
340 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2023 Kyle Schouviller (
from typing import Annotated, Any, List, Literal, Optional, Union
from fastapi.routing import APIRouter, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, parse_obj_as
from ..dependencies import ApiDependencies
models_router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1/models", tags=["models"])
class VaeRepo(BaseModel):
repo_id: str = Field(description="The repo ID to use for this VAE")
path: Optional[str] = Field(description="The path to the VAE")
subfolder: Optional[str] = Field(description="The subfolder to use for this VAE")
class ModelInfo(BaseModel):
description: Optional[str] = Field(description="A description of the model")
class CkptModelInfo(ModelInfo):
format: Literal['ckpt'] = 'ckpt'
config: str = Field(description="The path to the model config")
weights: str = Field(description="The path to the model weights")
vae: str = Field(description="The path to the model VAE")
width: Optional[int] = Field(description="The width of the model")
height: Optional[int] = Field(description="The height of the model")
class DiffusersModelInfo(ModelInfo):
format: Literal['diffusers'] = 'diffusers'
vae: Optional[VaeRepo] = Field(description="The VAE repo to use for this model")
repo_id: Optional[str] = Field(description="The repo ID to use for this model")
path: Optional[str] = Field(description="The path to the model")
class modelInfo(ModelInfo):
info: Annotated[Union[CkptModelInfo,DiffusersModelInfo], Field(discriminator="format")]
class CreateModelRequest (BaseModel):
name: str = Field(description="The name of the model")
info: modelInfo = Field(description="The model details and configuration")
class CreateModelResponse (BaseModel):
name: str = Field(description="The name of the new model")
info: modelInfo = Field(description="The model details and configuration")
status: str = Field(description="The status of the API response")
class ModelsList(BaseModel):
models: dict[str, Annotated[Union[(CkptModelInfo,DiffusersModelInfo)], Field(discriminator="format")]]
responses={200: {"model": ModelsList }},
async def list_models() -> ModelsList:
"""Gets a list of models"""
models_raw =
models = parse_obj_as(ModelsList, { "models": models_raw })
return models
#Update Model
201: {
"model_response": Union[CkptModelInfo, DiffusersModelInfo],
202: {
"description": "Model submission is processing. Check back later."
async def update_model(
model_request: CreateModelRequest
) -> CreateModelResponse:
"""Adds a new model to the active model configuration file."""
model_response = CreateModelResponse(,, status="success")
except Exception as e:
# Handle any exceptions thrown during the execution of the method
# or raise the exception to be handled by the global exception handler
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
return model_response
""" Delete Model """
responses={204: {"description": "Model deleted"}, 404: {"description": "Model not found"}},
async def delete_model(model_name: str) -> None:
"""Deletes a model based on the model name."""
# check if model exists
if model_name not in
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Model '{model_name}' not found")
# delete model
print(f">> Deleting Model: {model_name}"), delete_files=True)
print(f">> Model Deleted: {model_name}")
except Exception as e:
# Handle any exceptions thrown during the execution of the method
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
# @socketio.on("requestSystemConfig")
# def handle_request_capabilities():
# print(">> System config requested")
# config = self.get_system_config()
# config["model_list"] = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# config["infill_methods"] = infill_methods()
# socketio.emit("systemConfig", config)
# @socketio.on("searchForModels")
# def handle_search_models(search_folder: str):
# try:
# if not search_folder:
# socketio.emit(
# "foundModels",
# {"search_folder": None, "found_models": None},
# )
# else:
# (
# search_folder,
# found_models,
# ) = self.generate.model_manager.search_models(search_folder)
# socketio.emit(
# "foundModels",
# {"search_folder": search_folder, "found_models": found_models},
# )
# except Exception as e:
# self.handle_exceptions(e)
# print("\n")
# @socketio.on("addNewModel")
# def handle_add_model(new_model_config: dict):
# try:
# model_name = new_model_config["name"]
# del new_model_config["name"]
# model_attributes = new_model_config
# if len(model_attributes["vae"]) == 0:
# del model_attributes["vae"]
# update = False
# current_model_list = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# if model_name in current_model_list:
# update = True
# print(f">> Adding New Model: {model_name}")
# self.generate.model_manager.add_model(
# model_name=model_name,
# model_attributes=model_attributes,
# clobber=True,
# )
