mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
multi-select actions include: - drag to board to move all to that board - right click to add all to board or delete all backend changes: - add routes for changing board for list of image names, deleting list of images - change image-specific routes to `images/i/{image_name}` to not clobber other routes (like `images/upload`, `images/delete`) - subclass pydantic `BaseModel` as `BaseModelExcludeNull`, which excludes null values when calling `dict()` on the model. this fixes inconsistent types related to JSON parsing null values into `null` instead of `undefined` - remove `board_id` from `remove_image_from_board` frontend changes: - multi-selection stuff uses `ImageDTO[]` as payloads, for dnd and other mutations. this gives us access to image `board_id`s when hitting routes, and enables efficient cache updates. - consolidate change board and delete image modals to handle single and multiples - board totals are now re-fetched on mutation and not kept in sync manually - was way too tedious to do this - fixed warning about nested `<p>` elements - closes #4088 , need to handle case when `autoAddBoardId` is `"none"` - add option to show gallery image delete button on every gallery image frontend refactors/organisation: - make typegen script js instead of ts - enable `noUncheckedIndexedAccess` to help avoid bugs when indexing into arrays, many small changes needed to satisfy TS after this - move all image-related endpoints into `endpoints/images.ts`, its a big file now, but this fixes a number of circular dependency issues that were otherwise felt impossible to resolve
165 lines
5.0 KiB
165 lines
5.0 KiB
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