: true
log_tokenization: false
patchmatch: true
ignore_missing_core_models: false
autoimport_dir: autoimport
lora_dir: null
embedding_dir: null
controlnet_dir: null
models_dir: models
legacy_conf_dir: configs/stable-diffusion
db_dir: databases
outdir: /home/lstein/invokeai-main/outputs
use_memory_db: false
- console
log_format: plain
log_level: info
Model Cache:
ram: 13.5
vram: 0.25
lazy_offload: true
log_memory_usage: false
device: auto
precision: auto
sequential_guidance: false
attention_type: xformers
attention_slice_size: auto
force_tiled_decode: false
The default name of the configuration file is `invokeai.yaml`, located
in INVOKEAI_ROOT. You can replace supersede this by providing any
OmegaConf dictionary object initialization time:
omegaconf = OmegaConf.load('/tmp/init.yaml')
conf = InvokeAIAppConfig()
InvokeAIAppConfig.parse_args() will parse the contents of `sys.argv`
at initialization time. You may pass a list of strings in the optional
`argv` argument to use instead of the system argv:
It is also possible to set a value at initialization time. However, if
you call parse_args() it may be overwritten.
conf = InvokeAIAppConfig(log_tokenization=True)
# False
To avoid this, use `get_config()` to retrieve the application-wide
configuration object. This will retain any properties set at object
creation time:
conf = InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config(log_tokenization=True)
# True
Any setting can be overwritten by setting an environment variable of
form: "INVOKEAI_<setting>", as in:
export INVOKEAI_port=8080
Order of precedence (from highest):
1) initialization options
2) command line options
3) environment variable options
4) config file options
5) pydantic defaults
Typical usage at the top level file:
from invokeai.app.services.config import InvokeAIAppConfig
# get global configuration and print its cache size
conf = InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config()
Typical usage in a backend module:
from invokeai.app.services.config import InvokeAIAppConfig
# get global configuration and print its cache size value
conf = InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config()
Computed properties:
The InvokeAIAppConfig object has a series of properties that
resolve paths relative to the runtime root directory. They each return
a Path object:
root_path - path to InvokeAI root
output_path - path to default outputs directory
conf - alias for the above
embedding_path - path to the embeddings directory
lora_path - path to the LoRA directory
In most cases, you will want to create a single InvokeAIAppConfig
object for the entire application. The InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config() function
does this:
config = InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config()
config.parse_args() # read values from the command line/config file
# Subclassing
If you wish to create a similar class, please subclass the
`InvokeAISettings` class and define a Literal field named "type",
which is set to the desired top-level name. For example, to create a
"InvokeBatch" configuration, define like this:
class InvokeBatch(InvokeAISettings):
type: Literal["InvokeBatch"] = "InvokeBatch"
node_count : int = Field(default=1, description="Number of nodes to run on", json_schema_extra=dict(category='Resources'))
cpu_count : int = Field(default=8, description="Number of GPUs to run on per node", json_schema_extra=dict(category='Resources'))
This will now read and write from the "InvokeBatch" section of the
config file, look for environment variables named INVOKEBATCH_*, and
accept the command-line arguments `--node_count` and `--cpu_count`. The
two configs are kept in separate sections of the config file:
# invokeai.yaml
node_count: 1
cpu_count: 8
root: /home/lstein/invokeai-main
legacy_conf_dir: configs/stable-diffusion
outdir: outputs
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Literal, Optional
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
from pydantic.config import JsonDict
from pydantic_settings import SettingsConfigDict
from .config_base import InvokeAISettings
INIT_FILE = Path("invokeai.yaml")
DB_FILE = Path("invokeai.db")
LEGACY_INIT_FILE = Path("invokeai.init")
class Categories(object):
"""Category headers for configuration variable groups."""
WebServer: JsonDict = {"category": "Web Server"}
Features: JsonDict = {"category": "Features"}
Paths: JsonDict = {"category": "Paths"}
Logging: JsonDict = {"category": "Logging"}
Development: JsonDict = {"category": "Development"}
CLIArgs: JsonDict = {"category": "CLIArgs"}
ModelInstall: JsonDict = {"category": "Model Install"}
ModelCache: JsonDict = {"category": "Model Cache"}
Device: JsonDict = {"category": "Device"}
Generation: JsonDict = {"category": "Generation"}
Queue: JsonDict = {"category": "Queue"}
Nodes: JsonDict = {"category": "Nodes"}
MemoryPerformance: JsonDict = {"category": "Memory/Performance"}
class URLRegexToken(BaseModel):
url_regex: str = Field(description="Regular expression to match against the URL")
token: str = Field(description="Token to use when the URL matches the regex")
def validate_url_regex(cls, v: str) -> str:
"""Validate that the value is a valid regex."""