# self.generate.model_manager.commit(opt.conf)
# new_model_list = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# socketio.emit(
# "newModelAdded",
# {
# "new_model_name": model_name,
# "model_list": new_model_list,
# "update": update,
# },
# )
# print(f">> New Model Added: {model_name}")
# except Exception as e:
# self.handle_exceptions(e)
# @socketio.on("deleteModel")
# def handle_delete_model(model_name: str):
# try:
# print(f">> Deleting Model: {model_name}")
# self.generate.model_manager.del_model(model_name)
# self.generate.model_manager.commit(opt.conf)
# updated_model_list = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# socketio.emit(
# "modelDeleted",
# {
# "deleted_model_name": model_name,
# "model_list": updated_model_list,
# },
# )
# print(f">> Model Deleted: {model_name}")
# except Exception as e:
# self.handle_exceptions(e)
# @socketio.on("requestModelChange")
# def handle_set_model(model_name: str):
# try:
# print(f">> Model change requested: {model_name}")
# model = self.generate.set_model(model_name)
# model_list = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# if model is None:
# socketio.emit(
# "modelChangeFailed",
# {"model_name": model_name, "model_list": model_list},
# )
# else:
# socketio.emit(
# "modelChanged",
# {"model_name": model_name, "model_list": model_list},
# )
# except Exception as e:
# self.handle_exceptions(e)
# @socketio.on("convertToDiffusers")
# def convert_to_diffusers(model_to_convert: dict):
# try:
# if model_info := self.generate.model_manager.model_info(
# model_name=model_to_convert["model_name"]
# ):
# if "weights" in model_info:
# ckpt_path = Path(model_info["weights"])
# original_config_file = Path(model_info["config"])
# model_name = model_to_convert["model_name"]
# model_description = model_info["description"]
# else:
# self.socketio.emit(
# "error", {"message": "Model is not a valid checkpoint file"}
# )
# else:
# self.socketio.emit(
# "error", {"message": "Could not retrieve model info."}
# )
# if not ckpt_path.is_absolute():
# ckpt_path = Path(Globals.root, ckpt_path)
# if original_config_file and not original_config_file.is_absolute():
# original_config_file = Path(Globals.root, original_config_file)
# diffusers_path = Path(
# ckpt_path.parent.absolute(), f"{model_name}_diffusers"
# )
# if model_to_convert["save_location"] == "root":
# diffusers_path = Path(
# global_converted_ckpts_dir(), f"{model_name}_diffusers"
# )
# if (
# model_to_convert["save_location"] == "custom"
# and model_to_convert["custom_location"] is not None
# ):
# diffusers_path = Path(
# model_to_convert["custom_location"], f"{model_name}_diffusers"
# )
# if diffusers_path.exists():
# shutil.rmtree(diffusers_path)
# self.generate.model_manager.convert_and_import(
# ckpt_path,
# diffusers_path,
# model_name=model_name,
# model_description=model_description,
# vae=None,
# original_config_file=original_config_file,
# commit_to_conf=opt.conf,
# )
# new_model_list = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# socketio.emit(
# "modelConverted",
# {
# "new_model_name": model_name,
# "model_list": new_model_list,
# "update": True,
# },
# )
# print(f">> Model Converted: {model_name}")
# except Exception as e:
# self.handle_exceptions(e)
# @socketio.on("mergeDiffusersModels")
# def merge_diffusers_models(model_merge_info: dict):
# try:
# models_to_merge = model_merge_info["models_to_merge"]
# model_ids_or_paths = [
# self.generate.model_manager.model_name_or_path(x)
# for x in models_to_merge
# ]
# merged_pipe = merge_diffusion_models(
# model_ids_or_paths,
# model_merge_info["alpha"],
# model_merge_info["interp"],
# model_merge_info["force"],
# )
# dump_path = global_models_dir() / "merged_models"
# if model_merge_info["model_merge_save_path"] is not None:
# dump_path = Path(model_merge_info["model_merge_save_path"])
# os.makedirs(dump_path, exist_ok=True)
# dump_path = dump_path / model_merge_info["merged_model_name"]
# merged_pipe.save_pretrained(dump_path, safe_serialization=1)
# merged_model_config = dict(
# model_name=model_merge_info["merged_model_name"],
# description=f'Merge of models {", ".join(models_to_merge)}',
# commit_to_conf=opt.conf,
# )
# if vae := self.generate.model_manager.config[models_to_merge[0]].get(
# "vae", None
# ):
# print(f">> Using configured VAE assigned to {models_to_merge[0]}")
# merged_model_config.update(vae=vae)
# self.generate.model_manager.import_diffuser_model(
# dump_path, **merged_model_config
# )
# new_model_list = self.generate.model_manager.list_models()
# socketio.emit(
# "modelsMerged",
# {
# "merged_models": models_to_merge,
# "merged_model_name": model_merge_info["merged_model_name"],
# "model_list": new_model_list,
# "update": True,
# },
# )
# print(f">> Models Merged: {models_to_merge}")
# print(f">> New Model Added: {model_merge_info['merged_model_name']}")
# except Exception as e:
# self.handle_exceptions(e)