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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
- Add and use more performant `deepClone` method for deep copying throughout the UI. Benchmarks indicate the Really Fast Deep Clone library (`rfdc`) is the best all-around way to deep-clone large objects. This is particularly relevant in canvas. When drawing or otherwise manipulating canvas objects, we need to do a lot of deep cloning of the canvas layer state objects. Previously, we were using lodash's `cloneDeep`. I did some fairly realistic benchmarks with a handful of deep-cloning algorithms/libraries (including the native `structuredClone`). I used a snapshot of the canvas state as the data to be copied: On Chromium, `rfdc` is by far the fastest, over an order of magnitude faster than `cloneDeep`. On FF, `fastest-json-copy` and `recursiveDeepCopy` are even faster, but are rather limited in data types. `rfdc`, while only half as fast as the former 2, is still nearly an order of magnitude faster than `cloneDeep`. On Safari, `structuredClone` is the fastest, about 2x as fast as `cloneDeep`. `rfdc` is only 30% faster than `cloneDeep`. `rfdc`'s peak memory usage is about 10% more than `cloneDeep` on Chrome. I couldn't get memory measurements from FF and Safari, but let's just assume the memory usage is similar relative to the other algos. Overall, `rfdc` is the best choice for a single algo for all browsers. It's definitely the best for Chromium, by far the most popular desktop browser and thus our primary target. A future enhancement might be to detect the browser and use that to determine which algorithm to use.
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