except re.error as e:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid regex: {e}")
return v
class InvokeAIAppConfig(InvokeAISettings):
"""Configuration object for InvokeAI App."""
singleton_config: ClassVar[Optional[InvokeAIAppConfig]] = None
singleton_init: ClassVar[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] = None
# fmt: off
type: Literal["InvokeAI"] = "InvokeAI"
host : str = Field(default="", description="IP address to bind to", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
port : int = Field(default=9090, description="Port to bind to", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
allow_origins : List[str] = Field(default=[], description="Allowed CORS origins", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
allow_credentials : bool = Field(default=True, description="Allow CORS credentials", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
allow_methods : List[str] = Field(default=["*"], description="Methods allowed for CORS", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
allow_headers : List[str] = Field(default=["*"], description="Headers allowed for CORS", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
# SSL options correspond to https://www.uvicorn.org/settings/#https
ssl_certfile : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description="SSL certificate file (for HTTPS)", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
ssl_keyfile : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description="SSL key file", json_schema_extra=Categories.WebServer)
esrgan : bool = Field(default=True, description="Enable/disable upscaling code", json_schema_extra=Categories.Features)
internet_available : bool = Field(default=True, description="If true, attempt to download models on the fly; otherwise only use local models", json_schema_extra=Categories.Features)
log_tokenization : bool = Field(default=False, description="Enable logging of parsed prompt tokens.", json_schema_extra=Categories.Features)
patchmatch : bool = Field(default=True, description="Enable/disable patchmatch inpaint code", json_schema_extra=Categories.Features)
ignore_missing_core_models : bool = Field(default=False, description='Ignore missing models in models/core/convert', json_schema_extra=Categories.Features)
root : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description='InvokeAI runtime root directory', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
autoimport_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('autoimport'), description='Path to a directory of models files to be imported on startup.', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
models_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('models'), description='Path to the models directory', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
convert_cache_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('models/.cache'), description='Path to the converted models cache directory', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
legacy_conf_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('configs/stable-diffusion'), description='Path to directory of legacy checkpoint config files', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
db_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('databases'), description='Path to InvokeAI databases directory', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
outdir : Path = Field(default=Path('outputs'), description='Default folder for output images', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
use_memory_db : bool = Field(default=False, description='Use in-memory database for storing image metadata', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
custom_nodes_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('nodes'), description='Path to directory for custom nodes', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
from_file : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description='Take command input from the indicated file (command-line client only)', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
log_handlers : List[str] = Field(default=["console"], description='Log handler. Valid options are "console", "file=<path>", "syslog=path|address:host:port", "http=<url>"', json_schema_extra=Categories.Logging)
# note - would be better to read the log_format values from logging.py, but this creates circular dependencies issues
log_format : Literal['plain', 'color', 'syslog', 'legacy'] = Field(default="color", description='Log format. Use "plain" for text-only, "color" for colorized output, "legacy" for 2.3-style logging and "syslog" for syslog-style', json_schema_extra=Categories.Logging)
log_level : Literal["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"] = Field(default="info", description="Emit logging messages at this level or higher", json_schema_extra=Categories.Logging)
log_sql : bool = Field(default=False, description="Log SQL queries", json_schema_extra=Categories.Logging)
# Development
dev_reload : bool = Field(default=False, description="Automatically reload when Python sources are changed.", json_schema_extra=Categories.Development)
profile_graphs : bool = Field(default=False, description="Enable graph profiling", json_schema_extra=Categories.Development)
profile_prefix : Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="An optional prefix for profile output files.", json_schema_extra=Categories.Development)
profiles_dir : Path = Field(default=Path('profiles'), description="Directory for graph profiles", json_schema_extra=Categories.Development)
skip_model_hash : bool = Field(default=False, description="Skip model hashing, instead assigning a UUID to models. Useful when using a memory db to reduce startup time.", json_schema_extra=Categories.Development)
