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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
1. resize installer window to give more room for configure and download forms 2. replace '\' with '/' in directory names to allow user to drag-and-drop folders into the dialogue boxes that accept directories. 3. similar change in CLI for the !import_model and !convert_model commands 4. better error reporting when a model download fails due to network errors 5. put the launcher scripts into a loop so that menu reappears after invokeai, merge script, etc exits. User can quit with "Q". 6. do not try to download fp16 of sd-ft-mse-vae, since it doesn't exist. 7. cleaned up status reporting when installing models
165 lines
6.0 KiB
165 lines
6.0 KiB
Widget class definitions used by model_select.py, merge_diffusers.py and textual_inversion.py
import math
import platform
import npyscreen
import os
import sys
import curses
import struct
from shutil import get_terminal_size
# -------------------------------------
def set_terminal_size(columns: int, lines: int):
OS = platform.uname().system
if OS=="Windows":
os.system(f'mode con: cols={columns} lines={lines}')
elif OS in ['Darwin', 'Linux']:
import termios
import fcntl
winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", lines, columns, 0, 0)
fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCSWINSZ, winsize)
sys.stdout.write("\x1b[8;{rows};{cols}t".format(rows=lines, cols=columns))
def set_min_terminal_size(min_cols: int, min_lines: int):
# make sure there's enough room for the ui
term_cols, term_lines = get_terminal_size()
cols = max(term_cols, min_cols)
lines = max(term_lines, min_lines)
class IntSlider(npyscreen.Slider):
def translate_value(self):
stri = "%2d / %2d" % (self.value, self.out_of)
l = (len(str(self.out_of))) * 2 + 4
stri = stri.rjust(l)
return stri
# -------------------------------------
class CenteredTitleText(npyscreen.TitleText):
def __init__(self,*args,**keywords):
def resize(self):
maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx()
label = self.name
self.relx = (maxx - len(label)) // 2
# -------------------------------------
class CenteredButtonPress(npyscreen.ButtonPress):
def resize(self):
maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx()
label = self.name
self.relx = (maxx - len(label)) // 2
# -------------------------------------
class OffsetButtonPress(npyscreen.ButtonPress):
def __init__(self, screen, offset=0, *args, **keywords):
super().__init__(screen, *args, **keywords)
self.offset = offset
def resize(self):
maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx()
width = len(self.name)
self.relx = self.offset + (maxx - width) // 2
class IntTitleSlider(npyscreen.TitleText):
_entry_type = IntSlider
class FloatSlider(npyscreen.Slider):
# this is supposed to adjust display precision, but doesn't
def translate_value(self):
stri = "%3.2f / %3.2f" % (self.value, self.out_of)
l = (len(str(self.out_of))) * 2 + 4
stri = stri.rjust(l)
return stri
class FloatTitleSlider(npyscreen.TitleText):
_entry_type = FloatSlider
class MultiSelectColumns(npyscreen.MultiSelect):
def __init__(self, screen, columns: int=1, values: list=[], **keywords):
self.columns = columns
self.value_cnt = len(values)
self.rows = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns)
super().__init__(screen,values=values, **keywords)
def make_contained_widgets(self):
self._my_widgets = []
column_width = self.width // self.columns
for h in range(self.value_cnt):
rely=self.rely + (h % self.rows) * self._contained_widget_height,
relx=self.relx + (h // self.rows) * column_width,
def set_up_handlers(self):
curses.KEY_UP: self.h_cursor_line_left,
curses.KEY_DOWN: self.h_cursor_line_right,
def h_cursor_line_down(self, ch):
self.cursor_line += self.rows
if self.cursor_line >= len(self.values):
if self.scroll_exit:
self.cursor_line = len(self.values)-self.rows
return True
self.cursor_line -= self.rows
return True
def h_cursor_line_up(self, ch):
self.cursor_line -= self.rows
if self.cursor_line < 0:
if self.scroll_exit:
self.cursor_line = 0
self.cursor_line = 0
def h_cursor_line_left(self,ch):
def h_cursor_line_right(self,ch):
class TextBox(npyscreen.MultiLineEdit):
def update(self, clear=True):
if clear: self.clear()
HEIGHT = self.height
WIDTH = self.width
# draw box.
self.parent.curses_pad.hline(self.rely, self.relx, curses.ACS_HLINE, WIDTH)
self.parent.curses_pad.hline(self.rely + HEIGHT, self.relx, curses.ACS_HLINE, WIDTH)
self.parent.curses_pad.vline(self.rely, self.relx, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.height)
self.parent.curses_pad.vline(self.rely, self.relx+WIDTH, curses.ACS_VLINE, HEIGHT)
# draw corners
self.parent.curses_pad.addch(self.rely, self.relx, curses.ACS_ULCORNER, )
self.parent.curses_pad.addch(self.rely, self.relx+WIDTH, curses.ACS_URCORNER, )
self.parent.curses_pad.addch(self.rely+HEIGHT, self.relx, curses.ACS_LLCORNER, )
self.parent.curses_pad.addch(self.rely+HEIGHT, self.relx+WIDTH, curses.ACS_LRCORNER, )
# fool our superclass into thinking drawing area is smaller - this is really hacky but it seems to work
(relx,rely,height,width) = (self.relx, self.rely, self.height, self.width)
self.relx += 1
self.rely += 1
self.height -= 1
self.width -= 1
(self.relx,self.rely,self.height,self.width) = (relx, rely, height, width)