version : bool = Field(default=False, description="Show InvokeAI version and exit", json_schema_extra=Categories.CLIArgs)
ram : float = Field(default=DEFAULT_RAM_CACHE, gt=0, description="Maximum memory amount used by model cache for rapid switching (floating point number, GB)", json_schema_extra=Categories.ModelCache, )
vram : float = Field(default=DEFAULT_VRAM_CACHE, ge=0, description="Amount of VRAM reserved for model storage (floating point number, GB)", json_schema_extra=Categories.ModelCache, )
convert_cache : float = Field(default=DEFAULT_CONVERT_CACHE, ge=0, description="Maximum size of on-disk converted models cache (GB)", json_schema_extra=Categories.ModelCache)
lazy_offload : bool = Field(default=True, description="Keep models in VRAM until their space is needed", json_schema_extra=Categories.ModelCache, )
log_memory_usage : bool = Field(default=False, description="If True, a memory snapshot will be captured before and after every model cache operation, and the result will be logged (at debug level). There is a time cost to capturing the memory snapshots, so it is recommended to only enable this feature if you are actively inspecting the model cache's behaviour.", json_schema_extra=Categories.ModelCache)
device : Literal["auto", "cpu", "cuda", "cuda:1", "mps"] = Field(default="auto", description="Generation device", json_schema_extra=Categories.Device)
precision : Literal["auto", "float16", "bfloat16", "float32", "autocast"] = Field(default="auto", description="Floating point precision", json_schema_extra=Categories.Device)
sequential_guidance : bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether to calculate guidance in serial instead of in parallel, lowering memory requirements", json_schema_extra=Categories.Generation)
attention_type : Literal["auto", "normal", "xformers", "sliced", "torch-sdp"] = Field(default="auto", description="Attention type", json_schema_extra=Categories.Generation)
attention_slice_size: Literal["auto", "balanced", "max", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] = Field(default="auto", description='Slice size, valid when attention_type=="sliced"', json_schema_extra=Categories.Generation)
force_tiled_decode : bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether to enable tiled VAE decode (reduces memory consumption with some performance penalty)", json_schema_extra=Categories.Generation)
png_compress_level : int = Field(default=1, description="The compress_level setting of PIL.Image.save(), used for PNG encoding. All settings are lossless. 0 = fastest, largest filesize, 9 = slowest, smallest filesize", json_schema_extra=Categories.Generation)
max_queue_size : int = Field(default=10000, gt=0, description="Maximum number of items in the session queue", json_schema_extra=Categories.Queue)
allow_nodes : Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, description="List of nodes to allow. Omit to allow all.", json_schema_extra=Categories.Nodes)
deny_nodes : Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, description="List of nodes to deny. Omit to deny none.", json_schema_extra=Categories.Nodes)
node_cache_size : int = Field(default=512, description="How many cached nodes to keep in memory", json_schema_extra=Categories.Nodes)
remote_api_tokens : Optional[list[URLRegexToken]] = Field(default=None, description="List of regular expression and token pairs used when downloading models from URLs. The download URL is tested against the regex, and if it matches, the token is provided in as a Bearer token.", json_schema_extra=Categories.ModelInstall)
always_use_cpu : bool = Field(default=False, description="If true, use the CPU for rendering even if a GPU is available.", json_schema_extra=Categories.MemoryPerformance)
max_cache_size : Optional[float] = Field(default=None, gt=0, description="Maximum memory amount used by model cache for rapid switching", json_schema_extra=Categories.MemoryPerformance)
max_vram_cache_size : Optional[float] = Field(default=None, ge=0, description="Amount of VRAM reserved for model storage", json_schema_extra=Categories.MemoryPerformance)
xformers_enabled : bool = Field(default=True, description="Enable/disable memory-efficient attention", json_schema_extra=Categories.MemoryPerformance)
tiled_decode : bool = Field(default=False, description="Whether to enable tiled VAE decode (reduces memory consumption with some performance penalty)", json_schema_extra=Categories.MemoryPerformance)
lora_dir : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description='Path to a directory of LoRA/LyCORIS models to be imported on startup.', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
embedding_dir : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description='Path to a directory of Textual Inversion embeddings to be imported on startup.', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
controlnet_dir : Optional[Path] = Field(default=None, description='Path to a directory of ControlNet embeddings to be imported on startup.', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
conf_path : Path = Field(default=Path('configs/models.yaml'), description='Path to models definition file', json_schema_extra=Categories.Paths)
# this is not referred to in the source code and can be removed entirely
#free_gpu_mem : Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, description="If true, purge model from GPU after each generation.", json_schema_extra=Categories.MemoryPerformance)
# See InvokeAIAppConfig subclass below for CACHE and DEVICE categories
# fmt: on
model_config = SettingsConfigDict(validate_assignment=True, env_prefix="INVOKEAI")
def parse_args(
argv: Optional[list[str]] = None,
conf: Optional[DictConfig] = None,
clobber: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> None:
Update settings with contents of init file, environment, and command-line settings.
:param conf: alternate Omegaconf dictionary object
:param argv: aternate sys.argv list
:param clobber: ovewrite any initialization parameters passed during initialization
# Set the runtime root directory. We parse command-line switches here
# in order to pick up the --root_dir option.
loaded_conf = None
if conf is None:
loaded_conf = OmegaConf.load(self.root_dir / INIT_FILE)
except Exception:
if isinstance(loaded_conf, DictConfig):
InvokeAISettings.initconf = loaded_conf
InvokeAISettings.initconf = conf
# parse args again in order to pick up settings in configuration file
if self.singleton_init and not clobber:
# When setting values in this way, set validate_assignment to true if you want to validate the value.
for k, v in self.singleton_init.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def get_config(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> InvokeAIAppConfig:
"""Return a singleton InvokeAIAppConfig configuration object."""
if (
cls.singleton_config is None
or type(cls.singleton_config) is not cls
or (kwargs and cls.singleton_init != kwargs)
cls.singleton_config = cls(**kwargs)
cls.singleton_init = kwargs
return cls.singleton_config
def root_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the runtime root directory."""
if self.root:
root = Path(self.root).expanduser().absolute()
root = self.find_root().expanduser().absolute()
self.root = root # insulate ourselves from relative paths that may change
return root.resolve()
def root_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Alias for above."""
return self.root_path
def _resolve(self, partial_path: Path) -> Path:
return (self.root_path / partial_path).resolve()
def init_file_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to invokeai.yaml."""
resolved_path = self._resolve(INIT_FILE)
assert resolved_path is not None
return resolved_path
def output_path(self) -> Optional[Path]:
"""Path to defaults outputs directory."""
return self._resolve(self.outdir)
def db_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the invokeai.db file."""
db_dir = self._resolve(self.db_dir)
assert db_dir is not None
return db_dir / DB_FILE
def model_conf_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to models configuration file."""
return self._resolve(self.conf_path)
def legacy_conf_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to directory of legacy configuration files (e.g. v1-inference.yaml)."""
return self._resolve(self.legacy_conf_dir)
def models_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the models directory."""
return self._resolve(self.models_dir)
def models_convert_cache_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the converted cache models directory."""
return self._resolve(self.convert_cache_dir)
def custom_nodes_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the custom nodes directory."""
custom_nodes_path = self._resolve(self.custom_nodes_dir)
assert custom_nodes_path is not None
return custom_nodes_path
# the following methods support legacy calls leftover from the Globals era
def full_precision(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if precision set to float32."""
return self.precision == "float32"
def try_patchmatch(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if patchmatch true."""
return self.patchmatch
def nsfw_checker(self) -> bool:
"""Return value for NSFW checker. The NSFW node is always active and disabled from Web UI."""
return True
def invisible_watermark(self) -> bool:
"""Return value of invisible watermark. It is always active and disabled from Web UI."""
return True
def ram_cache_size(self) -> float:
"""Return the ram cache size using the legacy or modern setting (GB)."""
return self.max_cache_size or self.ram
def vram_cache_size(self) -> float:
"""Return the vram cache size using the legacy or modern setting (GB)."""
return self.max_vram_cache_size or self.vram
def convert_cache_size(self) -> float:
"""Return the convert cache size on disk (GB)."""
return self.convert_cache
def use_cpu(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if the device is set to CPU or the always_use_cpu flag is set."""
return self.always_use_cpu or self.device == "cpu"
def disable_xformers(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if enable_xformers is false (reversed logic) and attention type is not set to xformers."""
disabled_in_config = not self.xformers_enabled
return disabled_in_config and self.attention_type != "xformers"
def profiles_path(self) -> Path:
"""Path to the graph profiles directory."""
return self._resolve(self.profiles_dir)
def find_root() -> Path:
"""Choose the runtime root directory when not specified on command line or init file."""
return _find_root()
def get_invokeai_config(**kwargs: Any) -> InvokeAIAppConfig:
"""Legacy function which returns InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config()."""
return InvokeAIAppConfig.get_config(**kwargs)
def _find_root() -> Path:
venv = Path(os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV") or ".")
if os.environ.get("INVOKEAI_ROOT"):
root = Path(os.environ["INVOKEAI_ROOT"])
elif any((venv.parent / x).exists() for x in [INIT_FILE, LEGACY_INIT_FILE]):
root = (venv.parent).resolve()
root = Path("~/invokeai").expanduser().resolve()
return root